The Legend of Cantuña

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The Legend of Cantua

Cantua had a task that had been assigned by the Franciscans was
to build a church in Quito. This I agree and set a deadline of six
months, in return would receive a lot of money.
Although it seemed an impossible feat to achieve complete it in six
months, the Indian Cantua put the most effort and determination
to complete, assembled a team of indigenous and proposed
finish. But the building was not progressing as he expected. In
these times of distress was presented before him, Lucifer and
said: "Cantua !. I'm here to help. I know your distress. I'll help
build the incomplete atrium before the new day appears. In return,
you pay me with your soul. "
Cantua accepted the deal, but requested a condition, finish
construction as quickly as possible and are absolutely placed all
Cantua was desperate because he saw devils advancing very fast,
t offered to as Lucifer, the work was completed before midnight,
then was the right time to charge the highest price for the
construction, the "soul of Cantua ".
The devil when going to Cantua to take his soul, he stopped him
with a shy voice, a minute! - Cantua said. The deal has been
breached! You offered me place until the last stone of the building
and did not. A stone missing. Cantua had taken a rock
construction and hid very quietly before the demons began their
Lucifer, amazed, saw as a mere mortal had deceived him in the
simplest way.So Cantua saved his soul and feeling tricked the
devil took refuge in hell without taking his pay.

La leyenda de cantua
Cantua tenia una labor que haba sido asignada por los
franciscanos que era construir una Iglesia en Quito. Este acepto y
puso como plazo seis meses, a cambio el recibia una gran cantidad
de dinero.
Aunque pareca una hazaa imposible lograr terminarla en seis
meses, el Indio Cantua puso su mayor esfuerzo y empeo en
terminarla, reuni un equipo de indgenas y se propuso
terminarla. Sin embargo la edificacin no avanzaba como l la
esperaba. En esos momentos de angustia se presento ante el,
Lucifer y le dijo: Cantua!. Aqu estoy para ayudarte. Conozco tu
angustia. Te ayudar a construir el atrio incompleto antes que
aparezca el nuevo da. A cambio, me pagars con tu alma.
Cantua acept el trato, solamente pidi una condicin, terminar
la construccin lo ms rpido posible y que sean colocadas
absolutamente todas las piedras.
Cantua se vio desesperado debido a que vio que los diablillos
avanzaban muy rpido, t al como lo ofreciera Lucifer, la obra se
culmin antes de la media noche, fue entonces el momento
indicado para cobrar el alto precio por la construccin, el "alma de
El diablo al momento de ir ante Cantua a llevarse su alma, ste lo
detuvo con una tmida voz, Un momento! - dijo Cantua. El trato
ha sido incumplido!Me ofreciste colocar hasta la ltima piedra de la
construccin y no fue as.Falta una piedra. Cantua haba sacado
una roca de la construccin y la haba escondido muy
sigilosamente antes de que los demonios comenzaran su obra.

Lucifer, asombrado, vi como un simple mortal lo haba engaado

de la manera ms simple. As Cantua salv su alma, y el diablo
sintindose burlado, se refugi en los infiernos sin llevarse su

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