Abstract Exposure of Papaya (Carica Papaya L.

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Exposure of papaya (Carica papaya L., cv. Sunrise) fruit to methyl jasmonate
(M.1) vapors (10-5 or 10-4 M) for 16 h at 20 °C inhibited fungal decay and
reduced chilling injury development and loss of firmness during storage for
14-32 days at 10 °C and 4 days shelf life at 20 °C. MJ-treated fruit also
retained higher organic acids than the control fruit. Low density polyethylene
film packaging p
prevented water loss atad further loas of finriness as well as iniaibiting
yellowing, (6* values) of papaya fruit. The modified atmosphere created (3-5
kPa. O, and 6-9 klpa CO 2) inside the packaee did not induce any off-flavor
development during storage at 10 C. The postharvest quality of papaya seas
enhacced sianifícantly by combinina the MJ-treatments and MAP. Use of MJ
at 10 M with MAP is heneticiai to maintaining postharvest quality of papaya
during loso temperature storage and shelf-lif-e period.
e 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. 411 rights reserved.
Keywords: Papaya: Methyl jasmonate: Film packaging: Fangal decay:

Controlled Atmosphere Units

Cargofresh Wins More Contracts from Shipping Line
Jorge Luis Alonso · 28-01-2009

According to Brazilian Fruit, fruit transported in a “controlled atmosphere” (CA) stays

fresh and keeps longer than with conventional cooling methods. That’s a fact long
recognised in the logistics business, which is why shipping line Hamburg Süd has decided
to invest in several dozen container units from Cargofresh AG. The first of these reefer
containers, laden with papaya and mangoes, set sail from Brazil in December, bound for
Europe and Canada

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