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The Student Newspaper

Of the International
School of Paris

T e r r o r i n F r a n c e

Issue 3
January 2015

JungHee Hwang

Charlie Hebdo


Air Asia



New Music


New Movies




Comic (Nowhere)


Winter Word search




7th January, editors,

cartoonists and journalists
of the French satirical
magazine Charlie Hebdo
were having a meeting in
their headquarters in the
11th arrondissement.
Suddenly two gunmen
with black clothes and
masks came in the
building and started
8 journalists and two
policemen were killed,
included Bernard Maris,
prominent cartoonists
Wolinski and Cabu, Charlie
Hebdo editor Stephane
Charbonnier and
cartoonist Bernard
Verlhac. . After the attack,
those gunmen fled with a
black car.
The terrorists were
Kouachi brothers (Sherif

Kouachi, Said Kouachi),

who were fighting in the
name of Islam. Charlie
Hebdo was known for its
satirical cartoons
concerning politics,
religions etc. Recently, it
printed satirical cartoons
towards Muhammad
(prophet of the Islam

religion) and the police

suspected that this was the
reason that the terrorists
attacked Charlie Hebdo.
Witnesses said that they
heard the terrorists
shouting that they came
from Al-Qaeda.
Continued on next page

A i r c r a f t G r a v e y a r d
Aksel U. Solheim
Have you ever wondered what
happens to a retired aircraft?

If an aircraft is too old to fly and
doesnt work well, they just put it at
a field in the desert of Arizona or
California, where there are about
4000 aircrafts. When an aircraft is
finished and is about to retire,
the airline needs to put the retired

aircraft somewhere. The solution

is to create fields where there is
space to store the aircrafts. The
reason for this is that it is too
expensive to recycle the aircraft.

Since there is always going to be
an increasing demand for new
and younger aircrafts, the bone

Page 1

yard is going to increase in

numbers. This is quite a problem
because you need to think about
all the different components on
the plane that are sat there to
rust. You need to think about all
worth of the metals from the
planes and how much it adds up
to. It is a waste of money and
materials to leave 4000 aircrafts
out there in a field.


Charlie Hebdo Continued

The Grapevine January 2015

JungHee Hwang
The terrorists seemed well trained. A
video was taken by a witness of the
brothers shooting an already shot
policeman lying on the p avement.
The terrorist brothers fled to the North
region above Paris and were shot in a

After the terror, photos of the

suspects and of the shooting were
all over social media. Many p eople
from around the world showed
their support for Charlie Hebdo by
tweeting using the hashtag

Paris Protest
Latika Gurunathan
On Sunday the 11th of January, 4 days
after the Charlie Hebdo attack, people
from all over France and around the
world took part in a walk for the
memory of the people lost from the

At least 3.7 million people from all

around the word had come to join
not just the ordinary citizens of
France but also many world leaders,
who travelled all the way to France to
help it get over its days of grief.
These included French President
Francois Hollande, British Prime
Minister David Cameron, German
Chancellor Angela Merkel and
Spanish Prime Minister Mariano
Rajoy. The march started in the

streets of Paris at 3p.m.

There were many ways that
people had expressed themselves
during the march, people had
held the famous Je suis Charlie
sign, pictures and images of the
Charlie Hebdo paper and many
more signs. One man from the
crowed shouted, "dont give in to
fear." Terrorists will not win."

C h a r l i e H e b d o : t h e A f t e r m a t h
Sophie Kane
The small Parisian n ewspaper has
now attained a worldwide

journalists are asking people to

subscribe to their magazine in order
for them to survive.

What are they doing now?

Before the attack. Charlie Hebdo
would normally print 60,000
issues. However, they printed 5
million issues a week after their
magazine was attacked by violent
gunmen. After its first d ay of
release the magazine sold out in
France. Now copies are being
sent to the U.S to satisfy the
demand for the magazine there.
The issue has been referred to as
the survivors issues and on the
Charlie Hebdo website the

People waiting outside newspaper
stand for a copy of the Charlie
Hebdo issue.
So what is this magazine that people
around the world were dying to get
their hands on?

