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WAipallog dab one _conbn Tdate “Fave dliterebe_ate t — (og elle! Jy a! range, whihe digital signal te cael POEL natkee op clas dn dole communicahom, we commonly one prvedie. onaleg aigrals Cbecnuse By nia fey oe — tondusd?) Sod Sno periodic digital signals cn 1 Checoane ay can reprenend vevation in dite) H Revodic Analg Sgrclh con be cfamifcd [as ample cr cbmposile A computte cneloy { priodic aignal iy composed of walle Lhe waves WTR peak compl tude of a signal ay He Jabaiute value of ite RyReat stone TF Peiod refers be Be qonount af me, a —_reords, @ gna nieds to complite 1 cycle. # Frequngy fon male af pola ra ie —_ = Feved > Aecondy gate — Mj acyl pr accord f2Ur ee Se ee selelire bf 0 ae Frequangy sus Reyate of Range wth respect fe tins, CBamge . ate pon of Fine vasont Eagh frpuaney ~ Chonge over a Long. spin of Hm lve, Wve ng ht = Fispagoton Spud Pa Tope a ore re BR pel i ge a Se 1) Tindapenclent aes to nealing Hf 0 gual Benger _inetoarbaneracly, ih dapends om otk fhe frequarery omcl 2. | dh ingntbe, © wd Puss SAS a frequens Pag wt sfrequeney sine urave is wok vet ne dances ira, lle The “aed a. comporite signal a aign ede af tong eeaple Seurea HEA veamel Ramon being ean _creabe a cant | [omatua_ vonge of fregusncien bebuan 0 ond fee pl Spray = + Yo wgnal Ros _L. jak se Tage Vo A_complate aime aoe Go Re Hime domaiy can be_seprosented eT (ep ae ae “ty rege TBE Leng t as Re difference between Be ‘bok : finquansios_cartrined © a ara sat digteh ae om ne Lape oe be ae i | TBE Rote Ciutead of thegumig) sate | [he donate egal aigale i PB Rake in Ra wunaber of ble sank in tosh enpiesed_in bin pes sweied_Cigal———| Fhe feng is Be Feceuyea on Heath TER. cligtah aigeal by Tegal, Bite Safle ben “Tronpaasion of Dyital Signals © —C Bosgbond Tiangesiasion = na pendlng ler ecdl alien te digital sigrol__to. am. onalog a (When @ agnek tues Rrugh a | a ec Pag overcoming He vesntamee of #6: mts CoP Te _compensste for ie fone, completion | fia ately Eek =? Bonbond tresndion “requires al Che Be a Low: pear cRomneh a fam Ra bmduidl® Ret alata fren gen ) Dates tion = (2) Broadband Transmission | qt ‘Distortun mone ah Be ignal | oo Grodbanel | cRonges the akape 2 Hromimasion or rodilalion rmeumt Eavgeg fe digtal signal docu _ovalay signal“! 5 dor Henne =a FpDalaiay py oe a seal gral wade of clizfvent firpauncits becavae a ec ee ee eee 2 Madufstion allows wn to wne-o __} aged Brough a._tdinim, and Parefer ib wm —Thandpast cfamel = a Barrel wile Tdifeg in Banting ot #8. final - TbendwidR fot does nat start freim get 8 a 3) Mois E “Se Tadacel ine comes fom saacet Seales ond epplionces—— Sans a a ra a Rage nan ts eapheRel some rm + Inereating the Boks nigral gong Md el Seen wt tA Dour SHR wean tigual S| Ca) Noigy CBpanel weore_conupled by moire 7 ae & howd Coney otal TCTs bandwidih ovaifable WT The Roman's capacity gina us Be opp ! 