PSA Pathways BPH

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PSA Pathways

BPH and Prostate Cancer

Christopher French MD FRCSC

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

PSA Utility

• A Screening Tool

• A Staging Tool

• A Post Treatment

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

PSA Biology
• A surrogate for benign enlargement

• Spike rises and falls in inflammation/


• A persistent rise above age adjusted

limits ,not explained by a pattern of BPH,
is associated with a 40% risk of cancer.

• High grade cancers (gleason 9 or 10) are

typically not represented in the PSA level.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

PSA Biology

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Gleason 3+3

Prostate Histology
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Recent Screening

• Annual Screening vs Current Standard

• After 7-10 years the mortality rates were



• Annual Screening vs unscreened control

• 20% reduction in prostate cancer mortality

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mortality Benefits of

• Benefits of
screening have to
weighed against a
potential 50%
incidence of non life
threatening cancers.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Prostate Cancer
screening future

• Individualize the screening process

• Consider PSA patterns not single PSA

• Family history

• Educate on the safety of Active Surveillance

• Implement tools to complement PSA

• Chemoprevention

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

PSA Case 1

Assumes a 15 year life

BPH symptoms predominate
• 61 yo man with visit
Screening data suggest to
moderate rule out cancer

symptoms and PSA
4.5 Benign feeling
55gm prostate.
Healthy otherwise

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Management Priority
• Clinical BPH OK, Repeat PSA is 2.3----BPH

What if it came back at 4.8 and 5.0?

• Confirm with PSA pattern
Patient wants to see a urologist, who repeats PSA and
• Biopsy? it’s 5.0
Biopsy shows BPH in 12 Cores, suggests alpha Blocker
and a follow up with Uroflow and PSA in 1 year

• If Family History, or PSA pattern

• Alpha Blocker Before he see’s the Urologist patient says that he

is no better. Wants PSA checked sooner. Change
Alpha blocker? Add 5ARI?
• Symptom Control
What if I said there is a tablet that can shrink
• What about 5ARI? your prostate by 30%, decrease your risk of BPH
surgery and reduce your risk of prostate cancer
by 25%. OK, at what cost Doc?

• Failure of Alpha Blocker, chemoprevention?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

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