Sample Program C++

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Sample Program 1

Aaron Guillot
CSCI 192
CRN 20658
9:00 10:15 AM
January 23, 2015


Due: Monday, January 26, 2015

From the Sample C++ Programs link at the bottom of the page of
the webpage for CSCI 192, you are to take each line of code and
explain its purpose and/or usage in the program. This is to be done line by line. You
should have a cover page, instructions page, the assignment and the work cited
No late assignments accepted!!!

Program 1
// A simple C++ program

Title/comment of purpose of code by

#include <iostream>
to insert a header

Instructs program with preprocessor

using namespace std;

which is standard

Sets the namespace for the function,

character output

int main()

Declares the function main

Begins the function

cout << "Programming is great fun!";

directs what

Identifies the computer monitor, <<

follows to be pushed to the monitor, lastly
programming is great fun is the output

return 0;

Ends the function

Works Cited
"Structure of a Program." C++. CPlusPlus, n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2015.

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