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Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

Teacher Candidate: Haley Simpson and Liz Fulmer

Lesson #
Subject/Grade: Reading, grade 2
Date and Time of Lesson: November
6, 2014
Learning Objective: (must support unit objectives identified in TWS 3)
Using the text, City Dog, Country Frog the student will be able use information from the text to
explain their understanding of the seasons, characters, and the main idea of the text with100%

Alignment with Standards: (must support unit standards identified in TWS 3)

Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to
demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot. Grade two, Reading,
Number seven
Developmental Appropriateness and Cross-curricular connections: (should
parallel information in TWS Section 3)

With previous knowledge of the seasons, the students are able to relate ideas within the
text to various seasons. Also in this grade level, comprehension is a large part of their
curriculum. The text includes information about science; the assessment will incorporate
the arts. For those that finish early, we will ask them to share with others that are done;
this will help with social aspects. Physically the students will be making booklets; this
requires them to move around to get materials, and to express their creativity.
Expressing creativity will help developing emotional appropriateness.
Assessment(s) of the Objectives: (must support unit assessments identified in TWS 3)
Lesson Objective(s)

Assessment(s) of the

Using the text, City Dog,

Country Frog the
student will be able use
information from the
text to explain their
understanding of the
seasons, characters,
and the main idea of
the text with 100%

We will have the

students make a booklet
to explain their
knowledge of different
seasons, characters and
the main idea. Pre
assessment will be
gathering what they
know about seasons
during our shared
reading. This will be
done by asking
prompting questions
(What can you tell me
about fall?). The during
assessment, will be
monitoring them while
they are making their
booklets. Our finial
assessments, will be
taking their booklets up,
to see if they
comprehended the

Use of Formative
(TWS section 7)
During shared
reading, we will ask
prompting questions
to ensure all
students have
knowledge of the
seasons. Once the
students are done,
taking their work will
be a good way to
look for
comprehension of
the text, as well as
personalities from
their booklet.

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

material with 100%

Rev. 2013

Accommodations: (should parallel information in TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)

For those learners that read slower, we will give them a copy of the text for them to keep along
as well pointers. We will use the students IEPs to ensure all needs are fulfilled. For those
students that finish early, we will ask them to review their work and then share with others that
are finished.

Materials: City Dog, Country Frog, paper for the booklets, markers and crayons, pens and
pencils, binding materials, any material suggested from accommodations from the IEP.

Procedures: For motivations techniques the students will be told to make sure their booklet is
presentable in case they are asked to share with the class, they may also be posted in the
hallways for the school to see. There will not be any grouping, unless students finish early, then
they will be grouped together to share. While reading the text the teacher will promote

visual, meaning, and semantic cues. She will also ask probing questions. Probing
questions will be related to the seasons, characters and main idea presented in the text
(what can you tell me about fall, what you do in winter, can anyone share a story about
what they do in summer). We will conclude the lesson by allowing time for students to share

what was learned and the teacher will check for understanding of material and comprehension.
Allowing the students to make booklets, addresses kinesthetic and visual learners, while reading
the text and sharing addressed visual and auditory.

Critical Thinking Skills:

During our shared reading of the text we will ask the students a number of probing questions
(what do you know about fall, what can you do in the winter, etc.). While the students are
completing their booklets, we will walk around asking questions checking for comprehension
(what are you writing and why). If we come to a booklet that does not have 100%
comprehension, we will conference with those students asking them: what are you confused on,
why did you only put this information in your booklet). Prompting the students for understanding
is one teaching strategy, allowing them to share with each other is another teaching strategy
that allows the students to become involved, and allowing a student to come up in the front of
the room and share while the teacher scaffolds what that student is sharing and makes sure that
all students comprehend by asking questions is another teaching strategy.

Activity Analysis: (must support TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)

By making a booklet, the students will show their comprehension of the seasons, characters, and
main events. We will need paper and pencil to complete the booklets as well as markers or
crayons. The students can show their creativity while doing their booklet.
By allowing these students to share we will promote their comprehension, and be able to ask
prompting questions for deeper level of comprehension. The students will be able to show their
creativity while sharing with each other, and it will allow them a break from work. We will use a
smart board projector when sharing so all students can see.


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