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We all know that air pollution and water pollution

affect our very way of living life, but we still dont do

anything to prevent this from happening. Pollution has
always been with us from the time the Neanderthals
discovered fire. Because of their inadequate ventilation,
sooth developed on the ceilings of many caves. This was
about five to seven million years ago. It was only during
the industrial revolution, did pollution start take a bigger
Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into
a natural environment that causes instability, disorder,
harm or discomfort to the ecosystem i.e. physical
systems or living organisms. As stated by the Wikipedia
page on pollution. Pollution is happening all around us
from cars to the factories that make cars. There have
been many disasters that have taken place due to
pollutants in the air and the water. Some examples are
the recent oil spills of India and Mexico, and also
pollution is thought to have triggered the birds falling
from the sky in the United States. But what is said to be
the worst accident in the history of air and water
pollution (which, by the way, is very long) is the Bhopal
Gas Tragedy Here in India.

Cavemen discovering fire

along with the first ways of
polluting the enviroment

This is how the world will loo if we

continue to pollute

The Bhopal Gas Tragedy is said to be the worlds

worst industrial pollution incident with the estimated
death toll of 15,000. Methyl isocynate leaked out of tank
610 which contained approximately 42 tons of MIC. The
leak was caused by the huge amount of water entering
the tank causing a runaway reaction. This caused the
temperature in the tank to heat up beyond the suitable
range. This increased the pressure which eventually
made an opening allowing the gas to leak out. Because
of the northwesterly winds going over Bhopal, the gas
Tank 610 which contained 42 tonnes of
was pushed in the direction of the nearby houses.
Immediately the first sensations start to show. It was only after an
hour of inhalation did the real thing start.
Many people died because of the inhalation of the MIC gas
and others were severely injured of disabled.

Victims of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy

Memorial for the victims

of the Bhopal Gas

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