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ED 3604 Evaluation of Student Learning

Unit Assessment Plan

Subject Area
Grade Level
Length of Unit (days)

The Renaissance A Rebirth of Ideas
33 Days

Stage 1 Desired Results

Established Goals:
Social Studies
General Outcome
Through an examination of Renaissance Europe, students will demonstrate an understanding and
appreciation of how the exchange of ideas and knowledge contributed to shaping the worldview of the
Western world.
English Language Arts
General Outcome 1
Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and
General Outcome 2
Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and
critically to oral, print and other media texts.
General Outcome 3
Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information.
General Outcome 4
Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of
Students will understand that
1. The Renaissance sparked a rebirth of
2. The values associated with their
chosen individual humanists.
3. How to conduct research to form an
opinion on the significance of their
chosen humanist.
4. How the Renaissance values of their
individuals continued into the modern
day and shaped our Western world
Students will know
1. The different humanist perspectives
of the individual figures.
2. How to construct a 4 paragraph
research essay.
3. How to conduct research and cite
4. That the Renaissance influenced our
EDUC 3604 Unit Assessment Plan Template

Essential Questions:

What were the key features that defined the

Renaissance of Western Europe?
To what extent do the changes taking place
during the Renaissance impact Western
Europe society?
What about you makes you alike/different
from your chosen humanist?
What things about yourself would make grade
8 students in the year 2053 believe that you
are worth researching?

Students will be able to do

1. Use strategies to supplement and extend prior
knowledge and experiences when interpreting
new ideas and information.
2. Take notes, make outlines, and use such
strategies as read, recite, review to
comprehend and remember ideas and

ED 3604 Evaluation of Student Learning

Unit Assessment Plan

Subject Area
Grade Level
Length of Unit (days)

modern Western World view.

The Renaissance A Rebirth of Ideas
33 Days

3. Compare and contrast the different

perspectives provided by first and third
person narration
4. Select the most appropriate information
sources for topic, audience, purpose, and form
5. Choose a plan to access, gather and record
information according to self-selected
6. Obtain information from a variety of sources
when conducting research.
7. Develop and use criteria for evaluating the
usefulness, currency and reliability of
information for a particular research project.
8. Organize ideas and information creatively, and
logically, to establish a point of view.
9. Reference sources and use a consistent and
approved format to give credit for borrowed
10. Evaluate the relevance and importance of
11. Integrate appropriate visual to engage the
12. Share draft to elicit useful feedback.
13. Make and suggest revisions
14. Revise and edit

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

Performance Tasks, Projects

Body Biography
Renaissance Humanist Research Essay (See Attached Rubric: Researching Marking Guide)

Quizzes, Tests, Assignments

Leonardos Shadow Quiz

Concept attainment for traits

Sorting activity (Concept attainment)

Good/better/best ranking supporting details

concept attainment for thesis (Plastic chair, better chair, best chair)

Exemplars to model paragraph structure

EDUC 3604 Unit Assessment Plan Template

ED 3604 Evaluation of Student Learning

Unit Assessment Plan

Formative work on rough draft work

Checklists of formative information

Review the checklists


Subject Area
Grade Level
Length of Unit (days)

The Renaissance A Rebirth of Ideas
33 Days

Class wide paragraph building.

- Choose best components
- brainstorm
- multiple choice paragraph building
- place mats to write paragraph (eg. Do a T.S in each of your corners and choose the best for the middle)
- numbered heads everyone write a T.S and well choose #2 from group to write theirs in the middle

Backwards outlining give whole Paragraphs and have them write components from these into an

Mind-map of the outline

Other Evidence (observations, work samples,


Student self-assessment

Peer pairings for quick revision of a paragraph.

Revision with visual gusto using colour

highlighters to identify components on partners

Student evaluation of sample student work

Team analysis certain number of items I am

looking for 5 ideas on a paragraph

Observe research process

Drafts/Rough Copy

EDUC 3604 Unit Assessment Plan Template

ED 3604 Evaluation of Student Learning

Unit Assessment Plan

Subject Area
Grade Level
Length of Unit (days)

The Renaissance A Rebirth of Ideas
33 Days

ED 3604 Evaluation of Student Learning

Unit Assessment Plan

Subject Area
Grade Level
Length of Unit (days)

The Renaissance A Rebirth of Ideas
33 Days

Assessment Tool Overview

t Tool Title


1. Use strategies to supplement and
extend prior knowledge and
experiences when interpreting new
ideas and information.
2. Take notes, make outlines, and use
such strategies as read, recite,
review to comprehend and
remember ideas and information.
3. Compare and contrast the different
perspectives provided by first and
third person narration
4. Select the most appropriate
information sources for topic,
audience, purpose, and form
5. Choose a plan to access, gather and
record information according to selfselected parameters
6. Obtain information from a variety of
sources when conducting research.
7. Develop and use criteria for
evaluating the usefulness, currency
and reliability of information for a
particular research project.
8. Organize ideas and information
creatively, and logically, to establish
a point of view.
9. Reference sources and use a
consistent and approved format to
give credit for borrowed
10. Evaluate the relevance and
importance of information.
11. Integrate appropriate visual to
engage the audience.
12. Share draft to elicit useful feedback.
13. Make and suggest revisions
14. Revise and edit

