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Page 1 of the Constitution of the Lapras

Constitution of the Lapras

WE the TRAINERS of the POKMON WORLD, in order to form a more perfect club,
establish rules, ensure tranquility, provide for the common LEGOs, promote the general Pokmon, and secure
the blessings of freedom to ourselves and our future trainers do ordain and establish this Constitution for this
Pokmon World.
a. Club Meets We shall meet every (day(s)) and meet on a regular basis. During these times we
shall build with our LEGOs to create Pokemon, and if necessary we shall ready papers and other
things for such activities as voting and organizing which Pokemon to make. On each day, we
shall do the same things, though maybe not the same extra stuff (as voting and organizing papers
are superfluous things, at least in the case of this).
How We Get LEGOs
a. Donating LEGOs Each member of the Lapras Club must donate at least 35 bricks worth of
LEGOs. This will ensure the possibility of building structures as well as diminishing the amount
of LEGOs that must be bought for the club.
b. Ordering LEGOs Club members will order LEGOs if the LEGO(s) they need are not currently
in the clubs possession. The LEGOs will be ordered once every 3 months from
or from LEGO Pick-a-Brick places (whether they are stores or are online). Ordered LEGOs will
belong to the club, not to the creator, neither to the founder of the club, and not only for ones
personal use. When the club has ran out of LEGOs, donations will be asked, though if none are
accepted, the club founder will be forced to pay money for new bricks with money out of the
founders own pocket.
c. LEGO Digital Designer Any member of the club may download this program for personal and
group use only. The program may be downloaded on ones personal laptop to use for the club; to
design and create 3-D versions of Pokmon using bricks we may not have, and to plan Pokmon
before actually building the real structure. With whatever cost this may take, the founder would
appreciate it if the one who wants the program on their personal laptop to pay the fee to
download the program onto their computer; if the person decides not to pay for the fee, one of
two things shall be decided: (1) the founder will pay for the fee of the LEGO Digital Designer, or
(2) the person shall not have the program on their personal laptop. If the 5 Founders decide that
LEGO Digital Designer is not appropriate for this club, Build With Chrome will have to be
downloaded, for it is a free app on Google Chrome. If no fee, the person shall not have to pay
any fee to download any of the programs.
Making Pokmon
a. Already Made Pokmon Already made Pokmon shall be taken into the Lapras Club to be
looked at by other members than the creator themselves. This is especially important at the
beginning of the club to establish a foundation of what is good and what is horrible, as in
creating the Pokmon. We could specify the minimum of how the Pokmon shall be, but
establishing a maximum would be too harsh, because in life, a maximum amount of effort is
usually required, no matter what that amount of effort really is. The Pokmon already created by
CaptainHobby shall be also taken into place and pieces shall be ordered to make these marvelous
figures of LEGO Pokmon. The more helpful it is though, when members donate LEGOs to use
Written for the sake of creating club rules and how to do stuff in club, I shall promote this Constitution as the most important of all the documents
there shall ever be written in the Lapras Club, because of how it is instructive and is important as it is vital to the survival of the club; it is nothing
superfluous, but something we should realize as a great piece of art. G. E.