Page 2

Featured on the cover of the

magazine is a portrait of what
most b elieve to be the Prophet
Mohammed crying and holding a
sign that says Je suis Charlie.
Below that are the words All is
forgiven. What is the meaning of
this picture? Youll h ave to decide
for yourself.
After the world was u nited
through the unity march in Paris,
the new issue of Charlie Hebdo
stirred people around the world.
The magazine is called
provocative for its bold--and
often considered-- rude
statements about peoples
religions and cultures.


The Aftermath Continued

The Grapevine January 2015

Sophie Kane
Charlie Hebdo, yet again, printed
an image of the Prophet
Mohammed, which is a sin in
Islam. Now that that Charlie
Hebdo has a worldwide audience
the negative effect of this issue
was probably more serious than
Charlie Hebdo envisioned.

Many riots broke out in the

Islamic world. Palestinians
stomped on the French flag
shouting Allahu Akbar (God is
great in Arabic). Other
Palestinians were waving the
jihadists-- a word we now use
referring to Islamic terrorists--
In Niger, Islamic extremists killed
four people and lit seven
churches on fire. Many Christian

shops were also set on fire, as well as

the French cultural center. At least
43 people were injured in the fight
between the violent protestors and
the police. Thousands of Algerians
threw bottles and rocks at the police
while chanting We are Muhammad
to protest the new Charlie Hebdo

In Somalia, protesters held signs

declaring that they are Muslim and
love their prophet. In Yemen,
protesters gathered in front of the
French embassy. In Sudan, people
held signs reading Death to France
and Charlie Hebdo offends the
prophet. In the country of Jordan,
2,500 people also gathered around
the French embassy holding signs
that said, Insulting the Prophet is
global terrorism. They had to be

stopped by the riot police.

In Pakistan, many pro-Sharia
rallies took p lace to fight against
freedom of speech. In one rally, a
journalist was shot. In former
French colonies like Mali, Senegal,
and M auritania people were also
protesting. In Senegal a thousand
people marched through the
streets shouting Allahu Akbar
and stomping on the French flag.
The Mauritanian president stood
with protesters, declaring that the
Charlie Hebdo cartoon was an
attack on our religions and all
The main long-term issue with
these protesters is that they are
really susceptible to joining
terrorist organizations now that
they are so angry against Charlie
Hebdo-- in their eyes the new
symbol of France. So, what do you
think? Is there a limit to freedom
of speech? And how will we find a
solution to this now worldwide

Air Asia QZ 8501

Latika Gurunathan
On Sunday 28th December, the
Air Asia QZ 8501 plane crashed in
the Java Sea (between Borneo
and Java, Indonesia). Officials say
this was due to thunderstorms
that occurred at the time across
the Java Sea. This plane was
traveling from Surabaya,
Indonesia to Singapore and there
were 166 passengers on board
along with 7 crewmembers.
Two days after the crash, they
found a few bodies and returned
them to their families. Divers
found it very hard to look for

bodies and parts of the plane due

to the b ad weather, which affected
the color and the clarity of the
water. Even with the bad weather
and h orrible wind, the divers still
managed to find a wing of the
There have been many questions
about how the plane had fallen and
broke into different pieces. "That
itself is a clue, because I think that
pretty much indicates that the
plane broke apart when it hit the
water," said Mary Schiavo, a former

Page 3

inspector general of the U.S.

Department of Transportation. The
makers of this flight have told the
audience that this plane was
supposed to hold and be strong in
bad weather conditions such as
thunderstorms and heavy rains. The
plane has been found the bottom of
the Java Sea. Officials say it is as
deep as a 10-story building. Before
finding the plane, they had gotten
many pings from the black box, but
the location was not right.
After they had finally found
Continued on next page


Air Asia Continued

Latika Gurunathan

stuck under their seats.

The Grapevine January 2015

Continued from last page

the planes location it took the divers a
really long time to find the
wreckage. Officials and d ivers have so
far recovered around 37 bodies out of
166 and they say most of the other
bodies are still

There are many incidents that h ave

occurred recently with planes and
flights. Could there now be a
limited amount of passengers who
would want to fly in Air Asia ? Its
your turn to decide.

