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100 Day!!

100 day is fastly approaching! If there arent

anymore snow days, we will be celebrating the 100



of school on T h u rsday , F eb ru ary 5 . To celebrate, we

will be filling the day with lots of fun activites, all about
the number 100. During the afternoon, Kindergarten is
teaming up with 1


grade! Each teacher will have a

station featuring a 100 day activity (building with 100

cups, 100 day snacketc). The students will rotate
through all the stations.
We are excited to celebrate 100 days of learning, and
want to get families envolved! We need your help to
make the day extra special for our Kindergarteners!

100 Day Float:

Help your child decorate a float using 100

items. Have fun counting together and get
creative! Just make sure that the float can
be pulled by the child through the hallway
(shoebox with a rope tow)

100 Day Shirts:

I encourage you to help your child decorate

a shirt for 100 day! It can be as simple or
creative as you like (100 polka dots100
eyesetc). Just another way to practice
counting to 100!

T h a n k y o u fo r y o u r h e lp !

L e t m e k n o w if y o u

h a v e a n y fu rth e r q u e stio n s.
M rs. L o n e rg a n

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