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Re RiugZpak as on ecu —watsasnetoend cz Rear fort wee com send tae, — | Konlin = DRad_ ore Re_propegalion $a end : at erate Ba fea € rik mde [| PR ecb “ef Beaten Goats Proime, Rat Re distance between de aoe ond a weceer iA 12,009 ion cmd Bah Aight treveda at 2.4.2 tof to aes om 1 Sie ace_phen=al Adank “poche of dats encounier different dalags Tord i application wsing # data of a0 Tyeeeer rele ia Hane aeative Conde ond vdeo dala) (A) Borda Dota Perdack = = At a Re. of bie Bat con filha a Tateg = Papaya = 40 + 0s 2 Ae0s ate gel 4 yocbronous Te Ra Hang ef 0 pique Se nel inpartod Tnabeed, Sinfrshation ie areezerd ond tonal “by agreed poa_palicrns yah den nape 1 Riss Me bit Sb abart bill Co) ot! Ba beginning inate abep Us Cup ot fe endl of [fetes “on vay be a gap behee he a [We dafine: a cvatio ny utc E = Teer hes “elewanhs’ canted by each aligns eiant Ranke ferns Signal Rabe = 1 Da dele vate efoes wane ofdela_elimenbs sent Be Lae Tit anit da Uh per seen Ch The sgad mle He mimter of Lames aint Je 1 nec. THe vt ai | 1 r | 5 Lt = TR Tetirtation Mega | Taanstainaion —pcin E Multiplesing a taal of fecBaga’ widicd date two breack ewtngorion 5 at able aps Win gel ee he see fF of maton signals acme a single iy Unguided Merk dete Tw RS TS Guided edi Inc ladle tasted pair cob, coovial cable,’ amd Fiber - ope’ Yeats pe STE Fal Bare Ligeed for cl, ws, and Re Hea ail Sa iandleg agra, an td fora peal a = Vie in SelapRane Lines, Dit end LANs. “= We seam divide. Time Disrion Matiplangy te Hevent acBemes in tt ci) Symefronou, TDM ch Shivbeal TOM Conia Cabs! i = Conver ignals af Righer frequency yonges Ron Svein tuted: pair_cable GNC connector in used z = | bh Sypefrvas TOM, each gl Bal a tered let in Ba oltpat fooine eta) Com tal penstiated able A awileBad wetwork cone of Tere of dntertinked nodes called sathBes, 7 ar ts Gh in vache 45 opal cf autbacomested by phys fade a BS Sea a a ‘ns eLonnels cit SuiteBing Takes place at “se, rane, med be psd wing Ha aebs vase, ancl yernain teedled Yo Meee donton of doh He trordowm pho. ne te oddveating paaloed dorog dala tanifn 4 | ere LE Reems atugh Cnet = 4m a pocket cawitcBad meio, | Bi ne siattnre Shdlanihny ras = are allocated on damand. Phyo eles — vital ciecust wotuml Jee _cveas_belueen a _ehveuit itcBed nelwork endo datagram ratwork - - | TSF pecfele follow 8 ant. pail a2 Message is divided indo pockela | | exlablasbed duning “a commecton, or tinh 56 ada dotapam ¥ rh, Packet in heated andapencently of Sal okies Ti = Dragan okey a Tides at 22 akan” TR itthes aa dabagran meh “ore _vefford oon rector “4 = Dalagian: wher! ave aaeified be ae cammentionley chore. t: 5S = = Single cable commech oll computers. | = Each computer Ros comeibe bv dod al — SComputera innit ayneBrmnize and allows | xy ine worgelen bebenanct at» in| wel We Riek -connial cable) © Siendod as TEBE 802.3 [Adeenleges = ee i D Eeeepeusiee_fe deuinll Mae gaite x, oc Soli Se | fe eld GoBabens beely shah wahenik dew fipLinted me of ‘cataes con be alec | CGO Difficdl he dial prthne 7 Stata eablel aun spo le egy. =Conpalers comected ino eLned Back device Rose dedicate “pointe paint Ene te Ba oe = ca = [TS Fad conan type a1 Token Rog eteRe fe _mehbnin Leng” Gvathe ond Ha wont et Hepolag iy by oma Dash Rag aie fot teboance