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A kinky lil message,

It will be such a turn on for me just knowing how this is going to make you fee
As you stand I advance slowly by kissing my way down every curve of your body. Y
ou play a little coy. A shy tease of reluctance as my hand glides beneath your t
iny mini. My fingers gently breeze along the edge of your panties. I hear you ho
ld your breath for a moment a sensation of tingling with a slight shiver, you ti
ny hair follicles rise responding to how I am easing inside closer toward your t
highs then alongside your smooth buttocks.
I pause. I wait back a moment before I make contact with any part of you sweetne
ss. You figure that I m going to advance, zero in on you at any second, but you se
e I don't give in immediately, as this is my slow approach. The pleasure in a te
ase a delay was unexpected as to please. A quick tense then a slight twitch of s
ensitivity as I continue. Your so petite, gorgeous you look so stunning to the e
ye and now I m more stimulated from how your body s reacting to this enjoyment.
Your sight movements you quiver as you relax. Gently I so very slowly I begin as
I spread them with my mouth. I lick then kiss your inner lips to taste your swe
etness your nectar, labia and vagina a slight suck as I glide in then up and dow
n. I gradually work my way around you sliding underneath your mini to lick you f
rom behind. So moist, perfect and fresh. I stop. Then sit you down my hand firm
to embrace. I gradually insert my finger inside you I do it so indirectly, softl
y I tease you before I make any clitoral contact you become fully aroused as I t
urn you to your side. My position is crucial as I thrust myself deep inside your
tight wet pussy but only that once as my swollen member throbs from being surro
unded by your warmth. I withdraw Just in time I offload across the room on its w
ay out. It s the perfect moment that I can t resist the pleasure of having my warm t
ongue glide ever so softly into your inner sanctum. Quickly I begin working my w
ay up to a more intense action I can see I make you feel so sexy and admired you
cum for me you cum from my oral at that moment there's nowhere else I'd rather
be. As you shake I revert immediately to a gentler kiss. I lick you till you sle
ep. Well I hope that put a smile on your face! ???? WDP

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