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Thomas Edison 1847-1931

Born in Milan, Ohio and grew up in Port

Huron, Michigan.
American Inventor Thomas Edison
made many things that hugely
influenced life around the world,
including the phonograph and the
motion picture camera.

By Libby Serena

In 1904 a man named Edward

Muybridge needed to settle a bet,
he believed that a galloping horse
had all four feet off the ground at
the same time, the problem was
there was no way to prove this. So
to get the proof an experiment was
set up which was to take a series of
photos, it worked and Edward was
proved right. The images then
showed something else. It showed
that if they moved fast enough
people could watch it as if it was a
moving image and so people would

Lumire brothers
Louis born on the 5th Oct 1864
Auguste born on the 19 Oct 1862
French inventors the Lumire brothers
were the first film makers in history.
They had the worlds first public film
screening on December 28, 1895.

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