S> Regusires more cable Fan ban agad = ae - ie pegbee foveal gral pal — df RE gees clown, Be Paks. t= = foun a GO ~ aponsin dads am = Ne lemonade reputed | & abng en Eig pea La. { a rol Ray will big OE = TS) Nok at conmion. ot He be fee duces available. a Bab cam be ened dm fe = ‘afi @ aepaicy five a Frame ae iene ES E te tyes - = wna peal Topokagy =Th octual fayort of ans eo Tord ibe watdin is 9Ghs PRyaicak Tapalagy 2 Most often wased im LN, te ij ae Be a Intrrcomect LAM | Rs my dm wh Be data occonsns pe ean gnc transl pecEel ls 2 leek mode te comecled te emmy” Logical Topotagy ss made | Mesh Topalegy: Not common on LAN {—__— A phone ob g mtu ds nok t SHS foul elias ca cry Feat Gott sree E pte Died atten tub aes ret make t Senda = a ‘Sha Topolagy ~ ols t Improve: it tolsrakce | bem bug cr Sa at nas 4 edt, tl = ei oh —= > Eapentive [arTuited pin ia auibbl fay we Gn Se Diffeslt ins er od jet acim) ete ACoaniak Cable in seitabhe for wie dn ben tpolagy be Optea is gale fr use in ring ont tne blog * Uagaidled ein ore ai ales pola 350/051 Stack = | Fabra Hier = Met Nelwerks ore organized on Te ates of Jagan TTR tah fone Say de ts pie tome aences be Re sper Lager Ty Hogue movelina 0 we buad conta ste BS coneapinding fay is apt aT Re inlerfoce bie Be tage r a gel all ope | me inplamentation of cack Liyar in | cack moda da tronspevent fo offer “ted va in fe STR prctecate betwen HR per Layne on be ehanged sf dle peavs ol agen vert Sasad nol be seferred ee Pe Service definition talk weet | lay fond nailing. else. The falprst Hells We praceas_ above ii Lowe te eccoas ib. Sh spf paresis ate ond wwhal eas 4e_expee “Ee Lal of profecols used Oy crated Th PS ne eed cee ge ee eben Made |e conceptual modi compmed xf aewd enck specifying porticnar aback Set of ayers and privevks fe droll Preditechon RicRibecture (= iia ES Folica ag con Hs = 9 does ne! safy smylinwd ie ae “ | Balwhork fT Date Ling = Physical STE peer Layo of Re O8t madi grovel, see et afta MRE ligecal lage ond Be dated auger ore“ imglominted Jn arflavere ond — Bavebwore eHow of He OSI Layne (1), Physical Lager + Zs oe PRysieal [ar trenaniedon eee STR: D51 medal _providn a _cancephal! 1 | fimmuroek belrween campulers, bat eT Stine of Tteadal steelf oat tata rastbod ef 1 fonctions af cack pin af annua, Rely tania 3 Eownector CMecRaneal) ibe by tating eammnic atin i aes zeal implimin Be fonctions ve angid te elictyiced signal | Ba OST. Saige: ra : t —_ 4 i) Dein Rote ond Gynefwomigetion of | tte ee [i Sod end sortie Sadler = [a peme EE ale ancl bet wh Bane Gi Flas Condvoh is a ‘Deala with We dale rele Tanabe ibetureen Be aedar end 1 veces a it) Enna Cont = = 2 te pot cet ae ie zi Sd tau datepeals or dal fom LTR date EE Noga i asap fo | akag nea wee Rein garde Ls en att fon ose pti Ypmaed” engaging dapicale Prone 3 : rele fain dock ea eabab mae seeds figs cpr pea 4 “eiecen 6, = = - Used pretreat EB TP Alcuin od corn ty contml ce boon a Boned tedium. — re Dit. ae Be stream “ehh eceivel from Be whurerd Cage eee ee Gor a cats | evi) Seome Beans sadign: [ee Specbaesigs ond aotalan aan and naseine. Aequrace pourra