Profdev-2012 Oct 5 Csi Agenda For Dsorevised

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Vilseck Elementary School

VES CSI Professional Development Day Agenda

October 5, 2012
0805-Potluck Breakfast and introductions
0825- Group norms Mr. Finlay
0830-Vision review discussion Terri Diaz
0845-True Colors of Vilseck Elementary-Mr. Finlay
Reading-Primary Staff only-Library

Math-Intermediate Staff onlyComputer Lab

0930-0940-Intermediate Math Strategies
Overview and Data Overview-Jenny
Maitner and Terri Diaz
0940-1020-Grade Level Meetings to
discuss implementation of math
strategy-Number Sense Routines
1020-1030-Intermediate Math Out-brief
of all Intermediate Grade Levels

0930-0940-Primary Reading Strategies

Overview and Data Overview-Keri
Clearwater and Scott Morris
0940-1020-Grade Level Meetings to
discuss implementation of reading
1020-1030-Primary Reading Out-brief of
all Primary Grade Levels
1030-1040 Break
Reading-Intermediate Staff onlyMath-Primary Staff only-Computer
1040-1050-Intermediate Reading
1040-1050-Primary Math Strategies
Strategies Overview-Keri Clearwater and Overview-Jenny Maitner and Terri Diaz
Scott Morris
1050-1135-Grade Level Meetings to
1050-1135-Grade Level Meetings to
discuss implementation of reading
discuss implementation of math
strategy-Number Sense Routines
1135-1145-Intermediate Reading Out1135-1145-Primary Math Out-brief of all
brief of all Intermediate Grade Levels
Primary Grade Levels
Small and large group specialists please attend the sessions with the
group with which you are most closely affiliated. If you are not aligned
specifically with any group, please attend the Intermediate Staff sessions.
1230-1245-Committee Task Introduction-Terri Diaz

1245-1345-Each committee will create a collage (that will be posted) to represent

their Advanc-ed Standard. Use the standard indicators to interpret the standard as a
committee. Each committee will present their collage to the group.

Revised 10-02-12 as per DSO request

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Vilseck Elementary School

1345-1500-Full group presentations of Standards and collages to the staff.

CSI Committee Responsibilities

October 5, 2012

1230-1245-Committee Task Introduction-Terri Diaz and Julie Carter

Review Standards
Use the Standard and Indicators to define and interpret the
responsibilities of your Standard.
1245-1345 Each committee will have two task to accomplish during the hour.



Your committees task and responsibility this year is to:

interpret the standard indicators,
make sure we as a school are meeting those indicators
collect evidence that we are meeting the indicators and
add the evidence to the data locker.
plan an activity or event to support your standard
communicate the standard and make sure all stake
holders are aware of the standard and indicators
Create a collage to define/interpret your Standard. This
will be posted for the year in the library. Julie has
provided paper and collage materials for you to use.

1345-1500-Out-brief: Review committee activities plans for SY 2012-2013.

Revised 10-02-12 as per DSO request

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