Topic Workbook 13 - The Family

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English As An Additional


Topic Book 13
The Family 1
Acknowledgement to Minority Ethnic Groups Support Service - Blackburn

Write about these boys.


He is a boy.
He is called David





Answer the questions.

What is he called?

He is called

What is he called?

What is he called?

Write about these girls.

She is a girl.
She is called Linda.





Answer the questions.

What is she called?


What is she called?

What is she called?

Answer the questions.




What is the first boy called?

What is the last boy called?

What is the middle boy called?



What is the first girl called?

What is the middle girl called?

What is the other girl called?


a) Fill in the missing words.

Mrs. Johnson
This is Mrs. Johnson.
is a woman.

Mr. Johnson
This is Mr. Johnson.
is a man.

b) Write about Mr. and Mrs. Sharif.

Mr. Sharif
This is

Mrs. Sharif

Who is next to Mr. Johnson?

Who is next to George?
Who is between Mark and David?
Who is next to Zaid?
Who is next to Mrs. Sharif?
Who is next to Linda?

Read the sentences. Answer the questions.

This is the Johnson family.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have three children.
They have a daughter called Emma.
They have a son called Mark.
They have a son called David.

What is the girl called?

What is the man called ?
What is the big boy called?
What is the woman called?
What is the other boy called?

Complete the sentences.

This is the Sharif

Mr. Sharif and Mrs. Sharif have three

They have a son called

They have a big daughter called
They have a little daughter called


a) Read the sentences. Complete the drawings.

George is holding a red car.
Emma is holding a brown teddy bear.
Mrs. Sharif is holding a red ribbon.
Mr. Johnson is holding a brown parcel.
Mr. Sharif is holding a blue suitcase.

b) Answer the questions.

Who is holding a brown parcel?
Who is holding a red car?
Who is holding a red ribbon?
Who is holding a blue suitcase?
Who is holding a brown teddy bear?


Answer the questions.

What is Mr. Sharif holding?

What is Mr. Johnson holding?

What is Mrs. Sharif holding?

What is George holding?

What is Emma holding?


Answer the questions.

Where is David standing?

Where is Mr. Johnson standing?

Where is Mrs. Johnson standing?

Where is Zaid standing?


Copy these sentences under the correct picture.

Emma is holding a teddy bear.
Mr. Sharif is standing near a house.
Mark is standing near a car.
Mrs. Sharif is holding a red ribbon.
David is standing near a tree.


Answer the questions.

Who is standing next to the tree?

Who is holding the teddy bear?

Who is holding the red ribbon?

Who is standing next to the car?


Answer the questions.

What is Mr. Sharif doing?

What is George doing?

What is Zaid doing?

What is Emma doing?

What is Mrs. Johnson doing?


Write about the people.

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