wit Th pate 6 AB, our! end panbdndntel “FR DLL adh a Riadey te Be frome fe dafinn Be addvees of a nent Gap in Be vole, Net Rep Cred) tag be Be ra + gome Jnfestondiabe all eConeesate ol deh tak Bape onundtl E “beteren thew afjatend wade eurmerBagupnsl “G) Network Layer “TRe et tt 7 Sab epee He nt = coe eee © tapber _ate ie ted_te ea i, tak, ee on saeally wo ned pot water dager r ATR guace for dattnabon dal is performed wre, Brston at consectiy. onented. So he mabwonk ayer seaees ure bate app “Oar reaporaitibbes of Be network | Bye rede he fullneng i, pnca of aflame Rol cases, mona hat gael . cd [called os <= For connectionlaan CAatagrein) netwod BR pouting daviien da tall fread Ket Por Far tomecton-ovcnted Cetra cmos walowrls a dbenlon 4 mada one shape acbup_ hos i Caputo | ie) Dealing sift Taher = Reckele imag feved Bongh ory diffe nclmanbln oS eect nce Ei oe fo Lave H Sonrce-b- Dostmoton dba, fda livery ~ ay Teewpatl_taypa i = lar apap a reipeutle fu prceas- be -prceat cabin SYR endive menage “ t FRE trempart layer enaaes He t Re whole message onives intact ond Fs odin enn auchag. belt carr cell TTand flo conbrel oh 28 sowee = dastnation faved Fi eS ceacol Micarcias of Ia eb el by doh Oak Layer i Pi “Oar vesponsbiites of B transport ayer 0 Lines ‘pling eee 4 aa Baader meludes 0. type tf called a Service Print Addie | on Port Rddvess te deliver fhe ewhre | E GySersee Tigh Adibyersng ©) Lome Conte wrentage te 48k connect precens iL Toe apt we + sreanage Ta aided inte fyanmatntle segmarnta CM cack angie canting a Hagan wan AEs ond. fo moment Te wnnage: carmel ly 7 Contra Te brenport yer com te citer conection: dans iy Comme tr cn connection oriented A connecton few Tromiparh Hoyer treat enc negmand Ba am dnilapentlant puckst AR colaea te gested Kyonpor) dager wakes a comme tion cil He samiport fe dee Ol Be dintmation meen. fir dibreving 4p iv Floss Contre Flow contrah at Re gn _par formal endl fo end 1 Corer —combnal of Ba _ fayes is performed proce te precea, Hee tein hc asia) Bough retrentosnaton Negetobaen of Fike user om Avawsporl pre <2 way ned ty magebate ar to Re o lap mae tebe. pruned | 35 may. 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Aerie Bes Uslinn agare-Case, piel facie ee ee ie —sthook Says), LH Fincen bh Prcon dell t calls @8 end-to-end “Golly ad Typed iS a © dedfernt TL feltvere Bom A seaiun ables Tidake fectajost Gel at aia teal Teas Sigel tas at Hog inka cremate Torte femfee ef yg roacbinay at Bin ond Raw Long Gi Tobe Managersent i Lids Rate Kebding fobien Tike _ciieal opera ad. it iit) SyocBronsgatan | ermal, o ee edd_cCackpointe, or Agneronzatin pe| tog atreom of dato etal offer a Bes Tayer, allows wera on reac Riney to etieblaR gemion lal Fata Hon ot one Hise: icicles whe apeatly eles Albee only one a “eee 1 cbs doafered_ofter_| i Wettyst to he epatd a types ond Senate TnfermoBin tremsmectied, tanibihe 0H an lugar TWEce ye _interetedl ay noering date Higby free ome_maae Reet de otbar, sii Mail CsmT ig New CNT BY HeSpecife wapeeitiles Tages na on Da cotinl, ern cont, Premio na — ef He bwuat x meansted from ett cad ble Be Lash compel s_dtecl or _conect errr, we ed Fe send “ete Coedndent) ~ Law, menage inte. 