Page 2 of the Constitution of the Lapras

in our club because it minimizes the amount of LEGOs needed to purchase (more specified in
Article I). It is very much appreciated to the club members when members bring in already
created Pokmon because it may minimize the amount of Pokmon the club itself has to make
and allows more Pokmon to be made (theoretically, not mathematically).
b. Creating New Pokmon Creating Pokmon out of LEGOs is what this club is all about. We
shall use mathematics based on how many people joined to calculate how many Pokmon we
shall allow to be created. Everyone shall put themselves in groups of members that they think
they shall cooperate with and work well with. The Pokmon have been picked out already by the
members and voted on whether we shall make it or not, so at the beginning we can jump right to
the process of creating them. One shall work with team members to create the specific Pokmon
they choose off of the List of Pokmon we have officially chosen from. They can build straight
away, though some members may want to use LEGO Digital Designer to create their model in 3D, and then order the pieces they need but do not currently hold in possession months later. Once
one Pokmon is created (which should take approximately 2 weeks supposedly) it shall be
displayed on our poster of the Lapras Club (or at least a picture of it will be) and the group shall
move to the next Pokmon. Creating Pokmon the fastest is not necessary. If the Pokmon
does not go at least above the minimum, it shall be rejected and the group shall remake the
entire model. PUT EFFORT INTO YOUR WORK!!! If one person joins in the calculations
shall not be redone; though if three or more people join in the calculations shall be redone and
the voting process shall begin (Article II, Section c).
c. The voting process shall be very long, being 3 weeks worth of confusion. The first week the
members shall all go home with papers full of Pokmon. This will be the list of Pokmon we
have already voted to do. Each member is responsible for writing down his or her own list of
Pokmon they want to add into the club; they must have not been decided to create yet.
These lists shall be given to the founder the next meeting from which he will create a giant list of
all the Pokmon all the members wanted to add. The following meeting the founder will bring in
printed lists for each person to choose from and select the ones they want created. At the last
week of confusion, the lists shall be turned in and the founder will compile a list of Pokmon
that have at least half of votes. The adjustments will be made to remove some Pokmon (or add
some) to match the necessary number of Pokmon, and the next meeting the founder shall bring
in one new and updated list of Pokmon from which you can choose to make in LEGOs. During
these weeks, the new people shall work with another team for 2 Pokmon, then shall make a new
group of cooperating members to create new Pokmon.
Making Pokballs
a. CaptainHobbys Pokball The Pokball created by CaptainHobby is the Pokball that is going
to be based on. The black stripe on the Pokball will be added, because for using this for other
Pokballs, the line is pretty much a necessity (especially for the Premier Ball; the Premier Ball is
white with a red stripe through it). CaptainHobby though did a very good job of taking the
Lowells Sphere design (designed by Bruce Lowell) and creating a Pokball out of it, and we are
very grateful to have this, because otherwise, the Pokballs would pretty much be a disaster.
b. Other Pokballs The other 25 Pokballs must be designed, though thanks to CaptainHobbys
Pokball design, we have a base, and all the club members must do is take the most frequent
color and make it in place of the red, and if there is a different bottom color as white, then the

Written for the sake of creating club rules and how to do stuff in club, I shall promote this Constitution as the most important of all the documents
there shall ever be written in the Lapras Club, because of how it is instructive and is important as it is vital to the survival of the club; it is nothing
superfluous, but something we should realize as a great piece of art. G. E.



Page 3 of the Constitution of the Lapras

white shall be replaced with the most frequent color on the bottom part of the Pokball (Dive
Ball is a good example of that). Then the members shall place LEGOs on top of the base to cover
the base in the part that it has other shades of colors. This will ensure that the Pokballs have the
appropriate shades of colors on them and have the spots in the right places without having the
difficulty of having to get the right pieces for each spot when creating the original Lowells
Sphere based Pokball.
Making Minifigures
a. Already Made Minifigures Already created minifigures shall be brought into the club as soon
as possible for the creator of the minifigures. Whenever they shall be brought into the clubs
hands, they shall be showed to all members and members shall grade and determine if the
minifigures are worth anything. If the minifigures are worth anything and were on our list of
Pokmon/other stuff included, we shall cross it out and it will create more opportunities of
Pokmon and/or minifigures. If they are worth nothing, the person who brought the minifigure to
the club will conference with their group to recreate the minifigure. If worth something, the
creator shall be done with the design and the other members shall criticize and critique the
minifigure till the minifigure is at the majority of the votes of liking, and then the club shall be
rid of critiquing the minifigure of its will.
b. Creating New Minifigures Creating new minifigures will be done by groups whenever they
feel up to the task. They will use minifigure pieces, and it will be very important to the club that
people donate not just bricks, but also minifigure pieces as well. With these pieces, groups shall
be able to finish the task of creating correct minifigures based off of people from the anime. The
people created must be limited to only the main characters in the anime, not every single person
from the anime. This is being done because there are hundreds of people from the anime, and our
group has not the people nor the LEGOs nor the time to complete a task so long, in such a short
time such as 4 years only. Adding this on to the amount of Pokmon we have, the calculations of
how many people we need to complete a task so prodigious and lengthy; it would take too many
members and so much time that task cannot be completed.
Creating New Sections
a. Creating New Branches Creating a new branch will take a lot of time to decide whether it
should be allowed into the club or not. First the club must vote upon it; the vote must be at least
sixty-seven percent of the members in the club. If the branch idea (or bidea) comes through the
voting, the founder himself shall take a look at the idea. Once the founder has passed it, the other
people who helped create the club must come to a conclusion of letting the bidea go through.
They shall take as long as they wish, though the other votes must only take a week. Once they
have passed the bidea with at least half of them liking it, the club members shall vote upon it one
last time. Once at least seventy-five percent of the club likes it (this time), the branch shall
finally be taken into action and entered into an amendment to this Constitution. If any one of the
times the persons of the club decide not to pass it, the chain is broken and the bidea cannot get
passed into the Constitution of the Lapras, but can be saved if one of the original founders of the
club decide to pass it themselves.
b. Editing Lapras Club Documents One shall only amend the Constitution if one disagrees with a
rule set, or thinks one rules is too strict. The idea shall be passed first to the founder of the Lapras
Club, and he shall decide whether the idea is any good or not. If he passes it, the rest of the