Recent ISIS Activity

Ryota A kai
Islamic State is a radical group that has
recently obtained large areas across
Syria and Iraq. It is known for its brutal
tactics. They have killed massively and
abused members of religious and
ethnic minorities. In addition, they
have also brutally b eheaded soldiers
and journalists.

The group aims to establish a
"caliphate", a state ruled by a single
political and religious leader according
to Islamic law, or Sharia. Although
currently limited to Iraq and Syria, IS
has promised to "break the borders" of
Jordan and Lebanon and to "free
Palestine". It attracts support from
Muslims across the world and
demands that all swear allegiance to
its leader - Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim Ali
al-Badri al-Samarrai, better known as
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

IS can trace its roots back to the late
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian

who set up Tawhid wa al-Jihad in

2002. A year after the US-led invasion
of Iraq, Zarqawi pledged allegiance to
Osama Bin Laden and formed al-
Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), which became a
major force in the insurgency.

After Zarqawi's death in 2006, AQI
created an umbrella organisation,
Islamic State in Iraq (ISI). ISI was
steadily weakened by the US troop
surge and the creation of Sahwa
(Awakening) councils by Sunni Arab
tribesmen who rejected its brutality.
After becoming ISIs leader in 2010,
Baghdadi rebuilt its capabilities. By
2013, ISI was once again carrying out
dozens of attacks a month in Iraq. It
had also joined the rebellion against
President Bashar al-Assad in Syria,
setting up the al-Nusra Front.

In April 2013, Baghdadi announced
the merger of his forces in Iraq and
Syria and the creation of the Islamic
State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS). The

leaders of al-Nusra and al-Qaeda

rejected the move, but fighters
loyal to Baghdadi split from al-
Nusra and helped Isis remain in

At the end of December 2013, Isis
shifted its focus back to Iraq and
exploited a political standoff
between the Shia-led
government and the minority
Sunni Arab community. Aided by
tribesmen, the group took
control of the central city of

In June 2014, Isis overran the
northern city of Mosul, and then
advanced southwards towards
Baghdad. At the end of the
month, after consolidating its
hold over dozens of cities and
towns, Isis declared the creation
of a caliphate and changed its
name to Islamic State.

M o s t e x p e n s i v e b r e a d i n t h e w o r l d ?
Amlie Halaxova

Juan Manuel Moreno is a baker in the

small village Algatocin in the south of
Spain. Rich comes rich Chinese, Arab
and Russians tourists flock to his
bakery Pan Pia from nearby tourist
resort Costa de S ol.

The most expensive bread in the world

is baked in the south of Spain. This is
due to its unusual main ingredient -
edible gold dust. The bread costs 117

Juan Manuel M oreno (third from left)

Page 4

The Grapevine January 2015



M u s i c C o r n e r
Ayanna Rhodes
New music is constantly being
created from a simple tap in class to
a platinum hit worldwide. France
has a lot of great music and has a lot
of favorites from other countries.
This column is going to let you in on
top hits, new songs, and rising stars.

Top Ten Singles in France Right

1. Uptown Funk

By Louane

3. Dangerous

By David Guetta and Sam Martin

4. Take Me To Church

By Lilly Wood and Prick

7. Andalouse

By Hozier

5. Chandelier

By Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars

2. Je V ole

6. Prayer In C (Robin Schulz

By Kendji Girac

8. Fade Out Lines

By Sia

By Avener

Page 5


M u s i c C o r n e r C o n t i n u e d
The Grapevine January 2015

Ayanna Rhodes

It isnt very surprising that some
of these songs are on the top of
the charts as they are really very

Which songs do you know? Did
you make any new favorites?
What are your favorite types of

Till next time in the Music Corner!
Make a b eat in class or a platinum
hit. Peace out!

10. Fresh Prince

9. Saint Claude
By Christine and The Queens
By Soprano and Uncle Phil

Upcoming Movies

Sophie Kane
A lot of new movies are coming out
in 2015. Paris has a lot of great
movie theaters- including ones on
the Champs Elysees. Read about
which movies are coming out this
year and when they will b e out in
the Parisian theaters. From Disney
to Divergent to Pitch Perfect, there
will be a lot of movies on your
bucket list!

