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Worship Service

Welcome and Announcements

Julio Tabuenca
Angelica Prodan, Organist
Prelude in g minor by J. S. Bach

9:30 ~ 10:45!

Adult Sabbath School Leader

Jeevaka Weerasinghe

Book of Proverbs

God Has a Plan

Brian Bautista & The Revive

What You Get

Lourdes Gudmundsson



Julio Tabuenca

Pastoral Staff

Childrens Corner
Jeremy Cruz

William Wright
Tom Gibson
Dorothy Donesky
Rolland Crawford
Glenn Weick

Cristian Iordan
Worship, Youth, & Media


Erica Rantung
Children & Family!


Gabriel Katrib
Visitation !


Judi Wright

Returning to God What Belongs to Him

Andrew Chung

Shay Hopkins (ukelele)


Shiphrah Fepuleai
Young Adult, Women

Special Music
Shay Hopkins & The Revive

909.771.4179 !

Senior Pastor

Intercessory Prayer
Trina Kindred

Sabbath School Lesson

General Lesson Study

Class #5 Mothers Room
Class #6 North Wing Room

Praise In Music
Shay Hopkins & The Revive


Respectable Sins: Anxiety & Frustration
Shiphrah Fepuleai

Closing Hymn
Shay Hopkins & The Revive
Angelica Prodan, Organist
Amanda Bora, Pianist
Allegro from Concerto in D Major by J. Haydn


Campus Hill
! Church


Welcome We are glad you joined us today. It is our sincere

desire that The Campus Hill Church becomes a place where
you connect with God and others.!
Our Church Family joyfully welcomes four new members:
(2nd readings),Magalie & Micha Rivet; Stan & Toni Nelson.!
Renovation Fund Pledges. Several generous souls are
honoring their pledges to reach the grand prize by the end of
March. Their generosity and faithfulness is enormously
Sabbath School Personnel will meet briefly directly after
church service, on the piano side. !
Business Meeting today @ 5 p.m., Hammond-Jewell.
church members are invited.!


January 31, 2015


The beautiful Sanctuary flowers commemorate the

birthdays of Rita Westphal and Cliff Harris. !
Fifty-five Plus will have its first 2015 outing tomorrow,
(Sunday, February 1). We will be carpooling to the Palm
Springs Vintage Market and Museum. Please meet at the
Campus Hill Church parking lot earlier so we can leave at 10
oclock sharp.!
Fifty-five Plus Potluck and program is coming up at noon
in Hammond-Jewell, on February 8. Pastor Bill Tucker from
the Quiet Hour will be our guest presenter. !
Lorraine J. Follett passed to her rest January 20, 2015.
Memorial Service will be February 14, 2015, at 2:30pm at the
Loma Linda University Church Fellowship Hall. In lieu of
flowers, donations to LLBN (Loma Linda Broadcasting
Network) would be appreciated.!
Holiday Connection, Valentines Edition. For our
Neighboring Faith Communities Valentine event, please
donate your canned beans, rice, and other non-perishable
foods to the baskets in our foyer or at the oce during the
week. Distribution will be at Loma Linda Academy on
Sabbath, February 7, 2015 between 11:30 a.m. 3:30 p.m. !
Womens Ministries Retreat. You are invited to join our
neighboring churches at Pine Springs Ranch on March 20-22,
2015. Please send all deposits and payments to the Palm
Springs SDA Church, 620 S. Sunrise Way, Palm Springs, CA
92264. For further information please contact Milca Brown
or Pastor Shiphrah,!
Ellen G. White and Inspiration, a full-day pastoral
seminar addressing an important topic in contemporary
Adventism and marking the centennial of the death of Ellen
White will be hosted by the Ellen G. White Estate Branch
Oce and the School of Religion of Loma Linda University
on Monday, February 2, 2015 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in
the Chen Fong Room (4th floor) of the Centennial Complex.
For more information, call 909-558-4942.
Todays Health Tip: Pedometers are a cheap and easy
way to track your walking. The recommended Step goal is
10,000/ day. Measure your baseline and add steps weekly.
until you reach 10,000 steps consistently.!

Sunset today, 5:18 p.m.

Todays Bible Gem

Rejoice in the lord always. Again I will say,

Let your gentleness be known to all men. The
Lord is at hand.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by
prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving,
let your requests be made known to God;
And the peace of God, which surpasses all
understanding, will guard your hearts and
minds through Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:4-7
11057 Hill Drive
Loma Linda, CA 92354

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