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TTS Detects Madero invobin Teves aie of Bilas 8 i One of fa mast pans fl ward errr dbhenng cody) Apna’ = _4 Given o_immabit block of bh | LL aapoance, Be sendin _gewnsles an n-bl | —sepurrce, Reowen ot a” Fraime Choc | Segunce CFCS), 40 Rat Ae srucllong Tpit comic ef ye bile ATR aeceiver divdly IRE incoming os — FCS, "Hf Ba ay tm remedy, Me weceteer oun al Bast ik ne e010 = — mnt by Ra wanton, suet fer genbedag | ka re mambe AFES, Ha Folloaing sepa ore “fillowed 2. 453 Bypent lf ty TR Oman) bih real ae fak Drie agement ci) TRe gensvetor divicley He augmmahteck datums by fx dimer modu 2 Devi), of rigs net, et Predfied and aged spin. 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Ls —4_f Te daskneton oll lincerd + Foiwmodubo< 2, tuimbering scene fume in erna ond all fubire frames i ae Batak a Slernate okt Re fre Jn error dt coneetly meen 4 et Oe t oo ‘acknautledgemants gre of ts fem _fcke er @ncKi = em The receiver veceins He aan frame, i tele How fo_idintify cuplicate frtuf [Fe asmes, on rece [rehomed Ro fratne —_ = ascclng rate, TSR AK clus gonuncen pest, [eater of el fame accords fu fot BES, Resende, after rmtgat, rend fs fran “Reb ore ak 1 unackocurhelged om fistnet_are TH+ Fon Bibl apunee mutaben, 1 shed for wR’ wegatine Ack _ nat winds ga dime lig vested ln nyt REE Ra Fecnirer window a Receive ee aap aft Laat pea cable fam al ee pom anerenat_conietly renin rT ' oo ore may trinsmt_a Fen | vse The station tn Lialone far an | be yen ai Tat ak ag guia be oats 8 ca Re vagina oben of Be agate howd 3H Ys Ta toe’ odson mo pee of mitonke ee a ge Lon sony be sony amall frame Waban Bo . ‘An Singe_ Malfiph Aecena CESra) os ee ene al x. Sete ted cated | 10, CTS pi og itl te cRomul “A geveeck Ala, Pan vetramint smnediately, propagation Hee ak wey Ao Rome Fronaiiasion “fee. Sine atelion ainda paket, aban Rane ghoads at ot Sopeten of pect = hat a 1 wit protabity p, ond dilag ore TT cement Baber tcp. Sut Coma ata. nal Franmit pant rte Si ae. Sines ee eel Hf Be wid J bang, continue si prgres CLs before ll) fe Listen waht 2. eRanndl a lb 4_Cshe a (Ea ave —callids | Re vasdlsiy yermaina fo Ba daraton of Hronamiasion Aowmagedl formes — Fo Ling Tras, campered ie he ee eopiekaty can be coviclrm aly. PR wee af orn daly dev Se a or ATE. fyeimes abond Tis atlas ee ee of brommvion He ataton fasten fe tramaing CLisken fl Re aieps dn ESMALED ore i= YE Re ened as del, Fromsinst. SAG clean in, bang, cme te Listen til Be cehamme ay able Ban Avemimit lmimedt ately pra “Bam hes been ae cease bhohadasion =F Aiftey Harenithng Be “aignal, anita yondann absoun FEE effet ton backegp, Pn aitcmpl i trowevt again. bBo pain A | we aiaton Sequins Be cRanne Bok a PR CoMRCD, Be ormomt_af tt fp detect collision is mo greater ie fice Be pgatin, daly C2 tp, F ManBaster encoding equates, tures F cck bondwidl® as abreight binary C4) Flows bese Routing —E)Adaplive / Dynamic. Rev ee (be veulere do hot ama = Ter! 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