Brief Description

Here students will choose the

2 Renaissance Humanists that
interests them most. They will
write a 4 paragraph research
paper on how these
individuals embodied
humanist values that took
root during the Renaissance.
They will use effective
research strategies to
organize their information
into a comprehensive well
written essay. In this rubric
they will be marked on the
content (argument and style),
structure (essay and
paragraph components), and
the mechanics of their




ED 3604 Evaluation of Student Learning

Unit Assessment Plan



of Outline

Class wide

Subject Area
Grade Level
Length of Unit (days)

select and focus relevant ideas from

personal experiences and prior
knowledge to understand new ideas
and information
compare the choices and behaviours
of characters portrayed in oral, print
and other media texts with those of
self and others
plan and organize data collection
based on instructions, explanations
and pre-established parameters
organize ideas and information by
selecting or developing categories
appropriate to a particular topic and
produce oral, print and other media
texts with well-developed and welllinked ideas and sections
use appropriate visual, print and/or
other media effectively to inform
and engage the audience
clarify and support ideas or opinions
with details, visuals or media

Justify own point of view about oral,

print and other media texts, using
evidence from texts.

use concept mapping and mental

rehearsal to remember main ideas
and relevant details

contribute collaboratively in group

situations, by asking questions and
building on the ideas of others

The Renaissance A Rebirth of Ideas
33 Days

Students will make personal

connections to the
values/beliefs of their chosen
individual. They will represent
these similarities and
differences visually.

This quiz will challenge

students to think critically
about the novel they have
finished. They will be required
to justify their own opinions
and points of view as is
related to the novel.
Have students create a mind
map while researching their
humanist to assist them in
building the structure of their
As a class or in small groups
we will choose the best
components to form
exemplary paragraphs. We
will do this through

ED 3604 Evaluation of Student Learning

Unit Assessment Plan

Subject Area
Grade Level
Length of Unit (days)

The Renaissance A Rebirth of Ideas
33 Days

brainstorming, multiple
choice paragraph building,
place mats to write paragraph
(eg. Do a T.S in each of your
corners and choose the best
for the middle), and/or
numbered heads (everyone
write a T.S and well choose
#2 from group to write theirs
in the middle).

ED 3604 Evaluation of Student Learning

Unit Assessment Plan

Subject Area
Grade Level
Length of Unit (days)

The Renaissance A Rebirth of Ideas
33 Days

Body Biography Scoring Guide

Due: Tuesday, April 9, 2013
A Body Biography should demonstrate thorough understanding of the
literary work, insight into the character and creativity in depicting that insight.
Quotes are carefully selected and properly attributed. The rationale is interesting
and informative. Knowledge above and beyond summary or basic facts is evident
in every detail.

A 4 Body Biography:
Contains all 4 body biography requirements (a review of significant
values/beliefs of your humanist and yourself, visual symbols, rationale, 2
important quotes from/about the humanist)
Is an accurate depiction of the humanist (based on evidence from your
Creatively represents humanist traits and values/beliefs
Exemplifies ideas or issues that go beyond the basic facts

A 3 Body Biography:
Contains all 4 body biography requirements
Is an accurate depiction of your humanist
Humanist traits and values/beliefs are represented, but not very creatively
Touches on ideas or issues that go beyond the basic facts

A 2 Body Biography:
Contains only 3 body biography requirements
Does not accurately depict the character, or is limited and superficial
Humanist traits and values/beliefs are not represented creatively. They seem
thrown together and not thought out.
Does not connect to ideas or issues that go beyond the basic facts

A 1 Body Biography:
Contains less than 3 body biography requirements
Does not demonstrate in depth research of humanist
Humanist traits and values/beliefs are non-existent
Does not demonstrate knowledge of the humanist

ED 3604 Evaluation of Student Learning

Unit Assessment Plan

Subject Area
Grade Level
Length of Unit (days)

The Renaissance A Rebirth of Ideas
33 Days

Body Biography
What do I do?
Have a friend trace the outline of your body on a roll of paper and cut it off neatly.
Do the same for your friend. Divide your body outline in half by drawing a
vertical line down the middle of your outline. One side will represent yourself and
the other side will represent your chosen humanist.
Choose only one of the two humanists you are writing your essay on to represent
visually in this assignment. Choose colors, graphics, and designs carefully. Place
the following on your outline:
Heart: What represents the heart of the humanist/myself and where should it be
placed to identify what the humanist/myself loves most? What should it look like
and what shape, color, pictures, or symbols should be included?
Eyes: Where is this humanists/my own focus? What does this person see?
Backbone: What motivates this person (the humanist/myself) the most? What
gives them strength?
Hands: What does this humanist/myself hold in their hands literal and
Feet: On what foundation is the humanist/myself standing? What are their
fundamental life beliefs?
The Background: What elements make up this humanist/my own environment/
Quotations: Include quotes by or about this person, that you feel accurately
represent him or her.
Virtues and Vices: Include admirable and unpleasant qualities of this person
Rationale: In one paragraph describe the following and attach to your outline:
What do you have in common with this person?
What makes you different? How does this person inspire you?
What things about yourself would make grade 8 students in the year 2053 believe
that you are worth researchin

ED 3604 Evaluation of Student Learning

Unit Assessment Plan

Subject Area
Grade Level
Length of Unit (days)

The Renaissance A Rebirth of Ideas
33 Days

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