Meeting 2 - Stone 1 - 6 - 9

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Specific Methods of Teaching

Meeting #2 Stone Chap. 1, 6, & 9

1. Jenny Holstrohm suggested that high school teachers should: Call
home Reward good academics Celebrate birthdays Involve
parents Take risks. Which would you do first which would have to
come later?
2. Why does Ron Popalau believe in experiential or service learning? How
do students benefit from this kind of learning? Are there things you
must have in place to make this successful?
3. What are some things that a teacher can do to make sure that a field
trip is effective and will enhance learning?
4. Why should teachers be willing to sell their subject? What does that
mean to you?
5. How does a teacher get students to believe in themselves? Is it
important to do so?
6. A local teacher created an incident in her classroom and community by
doing a lesson on freedom of speech in which she illustrated the idea
by stepping on the flag. This proved to be very controversial. Should a
teacher avoid controversial subjects? What are some things a teacher
can do to assure success rather than controversy in situations like this?
7. What are some things that you as the teacher can to do accommodate
and include special needs students in your class?
8. Do you have some ideas or examples of ways we might get students to
connect with and learn from interactions with community members?
9. What was one of the techniques or ideas that you read about that you
are excited to try out in your classroom?
Was there a particular idea you encountered in the reading that
you are sure will be part of your classroom practice?
How would you complete the following statement: A good
teacher is someone who
On page 17, Debra Peppers describes how action research was
used to document the effectiveness of role playing. What is action
research? What types of activities provided the evidence or data used
to evaluate this practice in her classes?

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