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Annotated Bibliography:
Primary Sources:

Appain. Appians History of Rome: The Syrian War. Trans. Horace White. N.p. n.d. Web. 13
Nov. 2014.
This source was about Hannibal meeting Scipio for the second time. It was very helpful
by expanding my knowledge of what Hannibal did in the years he was in hiding.
Appians History of Rome: The Hannibalic War. Livius. N.d. Web. 22 October 2014.
Appian provides a different point of view different from Polybius and Livy. He is reliable
but Im keeping my head out for bias!
Appians History of Rome: The Punic Wars. Livius. N.d. Web. 22 October 2014. This source
increased my knowledge on the time period in-between the second and third Punic Wars.
I found this source very helpful by helping me stitch everything together.
Appians History of Rome: The Spanish Wars. Livius. N.d. Web. 22 October 2014. This
source greatly increased my knowledge of the final days in the Second Punic War. This
source is slightly reliable.
The Battle of Cannae. Fordham University. N.p. Web. July 1998. 19 October 2014. This
source provided me with quotes about Hannibal and interesting facts. It is most likely
The Character of Hannibal. Fordham University. N.p. Web. July 1998. 13 October 2014. This
source increased my knowledge on Hannibal and what influenced his actions. It also
showed me Hannibal was civilized, the opposite what the Romans think.
Dio, Cassius. Cassius Dio Roman History: Fragments of Book XV. 1914. LacusCurtius. Web.
Nov. 13, 2014.

Gamble 2
This source was very interesting. I had to piece together fragments to figure out what was
going on. It talks about what happened after the Battle of Cannae.
Hannibal in the Alps. Livius. N.p. Web. 25 July 2014. 2 October 2014. This source compared
both Polybius, a Greek, and Livy, a Roman. It helped me rule out bias by comparing text
from that time period and was very reliable.
Herodotus. Fordham University. N.p. 1862. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.
This source talks about how Greeks made Hannibal seem like Hercules so more people
would follow him. Mrs. Lynch helped me interpret this.
Lancel, Serge. Hannibal. Trans. Antonia Nevill. Paris: Librarie Arthme Fayard, 1995. Print. \
Nov. 5, 2014.
This translated book on Hannibal contained pictures of the battle Hannibal took part in. It
really expanded my knowledge and helped me picture what actually happened.
Levene. Livy: On the Hannibalic War. Trans. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. Print.
Nov. 5, 2014
This source was written by Livy, a Roman. He tries to make Hannibal seem like a
barbarian but he cant mask Hannibals greatness.
Livius, Titus. Livys History of Rome: Book 21. Trans. Canon Roberts. London: J.M. Dent and
Sons, 1905. Print. 13 Nov. 2014.
In this source, I actually found a quote that was good about Hannibal from Livy (the
Roman). It talks about how Hannibal is a great leader.
Livius, Titus. Vol. IV. Virginia: University of Virginia, n.d. Print. 28 October 2014. This source
is not very reliable due to the fact that it was written by Carthages enemy, Rome. There
is much bias in this source and showed me Hannibal from the perspective of Rome.

Gamble 3
Polybius- The Histories (Book III). LacusCurtius. 1927. Web. 10 October 2014. This source
was reliable providing me with information after Hannibal. It talked about Hasdrubal and
how Hannibals legacy drove him.
Polybius. Polybius the Histories: Fragments of Book VII. 1922. LacusCurtius. Web. Nov. 13,
This source talks about treaties in-between Carthage and Greece. It is very reliable as it is
written by Polybius, a Greek who is neither on the Romans side of Hannibals
Polybius: The First Punic War. Livius. N.d. Web. 22 October 2014. This source includes
information about why Carthage lost the First Punic War. This source is completely
reliable because some of my secondary sources back it up.
Rome at the End of the Punic Wars. Fordham University. N.p. Web. May 1998. 15 October
2014. This source was written by Polybius. It gave reasons as to why Rome won over
Carthage. This sources was recommended to me through Mrs. Lynch. It is slightly
reliable because it is written by Carthages ancient enemy, Greece.
A silver double shekel. 230 B.C. The Trustees of the British Museum/Art Resource. An Empire
of the Mediterranean. Web. Nov. 13, 2014.
This is an image of a Carthaginian coin. It has Hannibals face on the front and a war
elephant on the back.
Thayer, Bill. Cassius Dio Roman History. N.p. 16 April 2011. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.
This source was written by Cassius, a Greek. He filled in multiple gaps throughout my
research like how Hannibal returned to new Carthage.
The Third Punic War. Fordham University. N.p. Web. July 1998. 15 October 2014. This
source provided quotes from the enemies of Hannibal. Its slightly reliable due to most of

Gamble 4
it may be legend. It also showed how Hannibals legacy lived through others.

Secondary Sources:
Artiste Tunisien 02. Hannibal Romes Worst Nightmare. Online video clip. YouTube. 27 Sep.

