Love 222

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Romeo and Juliet first meet in Act One Scene Five

- here Shakespeare shows us how the love doesnt really start off as sincere, more like
puppy love or infatuation
- 1: Romeo
- from first sight, romeo seems infatuated by Juliets appearance
- says that she doth teach the torches to burn bright!
- shows Romeo to be quite awestruck by Juliets beauty
- saying that she is so beautiful that she shines more brightly than the
torches that are lighting the party
- however romeo - although seemingly truly in love with j - could just be infatuated
with her looks instead of truly in love with her
- point emphasised by the fact that his affections have so suddenly switched from
Rosaline only a scene ago to Juliet
- he said in act 1 scene 1 that he truly loved rosaline?
Romeo and Juliet first meet in Act One Scene Five, during a prty hosted at the Capulet
mansion. Here, Shakespeare shows us the initial puppy love between the pair, with
Romeo - upon first sight of Juliet - completely taken in by her beauty, remarking how
...she doth teach the torches to burn bright! By having Romeo compare Juliet to the light
of the torches, Shakespeare shows us just how attractive Romeo finds her, as she
appears to shine even more brightly than the torches lighting the room. However, Romeos
love here may seem to an audience to be infatuation with Juliets beauty more than
anything else, as throughout the previous scenes, he has been mourning his unrequited
love for another girl, Rosaline. This could raise the question of whether this love for Juliet
is really sincere, as he appears to haev changed affections rather quickly.
The Two Dance, Talk and Kiss
- shakespeare shows the audience a pure and sincere love between r and j through
a sonnet
- eg. r describes j as a holy shrine whilst r is referred to as a pilgrim
- firstly shakespeare makes romeo and juliets first encounter a sonnet
- reflects the loving content of their speech, as sonnets were the most
popular love poetry in Shakespeares time
- in addition the religious imagery implies the purity and sincerity of the pairs love
for each otehr
Soon after Romeo has set eyes on juliet, he approaches her and attempts to woo her
through a sonnet, which juliet responds positively to, and in this !

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