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Biological: Pathogen growth if temperature

compromised (Salmonella, Clostridium
botulism, Listeria monocytogenes). Chemical:
Risk for mercury poisoning if not fully cooked in
smoking process.
Smoked salmon will be received with
proper labels (discard by date), vacuum
packed, on pallets. Delivered between 37-
38 degrees F.
Salmon is approved and is to be moved
immediately to refrigerator/cooler with
temperature 37-38 degrees F. Boxes and
packaging will be checked for
compromises or dents. Salmon should
not appear contaminated, dirty,
manipulated, or miscolored for ensured
safety. Ìnvoices kept on premises for 90
Refuse delivery and return if content is
compromised. Discard product if sign of
Production, receiving, and temperature (3
times a day) logs.
Temperature of refrigerated items to be
checked upon arrival. Salmon moved
immediately to cooler and checked for
temperature of fish and cooler.
Thermometer calibrated each use. Cooler
temperature verfied by electronic device.
Ìnspection for damage. Manager to
oversee verifications.
Biological: Pathogen growth if temperature is
compromised. Ìmproper salt storing content
may create environment for pathogen growth.
To avoid compromised temperatures, the
fish is to be stored at or below 38 degrees
F. Proper labeling of cooked and
uncooked fish on bottom racks.
Stored at least 6 feet off the ground.
Labels visible with 1-2 week storage limit
in refrigerator/cooler. Temperatures taken
and recorded 3 times a day by properly
trained staff. Temperature logs reveiewed
by manager daily. Proper sanitation when
checking temperatures.
Do not refreeze thawed items. Adjust
temperature if necessary. Hold for review.
Discard if temperature goes above 38
degrees F or temperature is unknown.
Production, temperature, recording, and
discard by date logs.
Daily records checked by manager.
Thermometer calibrated daily before each
use. Cooler temperature verified by
electronic device. Ìnspection for damage.
Biological: Cross-contamination risk during
slicing, preparation and plating of smoked
During slicing of smoked salmon, care
must be taken to ensure proper food
safety handling. Handwashing of
foodservice worker must follow standard
operating procedure, including use of hot
water and soap, scrubbing for seconds.
Foodservice worker should wear gloves,
and re-wash hands and change gloves
after touching hair or face, sneezing,
coughing, or other forms of cross-
contamination. When cutting fish, the
correct cutting board should be used (blue
for fish, or red depending on foodservice
operation) to prevent cross-contamination.
Manager should spot check for proper
hand washing, and lead frequent
procedural trainings, on topics including
cutting board use, hand washing, and
cross-contamination risk, ensuring staff is
properly following procedures each and
every time they are handling food product.
Ìf cross-contamination risk occurs, such as
forgetting to wash hands or use of the
wrong cutting board, greater concern
should be taken for safety of customers
over cost or waste concerns, and all at-
risk foods should be discarded.
Ìf hand washing becomes a problem area
based on spot checks, a daily checklist for
employees could be implemented to
indicate hand washing maintains sufficient
Verify HACCP plan procedure is effective
and achieving the intended impact,
including who is responsible for carrying
them out, where it is to be recorded, and
repercussions for not following
Biological: bacterial growth risk during cold
holding of smoked salmon.
Calibration of holding equipment and
thermometer. Thermometers calibrated
daily and watch for storage temperature.
Manager checks for temperature of cold
holding units at least twice a day.
Discard if food is >41º F for 2 hours or if
time out of temperature is unknown. Do
not refreeze thawed food, may be
refrigerated if under 41º F. Separate raw
foods from cooked and ready to eat foods
if contamination is not found. Ìf
contamination is found, discard
contaminated items.
Log book for manager's temperature
checks for cold holding. Management will
check for proper food storage.
Management will review logs daily, and
monitor thermometer calibration and
Serving Biological - Salmonella Growth
Cold food serving temperature less than or
equal to 50 degrees F at point of serving.
Food cooled to 41 degrees F within 6
hours. Cover and stored above raw foods.
Label with use by date.
While being served, temperature is
monitored on hourly basis. Discard items if not kept at temperature.
Temperature at time logging. Food
handler is responsible for monitoring
serving temperatures.
Maintain temperature spreadsheet and
manager should be double checking
procedures are running correctly.
Reheating/ Discarding Biological-Salmonella Growth
Discard food items if not served/stored
Food should be monitored throughout
serving/thawing on an hourly basis. Ìf not
properly monitored, should be discarded Discard items if not kept at temperature. Time, temperature, and date discarded
Check temperature while
reheating/thawing. Managment will review
process of thawing and determine
accuracy. Discard if not done properly
Sasha - Background & Reheating/Discarding
Kari - Receiving & Storing
Kelly - Production & Holding
Monica - PPT & Serving
HACCP Plan for: 2012 Netherlands & US Salmonella outbreak in Salmon
Process Step Hazards Preventative Measures & Critical Limits Monitoring Process Corrective Action Records Verifications

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