Written for the sake of creating club rules and how to do stuff in club, I shall promote this Constitution as the most important of all the documents
there shall ever be written in the Lapras Club, because of how it is instructive and is important as it is vital to the survival of the club; it is nothing
superfluous, but something we should realize as a great piece of art. G. E.


Page 4 of the Constitution of the Lapras

founders shall take a look at the idea, and see if the idea is any good or not. If more than half
vote for the idea, the idea shall be taken into the list of amendments and the list shall continue for
any time at all. To make these decisions require time, and no time is limited for the decision to
vote for or against the idea, and strong arguments will be required if one wants to persuade
another to take their side. The list of amendments shall be kept as important as this document
alone, but once created as amendment, no further due shall be done. That means that once an
amendment, always an amendment. The list of amendments itself cannot be edited, so the
founders must take very good precaution on whether the idea is any good or not, because if it is,
and taken into the list of amendments, the idea cannot be withdrawn or retracted. The
Constitution is as important as it is to create an amendment, so when one is done with their idea,
whether it shall be passed or not, one shall continue working on their project until it is done. If
the idea is rejected, the creator of it may either amend the idea to make it to where the founders
want to make the idea an amendment or just quit with the idea.
Club Members Joining and Quitting
a. Quizzing the Members In order to efficiently establish a profound understanding of this
document, we shall quiz the members. They shall take the quiz with ease, as it shall be multiplechoice and shall create a relationship between the person and the document. With passing this
test, they shall be admitted into the club, and shall be a member and must follow this document
and in its way. When one does not pass the test, they may take the test again to try again or
decide to quit (which would be upsetting); if deciding to take the test again, once they have taken
the test three times and not passed a single one of them with a B+ or above (according to the
Founder Grading System or FGS), they shall not be allowed in the club, as the test is to show the
understanding of this document and its ways, and with not passing the test the only evidence we
have is that you do not have a thorough understanding of the club. Before taking the test
however, one must study and remember the important points of this important document, and
also remember a bit about the more important Pokmon of the club (such as Lapras and
Pikachu), as they will be on the test. The Five Founders however shall not be required to take
the test, though they can if they feel the need. People shall only take the test if they want to
part of this club. If not willing to join, one shall not be forced to take the quiz if against their will.
b. The Founder Grading System This system shall be used to grade the quizzes that we shall
conduct on the members to see if they shall be allowed into the club. It consists of grades from Tto A+, and one shall most considerably study this part of the Constitution; not because it is good
reading, but because of the importance of this section. If one studies correctly, one shall see they
must get 13 or more out of 15 on their test if they want to pass. The grades shall be shown below
in percentages as along with their letter equivalents and the amount of questions you must get
correct in order to receive that grade.
i. 100%, A+, 15 questions correct
ii. 93%-99%, A, 14 questions correct
iii. 90%-92%, Aiv. 87%-89%, B+, 13 questions correct
v. 83%-86%, B
vi. 80%-82%, B-, 12 questions correct
vii. 77%-79%, C+
viii. 73%-76%, C, 11 questions correct

Written for the sake of creating club rules and how to do stuff in club, I shall promote this Constitution as the most important of all the documents
there shall ever be written in the Lapras Club, because of how it is instructive and is important as it is vital to the survival of the club; it is nothing
superfluous, but something we should realize as a great piece of art. G. E.

