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The Present Continuous

In these examples, the action is happening
right now – at the moment of speaking.

We are studying English now.

The kids are playing soccer right now.

In these examples, the action is currently
in progress – today, this term, etc.

We are learning nursing this semester.

e  Present Continuous Tense with Affirmative

I am studying English.

He cleaning the class.

She is
You studying English.
We are
e  Present Continuous Tense with Negative

I am studying English.

He cleaning the class.

She is
You studying English.
We are
Structur  Yes / No Questions with the Present
e Continuous Tense

John is carrying Steve’s backpack.

Structur  Yes / No Questions with the Present
e Continuous Tense

Joe is not walking on the beach.

Structur  Information Questions with the Present Continuous Tense
( Affirmative Questions)

Joe is leaving to Tunisia at noon.

Where is Joe leaving?

When is Joe leaving to Tunisia?

Structur  Information Questions with the Present Continuous Tense
( Negative Questions)

they are not writing their homework.

Who isn’t writing their homework?

Verbs With No Present
Continuous Tense
The present continuous is usually used with verbs
of action not with verbs of state. The following
verbs are not used in the continuous form:-

Feelings or Thoughts : appear, appreciate, be,

believe, dislike, hate, know, like, mean, need,
prefer, recognize, remember, seem, suppose,
understand, want

I know his telephone number.

The present continuous is usually used with verbs
of action not with verbs of state. The following
verbs are not used in the continuous form:-

Possession : belong to, have, owe, own , possess

Sam owns an old car.

The present continuous is usually used with verbs
of action not with verbs of state. The following
verbs are not used in the continuous form:-

Sensory Perception : feel, see, hear, look, smell,


The pizza smells good.


 a. I can see her in the garden (= perception)

 b. I'm seeing her later (= We are planning to


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