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It was in 1975 that the Republic of France first adopted the basic Metric System

as proposed by the French Academy of Sciences. As globalization has started to

bloom, there was a need for such a system to make it possible for the key players of
the world to interact with each other more effectively as in the fields of science and
math and more importantly for them, their economy. Due to this reason, other
countries followed suit like Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands in 1820, while
US Congress legalized the use of the metric system in 1866, and finally in 1970,
practically all the international community is using the Metric System, although US,
Liberia and Bulma still uses the English Imperial units.
The Metric System was made with several goals in mind. Its design was meant to
be as neutral as possible so that it could be adopted universally. The designers
developed defined the base units such in such a way that any laboratory equipped with
proper instruments should be able to make their own models of them. The use of a
pendulum was discarded since its period or, inversely, the legth of the string holding
the bob for the same period changes around the Earth, and hence the original base
units of the metric system was made that it could be derived from the length of a
meridian of the Earth and the weight of a certain volume of pure water. With the same
principle, they discarded using the circumference of the Earth over the Equator since
not all countries have access to the Equator while all countries have access to a
section of a meridian.
With the adoption of the Metric System, the growth of the academic and
economic world has spurted. A collective effort in studies and discoveries has been
possible in the field of science, engineering and even physics with the use of a
universal system as a measure. Scholars of different countries are able to review each
others works and exchange views as to provide an impetus for better findings.
Economics has also boomed due to the destruction, if not diminishing, of the barrier
of having different units of measurement of countries before, leading to international
trades being more efficient.

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