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Date: October 6, 2014

From: Hui Ling Yong

To: Dr. B
Subject: Proposal and Report Planning Tool
This memo is about the topics for my proposal report assignment. The
problem I wanted to address for this proposal is lecturers and
university staff not knowing how to use the electronic facilities
provided in the classroom. Many times, lecturers and university staff
struggle with how to use these electronic facilities in the middle of a
lecture and this ends up with them abandoning any effort to try to use
these facilities because it is time consuming to try to get it to work.
Hence, these facilities are not put to good use. I feel that since the
school has paid to have these facilities and equipment available, it
should be fully utilized. Most of the facilities are newly installed and
some have been recently upgraded. I think this problem arises because
the technology is new and lecturers and university staff might not be
used to it.
My client for this proposal would be the IT department and the
respective schools. I feel that it would be beneficial for the IT
department to listen to my final project because it will help simplify
their jobs. They would have more time to respond to other bigger
problems such as Wifi problems or equipment maintenance. The
respective schools would also be able to increase their lecturers
efficiency and improve the education quality by working on this
problem. This will also enhance the students classroom experience
and also create a more dynamic learning environment.
For my research, I will approach lecturers and university staff to ask on
what they feel about these facilities and try to find the reason why they
find it hard to use these facilities and equipment. This can help me I
can also

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