Into the Woods

Disney Movies:

Featuring an amazing cast including

Meryl Streep, Emily Blunt, Anna
Kendrick, Chris Pine, and Johnny
Depp, this musical is going to be
one to remember. The story line
goes; a baker and his wife are
cursed by a witch (Meryl Streep). To
lift the curse they need to find four
magic items from different fairy
tales; a cow from Jack (and the
Beanstalk), a cape from Little Red
Riding Hood, hair from Rapunzel,
and a slipper from Cinderella. This
film is witty, surprising, and
refreshingly unique-- a film unlike
any other.

Release Date in France: 28 January
A twist of the fairy tales, Into the
Woods is a musical fantasy great for
those who love Disney.

Page 6

Release Date in France: 25 March
Lots of people have heard of Into
the Woods, but not many have
heard of this upcoming Disney
movie. The storyline largely follows
the 1950s movie-- but of course
with some twists. There is a prince
and a fairy godmother but
everything might not turn out just
how you imagined.


Movies in 2015 Continued

The Grapevine January 2015



Release Date in France: 11 March

This movie is for a slightly older
audience-- probably better for 8th
grade and up due to some violence in
this film. It documents the story of
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. through his
struggles to stand up for what he
believes in. This film concentrates on
his campaign to create equal racial
voting in the United States. It is told
from a witness point of view about
how King changed his world.

Star Wars; the force awakens

Just when we thought there
would never be another Star
Wars movie-- Disney proves us
wrong. The release date for
France hasnt been announced
yet. It will probably come out
early January 2016 because it
comes out in December 2015 in
the U.S. But for all the Star Wars
lovers out there, keep your ears
open for more about this film.


Pitch Perfect 2
Release Date in France: 22 July
The old group joins in an
international singing competition
that no American team has ever
won. For those of you who liked
the first one, the sequel features
the same characters,
personalities, and spirit.

Historic Movies:




Jurassic World

Release Date in France: 8 July

Release Date in France: 10 June

Minions Stuart, Kevin, and Bob are

recruited by a super-villain called
Scarlet Overkill who's married to an
inventor. Together they form a plan
to take over the world. For those of
you who like the Despicable Me
movies; here is some more Minions
mayhem to put a smile on your face.

It is twenty years after Jurassic

Park the original movie and they
have now created a dinosaur p ark
that is open to the public. 10
years later, the park loses the
attention of visitors. They create
a new attraction to attract the
public but it backfires and may
end up ruining the entire park

Page 7


Movies in 2015 Continued

The Grapevine January 2015

Sophie Kane

This film is also probably for an older

audience (8th grade and up). This film
is much awaited by the many fans of
this series. Beatrice has to h ave
control over herself so that she can
continue to fight against a community
that will destroy her society.

Maze Runner; the Scorch Trials

Mockingjay Part 2

But new challenges come their

way when they come into an
apocalyptic world full of disease
and solar flares. They must be
careful whom they trust, while
setting off on a new mission
through the Scorch.

Release Date in France: 18 November

Divergent 2; Insurgent
Release Date in France: 18 March

And for those who like the Hunger

Games; Mockingjay Part 2 is coming
out this year. It is about Katniss
Evergreen and the District 13 taking
part in a revolution against the

Release Date in France: unknown

In the movie the M aze Runner
kids were left in a maze with no
memory of their past. Now they
have gotten out of the maze,

Anime: Past and Future

Yuriko Hono
Have you heard about Anime?
You probably have because it is very
popular in foreign countries and
very famous in traditional Japanese
culture. It looks like M ickey Mouse
and M inions of Americas animation
but the Japanese do not call it
animation. Instead they call it
Anime, an abbreviation of
animation and usually broadcast on
TV. Each episode is usually about 30
minutes long and it continues the
next week.
Here is the difference between
Americas animation and Japans
US Animation
In the US, animation is usually made
for children. The representative
animation studio for this is
Disney, which has a lot of popular
animation. For example Snow

White and the Seven Dwarfs,

Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty,
Beauty and the Beast and so on.
These are generally considered the
best animations of the classic
princess stories.
What about Winnie the Pooh?

