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Current Event

Internet 1: Researchers Split Water into Hydrogen, Oxygen Using Light, Nanoparticles
Researchers from the University of Houston have found a catalyst that can quickly generate
hydrogen from water using sunlight, potentially creating a clean and renewable source of
energy. Researchers prepared the nanoparticles in two ways, using femtosecond laser ablation
and through mechanical ball milling. Despite some differences, Bao said both worked equally
Internet 2: DNA Motor 'Walks' Along Nanotube, Transports Tiny Particle
Researchers have created a new type of molecular motor made of DNA and demonstrated its
potential by using it to transport a nanoparticle along the length of a carbon nanotube. ,
researchers are trying to create synthetic motors based on DNA, the genetic materials in cells
that consist of a sequence of four chemical bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine
Magazine: Spotless Minds
Studies have found chemical compounds that can be used to subdue or even delete memories.
To make more targeted treatments, researchers will ultimately need to understand how the
brains neurons encode each memory.
Newspaper: Confusion meets a chemical compound
Chemical cloud at the companys titanium plant drew more than 90 firefighters as well as
decontamination crews. Workers at Precision Castparts Corp.s titanium parts plant perched on
the roof and opened a door to the plants chemical mill. A thick, orangish plume, mainly
nitrogen dioxide and some hydrofluoric acid, spewed out into the misty evening. They left, fast.
What firefighters call one of Oregons most significant hazmat incidents in a decade had begun.
About a half-hour before, power plummeted on the main line to the plant, apparently the
unintended result of maintenance by Portland General Electric two weeks earlier on switch
across the street.

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