Page 5 of the Constitution of the Lapras

ix. 70%-72%, Cx. 67%-69%, D+, 10 questions correct
xi. 63%-66%, D
xii. 60%-62%, D-, 9 questions correct
xiii. 50%-59%, F+, 8 questions correct
xiv. 40%-49%, F, 6-7 questions correct
xv. 30%-39%, F-, 5 questions correct
xvi. 20%-29%, T+, 3-4 questions correct
xvii. 10%-19%, T, 2 questions correct
xviii. 0%-9%, T-, 0-1 questions correct
c. Kicking Out Members There are various reasons that you could be kicked out of the club, and
they are all for the safety of the club. With preforming one of the actions shown below and with
great proof, the club members themselves could vote to suspend you from the club, and if they
choose to with or more votes, very easily. Take great precaution when doing one of the actions
shown below, because when you have done so, there is no going back.
i. Cussing 3 times during club meets
ii. Not acting like you care; not following directions
iii. Not showing respect to the LEGOs and/or your fellow members that are also part of your
iv. Not following the directions of this Constitution
v. Not showing effort
vi. Not working in any way at all
vii. Complaining too much about that the Constitutions wrong or that you have the worst
club ever
viii. Destroying other important objects of work that should still stand
ix. Not respecting the fellow Pokmon of this Pokmon World
x. Not helping out in group projects
d. Quitting One could quit whenever they wish. If they are done with the club, they can easily just
say I HATE LAPRAS! and quit from the club forever. They also have the choice of quitting
temporarily, just to try out a different club they think they might like more but they can still come
back, and will be quizzed with hopeful ease. Once one says I HATE LAPRAS! they cannot
come back to the club, no matter whether they want to come back or not.
e. The Founders Rights As Founders of the Lapras Club, the trainers who created this have many
rights to do, as much as responsibilities and they have no more power than you yourself have
alone. Although they have the power to lead processes such as voting and quizzing, this
Constitution itself gives them the right to do that. Once we have future generations of trainers
and it is officially time to leave the club because of grades, we shall pick the most responsible
trainers and rename them (technically, not really) the Five Founders, or more literally the Five
Newcomers (who have the same power as Founders). As generations pass, this document allows
the Five Newcomers to pick one who they think will run the club nicely, and shall we do this
until there are trainers no more, and no more generations of us shall continue. However thus shall
not be 2 years, neither shall it be only 4. We shall continue this club until we have totally got all
of our ideas extinct, and then, and only then, shall we ask the Newcomers to shut down the club,
but that shall be whenever they desert it, or we have completely created all Pokmon, though by
Written for the sake of creating club rules and how to do stuff in club, I shall promote this Constitution as the most important of all the documents
there shall ever be written in the Lapras Club, because of how it is instructive and is important as it is vital to the survival of the club; it is nothing
superfluous, but something we should realize as a great piece of art. G. E.


Page 6 of the Constitution of the Lapras

that time, there will probably be a new generation, which shall create more fun, so this club shall
be never-ending, if anyone is to join, of course.
a. Signing This Document The document of the laws of the Five Founders shall be sufficient for
the establishment of this Constitution, between the hours so the same.
Done in Convention, by the unanimous consent of the Founders present, the (day number in the
week) day of (month), in the year of our Lord two thousand and fourteen, and of the start of the
Lapras Club the (whenever the Lapras club started in date form). In witness whereof, we have
hereunto subscribed our names.

FINLAY MELLOR (introducing the founder into Pokmon)

GABRIEL ESCOBAR (founder of the Lapras Club)

NICHOLAS IZEPIK HSU (mathematical problem solver)
MARVIN FAN (designer of the T-Shirt)
RYAN PLASKOFF (designer of the Lapras acronym)

Written for the sake of creating club rules and how to do stuff in club, I shall promote this Constitution as the most important of all the documents
there shall ever be written in the Lapras Club, because of how it is instructive and is important as it is vital to the survival of the club; it is nothing
superfluous, but something we should realize as a great piece of art. G. E.

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