We feel very relaxed when we

watch it because Pooh is very mild
and this makes its watchers happy
Recently, Disney made one of the
most famous and successful
animations, Frozen.

Page 8

Its very popular as it lets us feel a

lot of emotions because its story
structure isnt very complicated and
the animation is very fascinating.
Therefore, it is easy to watch,
especially for children.
Japans anime.
Japan makes some anime for
children too, however, it is more
recently thought of to b e focused
towards nerds/geeks. There is a
very big difference between older
anime and modern anime.
Continued on the next page


Anime Continued
The Grapevine January 2015


even find the comics in Monoprix.

It started in 1999 and is still
continuing today. The story is
about pirates and h as a lot of
action and fighting. The story is
sometimes complicated but it has
a lot of charm. For example, each
character is very cute and their
story is very well done.

popular trend.


type of Japanese anime
someones p eaceful life.

These older series was more

and talked about

everyday life and some of the

worlds problems.

Still on TV
Former anime like Sazae-san is still
broadcast on TV so maybe modern
children still watch some former
anime. For example Doraemon,
which started in 1973 and it has 1345
stories and its story structure is very
similar to that of Sazae-san.

That classic, representative anime
of the time is Sazae-san.

Writers opinion

It started as a comic series and
came to television in 1969. It is
the record holder for longest
running animated television
series and has more than 3000
The show is about the family of
Sazae. This picture looks very
calm and quiet but the story in
the show is usually very hasty.
The message of the show is that
we are very lucky to b e living in
peace. Sazaes family always h as
some problems but it is usually
about very small things. This
peaceful scene is why we want to
see their life over and over.
New Anime
However, the most recent,
popular anime is not really for
children. Animes story structure
became a lot more complicated
which makes it harder for
children to watch. Therefore,
anime is no longer for all ages.
However, it is now Japans most

Doraemon is the middle (blue)
character. He is a robotic cat sent
from the future by Sewashi to help
his grandfather Nobita Nobi. Every
episode Doraemon helps Nobita with
special tools and gadgets from the
future. These tools and Doraemons
adventures make the show very fun
to watch. The picture h as been
renewed which makes it a lot easier
to see.
Another anime called ONE PIECE is
also very popular. You can sometimes

Page 9

I personally dont like a lot of the

more recent, modern anime. A
lot of its fans go very crazy, its
boring and mostly because they
dont h ave the message that
older anime has.
However, I really like former
anime because it shows some of
Earths p roblems and it really
shows us what our life is. It is very
interesting to see, has really good
message and allows us some
peace of mind..
I think we should keep old anime
like Sazae-san and Doraemon. Its
something we can see with all the
family as it creates a place where
the whole family can get
I think anyone would enjoy old
Japanese anime, there are a lot of
hilarious things and it was very
popular to all ages.
I think if modern children
watched these shows and read
these comics, they can know
about the old, funny anime!

Amelia Vaaranmaa

Com ics

The Grapevine January 2015

Nowhere, Page 2 (Continued from last month)

Page 10

Fun Page

W i n t e r W o r d s e a r c h
The Grapevine January 2015

Qi Mo Hofstede
Found at

Page 11

Aksel U. Solheim

The Grapevine January 2015

Found at (answers here and in next months Grapevine

About The Grapevine

The Grapevine is now online! Check out our website at
This is a place where you can find all the Grapevines from Year 2013-2014. You can also find out more about the
Grapevine, give your opinion on our Opinion Page and even take part in a Monthly Poll (the results will be in the
next issue of the Grapevine)

The Grapevine is ISPs secondary school newspaper written by students. We cover all types of news from world
to school to sports. Participating in the Grapevine is a fun way to write about what you love and get your voice
heard. We meet every Thursday lunch in A104 and we would be happy for you to join and to write quality news
articles. Participation in the Grapevine counts for both CAS and C&S. For more information, email Ms. Smith at

Editor: Juliette Teunissen
Writers/Contributors: Aksel U. Solheim, Amelia Vaaranmaa, Amlie Halaxova, JungHee Hwang, Latika
Guranathan, Qi Mo Hofstede, Sophie Kane, Sunniva Nyhamar, Thomas Teunissen, Yuriko Hono.

Page 12

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