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Student Intern Observation

Name: Kelly Griffith

Grade Level: 2nd

Professional Knowledge
- effectively addresses curriculum
- integrates key content elements
and facilitates students use of
higher-order thinking skills in
- demonstrates ability to link
present content with past and
real-world learning experiences
- demonstrates an accurate
knowledge of the subject matter
- demonstrates skills relevant to
the subject taught
- bases instruction on goals that
reflect high expectations and an
understanding of the subject
- demonstrates an understanding
of the intellectual, social,
emotional, and physical
development of the age group
Instructional Planning
o designs coherent instruction
based upon knowledge of subject
matter, students and curriculum
o designs coherent instruction
based upon students prior
o plans instruction to achieve
objectives that reflect the SOLs
and division curriculum goals
o plans for differentiated
o aligns lesson objectives to the
schools curriculum and student
learning needs

Date: 10-22-14


o clearly knew content you wanted
to teach
o you interact with the students in
an appropriate manner for their
age group

o well planned with objectives

aligned with curriculum and
students learning needs
o lesson part of impact study

o develops appropriate long- and

short-range plans and adapts
plans when needed
Instructional Delivery
o engages and maintains students
in active learning
o builds upon students existing
knowledge and skills
o differentiates instruction to meet
students needs
o reinforces learning goals
consistently throughout lessons
o uses a variety of effective
instructional strategies and
o uses instructional technology to
enhance student learning
o communicates clearly
o uses questioning strategies to
check for understanding and
prompt higher order thinking

o connecting prior knowledge from

the day before to the current
o turn and talk to a partner keeps
students engaged in active
o good questioning of students as
you read the book
o some good Tier 2 vocabulary
would have been peer, search,
clever, admired, startled,
o good job reading the book aloud:
students could all see the pages as
you read and you showed them
while you were reading
o nice review of the key points of
the book about doubling as you
consistently asked the questions
about the story
o good wait time when you asked
questions about the book. Very
important, especially for ELL
o good questions as you modeled
the equations; you also used the
appropriately terminology: sum,
addend, etc.
o good use of technology during the
o nice job at allowing students to
come up and give their ideas
about the doubles list
o expressions like are we on the
same page? could be confusing
for ELL students, so these kinds of
things are opportunities to just
say, what does same page
o VERY good modeling and
explaining the activities to

students step by step

o You often called on the same
student, so just try and watch that
so you are giving all students
opportunities (popsicle sticks
could be an option, unless you
dont want to put students on the
o Very good reviewing the
directions with them after you
modeled the activity
o The only thing I would have
added before you handed out the
materials was to let students
know what to do if they finished
up the worksheet before other
o Uses pre-assessment data to
develop expectations for students
to differentiate instruction and to
document learning
o Involves students in setting
learning goals and monitoring
their own progress
o Uses a variety of assessment
strategies and instruments that
are valid and appropriate for the
content and for the student
o Aligns student assessment with
established curriculum standards
and benchmarks
o Uses assessment tools for both
formative and summative
o Gives constructive and frequent
feedback to students on their

o Asking students to make

o Activity about adding sums in the
pot: both with plastic sheet and
then with actual worksheet
o Good circulating to check on
students work

Learning Environment
o arranges the classroom to
maximize learning while

o Nice job getting them focused on

the rug
o Students are respectful of you so

providing a safe environment

establishes clear expectations
with student input for classroom
rules and procedures early in the
school year, and enforces them
consistently and fairly
establishes a climate of trust and
teamwork by being fair, caring,
respectful and enthusiastic
respects students diversity,
including language, culture, race,
gender and special needs
actively listens and pays attention
to students needs and responses
maximizes instructional learning
time by working with students
individually as well as in small
groups or whole groups.

it shows that you interact very

well with them
o Good that you waited for all of the
students to have eyes on you
before you went ahead and
explained what they needed to do

o demonstrates the ability to
analyze, problem-solve, and make
professional judgments
o collaborates and communicates
effectively within the school
community to promote students
well-being and success
o adheres to federal and state laws,
school policies, and ethical
o maintains appropriate
o demonstrates the ability to work
under time constraints and
ensure safety in emergencies
o arrives on time and prepared for
professional commitments,
including classes and field
o demonstrates the ability to
understand, apply, and extend
information presented in courses
to their work in professional
o demonstrates that learning to be

o well-prepared at all times

o takes feedback well and applies to
instruction and planning



a professional is an ongoing
process of reflection and analysis
and uses these skills as a
foundation for setting reasonable
and appropriate goals
o seeks assistance and follows
supervisors and mentor teachers
direction in a timely manner
o accepts and responds
appropriately to constructive
review of his/her work from
UMW faculty, administrators and
mentor teachers
o demonstrates consistent mastery
of academic oral and written
English in all professional
Student Academic Progress
o sets acceptable, measurable, and
appropriate achievement goals
for student learning progress
under mentor teachers guidance.
o Documents the progress of each
o Provides evidence that
achievement goals have been met,
using multiple measures of
student growth
o Uses available performance
outcome data to continually
document student academic
progress and develop interim
learning targets

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