Gamble 5
2012. Web. 4 Nov. 2014.
This YouTube video gave me a visual idea of what Hannibal went through and showed
his tactics in action. I found this source very helpful by providing me with new facts.
Basile, Joseph. Clash of the Generals. Jan 1999. ProQuest. Web. Nov. 5, 2014.
This source compared both Scipio, Hannibals enemy, and Hannibal. It provided great
background facts as well.
Brooks, Philip. Hannibal: Romes Worst Nightmare. New York: Franklin Watts, 2009. Print.
This source contained a complete overview on Hannibals entire life. My father
recommended it to me. It is very reliable because it backs up everything I know about
Carthage. crystalinks. N.p. Web. N.d. 4 November 2014.
This source provided a large background on Carthage. It talked about how it came to be,
the wars it went through, and its destruction. It also provided me with plenty of Greek
historians thatll use as primary sources.
Comparing strategies of the Second Punic War: Romes Strategic Victory. Ancient History
Encyclopedia. Parker, James. 13 March 2013. Web. 23 October 2014. This website
provided details explaining why Rome won and what Carthage couldve done to
improve. This source has a lot of ideas.
Dodge, Theodore. Hannibal: a history of the art of war among the Carthaginians and Romans
down to the battle of Pydna, 168 B.C., with a detailed account of the Second Punic War.
Boston; First Da Capo Press, 1891. Print. Nov. 5, 2014.
This book has hundreds of images bring to life what it was like in that time period. It was
really helpful because I could finally see what was going on as I read other sources.

Gamble 6
Forged by Lightning. Hannibal of Carthage. Render, Angela. 2002-2007. Web. 23 October
2014. this timeline helped me set everything Ive learned in order. This is definitely
reliable because it uses primary sources from everyone so there is no bias.
Girin, Eugene. Partisan Revisionism. Carthage Must be Destroyed. Miles, Richard. Nov. 2011.
Web. Nov. 5, 2014.
This source gave me plenty of facts about Hannibals tactics in his battles. It was really
helpful by giving me reasons as to why Hannibal won so many battles
Hannibal. About Education. Gill, N.S. 2014. Web. 23 October 2014. This source provided
details on Hannibals military career after the Second Punic War. This source is very
Hannibal History. 2014. Web. 22 October 2014. This website gave facts about the treaty after
the Second Punic War. I found this source really helpful.
Hannibal. The New Book of Knowledge. 2006. Print. This source greatly increased my
knowledge about the time period and the locations. This source is definitely reliable. My
mother recommended it to me.
Hannibal. New World Encyclopedia. 19 January 2009. Web. 23 October 2014. This source
helped me stitch together everything that Ive read so far. It was super helpful!
Hannibal Barca. n.p. 2014. Web. 23 October 2014. This website provided a
background of Hannibal. This was very useful and reliable.
Hannibal Barca. Fact Behind Fiction. N.p. Web. N.d. 20 October 2014. This source provided
me facts about Carthages location and its recent wars. It is very reliable.
Hannibal Barca of Carthage, North Africa. Black History Heroes. N.p. 2014. Web. 23 October
2014. This source provided strange facts on Hannibal. It is slightly reliable.

Gamble 7
Hannibal Biography Biography. 2014. Web. 22 October 2014. This source talked about the
meanings of Hannibals name and Hamilcars name. It is slightly reliable.
Hannibal, Carthaginian Military Leader. finding Dulcinea. N.p. 2014. Web. 30 Oct. 2014.
This source talked about the strengths of Rome and interesting facts about the Second
Punic War. This source is reliable because it was written in 2014 so it contains no bias.
Lacey, James and Murray, Williamson. Conquer or Die!. Aug. 2013. ProQuest. Web. Nov. 5,
This source did an excellent job with the breakdown of the Battle of Zama. It gave plenty
of facts and mixed a bunch of primary sources together making this reliable.
Life of Hannibal. Dickinson College Commentaries. N.d. Web. 22 October 2014. This website
talked about Hannibals mother and Polybiuss ideas on Hannibal as a young boy. It is
slightly reliable because it only uses primary sources from one person.
Miles, Richard. Carthage: The Lost Mediterranean Civilization. History Today. Feb. 2010.
Web. Nov. 5, 2014.
This source talks about the geography of Carthage. It is very reliable because no primary
sources were needed to prove these.
Porter, Barry. At Lake Trasimene, Hannibal Barca combined tactics and psychology to destroy
the Roman army. Oct. 2001. ProQuest. Web. 5 Nov. 2014.
This source mainly talks about The Battle at Lake Trasimene but also has a summary of
Hannibals life. It was very reliable because of it mixing primary sources together.
Roman Civilization. World Civilizations. 5th ed. 1974. Print. This source is defiantly reliable
giving facts about Carthage and how the Punic Wars started. This was also recommended
to me by my mother.

Gamble 8
Second Punic War. Encyclopedia Britannica. N.p. 24 July 2014. Web. 23 October 2014. This
overview told me about all of the different battles Hannibal was in. It is definitely
Second Punic War. History of War. N.p. 1 December 2002. Web. 23 October 2014. This
overview had some theories as to ways Carthage couldve won the Second Punic War. It
was really helpful!
Toynbee, Arnold. Hannibals Legacy. London: Oxford University Press, 1965. Print. Nov. 5,
This book was very challenging to read and interpret. Behind the big words, is plenty of
facts and reasons as to why Rome won the war.

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