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Evaluation Purpose
This evaluation will provide principals and the superintendent with recommendations and
resources on how to address challenges and further develop English Language Development
program in order to create and improve curriculum and materials, raise public awareness, recruit
and develop effective teachers, and maintain students interest in learning his or her own heritage
This introductory section will provide background information about the ELL programs history,
the curriculum, instruction, and assessment utilized in the program.
Program History
The Federal Definition of language instruction educational program in NCLB means an
instruction course (A) in which a limited English proficient child is placed for the purpose of
developing and attaining English proficiency, while meeting challenging State academic content
and student academic achievement standards, as required by section 1111(b)(1); and (B) that
may make instructional use of both English and a child's native language to enable the child to
develop and attain English proficiency, and may include the participation of English proficient
children if such course is designed to enable all participating children to become proficient in
English and a second language. (Title III, Part C, Section 3301(8))
The ELL program has existed since (still have to find the exact date/website not updated). Until
2000, it was a pull-out program for second language learners from kindergarten through twelfth
grade. Instruction was in English only and focused on remediating English literacy skills,
developing survival English and helping with homework completion. One teacher serviced all
the schools on an nomadic basis, meaning most students received irregular lessons. This
dramatically changed with the new millennium. The program (continue to talk about the
Palm Spring High School has been one of the longest standing schools in the Coachella Valley.
In 1996, Cathedral City High School was built, and in 1998 Desert Hot Springs High School was
built to join the Palm Springs Unified School District.
Palm Springs High School created a Spanish Heritage Language Class to continue to focus on
developing the first language literacy for primary Latino Children, transitioning to full inclusion
in general education with bilingual aide help, and English Language Development that focuses
on reading and writing in a block schedule.


Master Plan for English Language Learners

The Palm Springs Unified School District (PSUSD) Master Plan for English Language Learners
(ELLs) was updated in 2012 by Dr. Michael Swize, Assistant Superintendent of Educational
Services and Director of English Language Learner Programs. Dr. Swize also heads the District
English Learner Advisory Council. The Master Plan is categorized into seven components for
English Learner success:
Categorical Program Monitoring


Policies and Procedures

Purposeful Placements A
Purposeful Placements B"
Improved Instructional Practices
Professional Development
Parental Involvement
Program descriptions and goals for English Learners
All programs
Daily English Language Development (ELD) that is leveled according to the English Learner
students English Proficiency level is provided. Programs are two parts: a 55 minute reading
period and another 55 minute writing period which are targeted to the English Learners
proficiency level. The proficiency level is directly associated with ELL students CELDT scores.
ELD uses district approved ELD materials that include Keystone instructional materials.
Structured English Immersion (SEI)
All subjects are taught in English. The primary language support (usually through the
instructional aide) may be used to clarity, explain, and even motivate students. Students receive
daily English Language Development (ELD) and all instructional materials are in English. The
assessments is also in English.
English Language Mainstream (ELM)
All subjects are taught in English with minimal primary language support. All instructional and
assessments are in English.
Alternative Course of Study (ALT)
All subjects or at least Language Arts is taught in the primary language, Spanish. Students
receive daily English Language Development (ELD) instruction. English and Spanish materials
are used depending on the different proficiency levels of the students.
Access to Core Curriculum
English learners receive standards-based, differentiated instruction in the core curriculum (math,
physical education, science, social studies) in English. Teachers use specific SDAIE strategies
and all teachers are CLAD certified. Primary language support is available through the
instructional aide that is available to ELD students in the core classes. Students are placed in
grade level content area classes but not in English proficiency level course.
All teachers must hold a single subject credential and must possess a CLAD certification to teach
core classes to EL students. BCLAD certification is emphasized but it is not a requirement. An
ELD teacher must be single subject credentialed, but does not need to be English credentialed.
Primary language (Spanish) must be provided for the instructional assistant.
Program Goals
(Palm Springs Unified School District Website

The goal for English Learners in the English Language Mainstream program is to develop
academic proficiency in English together with a mastery of academic core content and
multicultural proficiency.

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