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Submitted by: Theresa D. Dimaano

Submitted to: Ms. Fesariton

1.) What are galaxies?

>A system of millions or billions of stars, together with gas
and dust, held together by gravitational attraction.
2.) How many galaxies do we have?
>Astronomers say there are 100 billion to 200
billion galaxies in the universe.
3.) What Does the Milky Way Galaxy Look Like?
>Were in the Milky Way Galaxy, on an outer arm, and what we
see in the sky is our view toward the center of the Milky Way.
It is like a pinwheel.

4.) Why is our galaxy called milky way?

>The Milky Way is part of a collection of galaxies called the
Local Group. Were on a collision course with the most massive
and largest member of that collection, which is the Andromeda
Galaxy (also known as M31).
5.) What are the types of galaxies?
>There are three main types of galaxies: Elliptical, Spiral, and
Irregular. Two of these three types are further divided and
classified into a system that is now known the tuning fork
6.) What are the main color of galaxies?
>They are blue, white, red, sometimes purple or a mixture of
7.) What is the farthest galaxy?
>The galaxy is about 13.3 billion light-years fromEarth,
the farthest galaxy yet known, and formed 420 million years
after the Big Bang.

As you can see and read, I asked
about galaxies. To be honest, I really
get curious when it comes to
galaxies. It is not only because they
look cool and beautiful , Its just that
I wanted to know how did the milky
way come up with a galaxy that has
a billions and millions of stars.

Everything about solar system and

above the sky makes me wonder.

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