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Pitch is the change of tone level, the level of

highness and lowness when we speak.
How many kinds of pitch do we have in English? Four.
1. The lowest pitch with the notation 1
2. The middle pitch with the notation 2
3. The high pitch with the notation 3
4. The highest pitch with the notation 4

The Four Types of Pitch


The glide-down
a. complete definite statements:
I 'don't like mutton.
b. business-like wh-questions, to show real interest:
'who 'told you that?
c. tag questions when not is in either the statement or the tag
but not in both, to force a person to agree with you:
you 'aren't coming, are you?
it's cold, isn't it?
d. strong commands:
'come here
'Stop 'that noise.
e. strong exclamations
what nonsense
how awful

The Four Types of Pitch (continued)

2. The glide-up
a. encouraging statements:
your 'mother will be 'back soon
b. statement intended as questions, but it isnt in question form:
you do
he 'wasn't there
c. yes/no or wh-questions to show great interest or sympathy:
'How's your cold?
is your 'baby well?
d. yes/no questions:
can I help you?
is it finished?
e. some exclamation, about things which are not very exciting or
thank you

The Four Types of Pitch (continued)

3. The take-off
a. statements which are grumbles:
I did so
you are really hurt
b. the questions after commands
shut the door, would you.
c. tag questions if both statement and tag have not, or if neither statement or
tag has not:
he isnt coming, is he?
You asked her, did you?
d. when you want the other persons to give their opinion:
You havent passed that unit, have you?
She is not sick, is she?
e. Exclamation which are questions:
the prime minister?

The Four Types of Pitch (continued)

4. The Dive
a. Statements which are warnings
dont you drop that
Im not writing
b. statement which show reservations on the part of the
speaker which might be followed by but.
shes very intelligent (but rather ugly)
I saw him yesterday (but I havent seen him today)

c. Statement which are corrections of what someone also has

(I send you 5 dollars) three dollars
(I dont like fish) you used to like it.

The Four Types of Pitch (continued)

d. if the statement is incomplete
He picked up the knife (and stabbed her)
Whenever I get into the bath (the phone rings)
e. commands which are very polite or pleading
Pass me the salt
be reasonable

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