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part - i


find out the selling cost average for packagesdeveloped in pascal

display the names and ages of all the programmers
display the names of those who have done the dap course
display the name of the package which has sold the most.
display the name and the date of birth(in words) born in january.
display the lowest coursefee.
how many programmers have done the pgdca course.
how much of revenue earned through selling the pack. developed in c.
display the details of the packages for which dcost has been recoverd.
display the number of programmers who studies in sabhari.
find out the no of copies which should be sold in order to recover the cost
display the details of the packages whose sales crossed the 2000.
which is the costliest packages developed in c++
how many packages were developed in dbase.
how many programmers paid 5000 to 10000 for their course.
what is average coursefee.
display the information about the programmers who know c
how many programmers know either cobol or pascal.
how many programmers who dont know pascal and c.
who and how old is the oldest programmer.
what is the average age of the female programmers.
calculate the experience in years for each & display name in desc. order.
who are celebrate their birthdays during the current month.
display the no of female programmers.
what are the languages known by the male programmers.
what is the average salary.
how many people draw 2000 to 4000.
display the details of those who dont knowclipper,cobol or pascal
how many female are there who knows c or above 24 years old.
who are the programmer will be celebrating thier birthdays within a week.
display details of those with a less than a years experience.
display the detials of those who will be completing 2 yr of service this year
calculate the amount to be recovered for applicable packages.
list the details about the packages wich have not been sold yet.
find out the cost of the software deveoped by mary.
display the institute names from the studies table without duplications.
how many different courses are maintained in the studies table.
display the name whose names contains 2 occurances of letter a
display the name of the whose name contain upto 5 characters.
how many female knowing cobol have more than 2 yrs. of experience.
what is the length of the shortest name in the programmers table.
what is the average dcost of the packages developed in cobol.
display the name,sex,dob(dd-mm-yy),doj(dd-mm-yy)
what is the amount paid in salaries of the male who dont know cobol.
who are the programmers who are born on last day of the month.
display the title,scost,dcost&difference between scost&dcost in desc.
display the packages whose names contains more than one word.

part - ii



number of
number of
number of

packages developed in each languages.

packages developed by each person.
female and male programmers.
& highest selling pack. develop in each languages.

05. display the number of programmers born in each year.

06. display the number of programmers joined in each year.
07. display the number of programmers born in each month.
08. display the number of programmers joined in each month.
09. display the languages wise count of prof1
10. display the languages wise count of prof2.
11. display the number of people in each yeae salary group.
12. display the number of people who studied in each institute.
13. display the number of people who studied in each course.
14. display the total dcost of packages developed in each language.
15. display the scost of packages dveloped in each languages.
16. display the cost of packages sold by each programmer
17. display the sale value of the package devloped by each programmers.
18. display the number of packages sold by each programmer.
19. display the sales cost of the pack. devel. by each prog. languages wise.
20. display costliest,cheapest package developed by each person.
21. display each language name with avg dcost,scost and copy.
22. display each institute name with no of courses and avg cost per course.
23. display each institute name with no of students.
24. display the porgrammers name and thier packages.
25. display the programmers name and thier packages.
26. display the number of packages in each language except c & c++
27. display the number of packages in each language for which dcost<1000
28. display the avg differences between scost and dcost for each languages.
29. display the total scost,dcost and the amount to be recovered for each prog.
from those whose dcost has yet been recovered.
30. display the highest,lowest and avg salaries for those earning than 2000.

part - iii
01. who is the highest paid programmers.
02. who is the highest paid male cobol programmer
03. display the names of the highest paid prog. for each languages(prof1)
04. who is the last experienced programmer
05. who is the most experienced male programmers knowing pascal.
06. which language is known by only one programmer
07. who is thet above programmer
08. who is the youngest programmer knowing dbase
09. which female earning more than 2000 & don't know c,c++,oracle or dbase
10. which institute has the most of the students.
11. display the institute and offered course which has below avg. course fee.
12. which is the costliest course.
13. which institute conduct the costliest course.
14. which course has below average no of students.
15. which institute conducts above course.
16. display the courses whose fees and within 1000 and avg of fees.
17. which package has the highest dcost.
18. which package has the lowest dcost.
19. which course has been done by most of the students.
20. who developed the package that has sold the least noc (not zero)
21. which was used to develop the package which has the highest sales amt.
22. how many copies that has the least diff. between dcost &scost were sold.
23. which is the costliest package developed in pascal.
24. which language is used to develop the most of the packages.
25. which programmer has developed the highest no of packages.
26. who is the programmer of the costliest package.
27. display the name of the packages which have sold < the avg no copies.


who are the programmers for the packages which have recovered.
display name & cheapest package developed by them in each language.
display the language used by each programmer to develop the highest selling
lowest selling packages.
who is the youngest male programmere born in 1971.
who is the oldest female programmer joined in 1996.
in which year were the most of the programmer born.
in which month did the most of the programmer born.
in which language most of the programmers are proficient.
who are the male earning below the average salary of the female.

part - iv
01. display the details of those who are drawing the same salary.
02. display the details of the software devel. by the male earning > 3000.
03. display the details of the packages developed in pascal by the female
04. display the details of those programmers who joined before 1990.
05. display the details of software developed in c by the female of pragathi.
06. display the nop,noc sold and sales value of each prog. institute wise.
07. display the details of the software developed in dbase by the male who belong
to the institute in which most of the programmers studied.
08. display the details of the software developed by the male born before 1965 and
female programmers born after 1974.
09. display the dtails of the software developed in the language that is not
programmers first proficiency.
10. display the details of the software which is developed neither by prof1 nor
frof2 of the programmer.
11. display the details of the software developed by the male of
12. display the programmer name who have not developed any packages.
13. who are the programmes who joined on the same day.
14. who are the programmers who have prof2 as c.
15. display the total sales value of the software instutute wise.
16. in which institute does the person who developed the costliest package
institute wise.
17. which languages listed in prof1 and prof2 has not been used to develop.
18. how much does a person who develop the highest selling package earn and what
course did he or she undergo.
19. how many months did it take for each programmer to recover the cost of the
course underwent.
20. which is the costliest package dveloped by person with under three years of
21. what is the avg salry for those whose software sales is more than 50000.
22. how many packages are developed by students who studied institute that charges
the lowest coursefee.
23. how many packages are developed by the person who developed the cheapest
package and display the institute name where he/she studied.
24. how many packages are developed by the female programmers earning more than
the highest paid male programmer.
25. how many packages are developed by the most experienced programmers from
26. list the programmers and the institutes they studied including those who did
not developed any package.
27. list each prof1 with no of programmers having prof2 and the no of packages
developed in the prof2.
28. list the programmers name and the number of packages each has developed for
all the available programmers.

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