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1. (i) Apakah maksud gelagat

pelanggan. (5 markah)

(ii) Mengapa pentingnya mempelajari gelagat


(5 markah)

(iii) Apakah perpektif gelagat pelanggan? (5 markah)

(iv) Apakah strategi pemasaran yang perlu dibuat selaras

dengan keperluan gelagat pelanggan? (5 markah)

(i) What is the meaning of consumer behaviour? (5 marks)

(ii) Why so importance to study consumer

behaviour? (5 marks)

(iii) What are the perspectives of consumer behaviour? (5


(iv) What are the applications of consumer behaviour

knowledge? (5 marks)
(i) Consumer behavior is the study of how people buy,
what they buy, when they buy and why they buy. It
attempts to understand the buyer decision making
process, both individually and in groups. It studies
characteristics of individual consumers such as
demographics, psychographics, and behavioural
variables in an attempt to understand people's wants.

(ii) The importance to study consumer behaviour:

1. Important role in our daily lives – personal consumer


2. Decisions made are based on the study of the consumer


(iii) Perspectives of consumer behaviour:

1. Consumer Influence Perspective – to influent through

marketing, education and protection.
2. Wholistic Perspective – not just consumption, but also to look at
the stages before, during and after acquisition of the products.
3. Intercultural Perspective – across all cultures and more on

(iv) The applications of consumer behaviour knowledge:

1. Market-Opportunity Analysis – identify needs and wants.

2. Target-Market Selection – unique segmentation to focus on.
3. Marketing Mix Determination – strategy to match the want.
4. Effective Regulatory Policy – governing matters.
5. Social Marketing – alter / create behavior.

2. Ada 5 peringkat dalam proses pembelian pelanggan iaitu:

1) Mengenalpasti masalah
2) Mencari maklumat
3) Membuat penilaian alternatif-alternatif
4) Membuat pembelian
5) Membuat penilaian selepas pembelian
Mengikut kefahaman anda sila beri penjelasan ringkas bagi
setiap peringkat di atas. (20 markah)
In the Consumer Buying Process there are 5 stages i.e.
1) Problem definition
2) Information search
3) Alternatives evaluation
4) Purchase decision
5) Post-purchase evaluation

From your own understanding briefly explain all of the

stages as listed above. (20 points)

Five stages of Consumer Buying Process:

1. Problem Recognition

 Difference between the desired state and the actual condition.


 By seeing a commercial for a new pair of shoes, stimulates

your recognition that you need a new pair of shoes.
 Hunger stimulates your need to eat.

2. Information Search

 Internal Search: --- Memory

 External Search: --- Friends and Relatives
 A successful information search leaves
a buyer with possible
 alternatives, the evoked set.


 Hungry, want to go out and eat, evoked set is

 Chinese food
 Indian food
 Radix Fried Chicken
3. Evaluation of alternatives

 Need to establish criteria for evaluation, features the

buyer wants or does not want.
 Rank/weight alternatives.


 If you want to eat something spicy, then Indian food gets

the highest rank etc…

4. Purchase Decision

 Choose buying alternative, includes product, package, store,

method of purchase etc.
 May differ from decision, time lapse between purchase
decision and the actual purchase, product availability.

5. Post-Purchase Evaluation

 It is the outcome Satisfaction or Dissatisfaction. This can be

reduced by warranties, after sales communication etc.

 After eating an Indian meal, you may think that really you
wanted a Chinese meal instead.
3. Apa yang anda boleh jelaskan tentang jenis-jenis gelagat
pembelian pengguna dalam pembelian rutin, pembelian
terhad, dan pembelian ekstensif? (20 markah)

What can you explain about the types of consumer buying

behaviour in routine purchase, limited purchase, and
extensive purchase?

(20 points)

Routine Limited Extensive

Involvement Short Low to High
Time Short Short to Long
Cost Low Low to High
Information Internal only Mostly internal Internal &
Search external
Number of one few many
4. Ada 4 model dalam pengguna bagi membuat keputusan iaitu:
1) Pandangan Ekonomik
2) Pandangan Pasif
3) Pandangan Kognitif
4) Pandangan Emosional
Jelaskan maksud model-model yang tersebut. (20 markah)

There are 4 models in consumer decision making i.e.

1) Economic View
2) Passive View
3) Cognitive View
4) Emotional View
Explain the meaning of all the above models (20 points)

There are 4 models in consumer decision making i.e.

1) Economic View
i. Assumes all info, perfect info are available for people
to make “perfect” decisions.
ii. Total economics considerations, such as price-quantity
relationship, marginal utility, indifference curves etc.
iii. In reality, people will just settle for “satisfactory”
decision – a “good enough ones”.
2) Passive View
i. People are submissive to marketers.
ii. Consumers are regarded as objects to be manipulated.
iii. In reality, consumers play an equal or dominant role in
buying process.
3) Cognitive View
i. Consumers are regarded as thinking problem solvers,
information processors.
ii. Consumers attempt to obtain all available information.
iii. Heuristic – short-cut decision rules and decision rules
in information overload situations.
4) Emotional View
i. Deep feelings, emotions, joy, fear, love, hope,
sexuality etc.
ii. Some emotional decisions are not rational.
iii. Purchases are based on current mood and feelings.
5. Apakah yang wajar kita lakukan dalam usaha untuk
memastikan kesetiaan pelanggan dan mengekalkan pelanggan
yang ada? (20 markah)

What can we appropriately do in order to ensure customer

loyalty and retention of the existing ones? (20 points)

By way of :

1) Collaboration – sharing of efforts and data resources to better

serve the same group of customers
2) Partnering – all stakeholders and teams are all act as one in
dealing with the customers.
3) Customer care – provide hospitality and caring relationship with
customers on continuous basis.

6. (i) Apakah maksud motivasi dan motif? (5 markah)

(ii)Dengan menggunakan rajah terangkan maksud Teori

Maslow Hirarki Keperluan (Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs)
dan bagaimana aplikasi dalam strategi pemasaran? (10

(iii) Apakah maksud penglibatan (involvement)? (5


(i) What is the meaning of motivation and motives? (5


(ii)Use an appropriate diagram explains the Maslow’s

Hierarchy of Needs and how it apply in the marketing
(10 marks)
(iii) What is the meaning of consumer involvement? (5

(i) Motivation is the state of drive or arousal that impels behavior toward a goal-

A drive (motive) is an internal state of tension that produces actions purported to

reduce the tension.

A goal-object is something in the external world whose acquisition will reduce

the tension.

(ii) Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:

5. Self-actualization: This involves the desire for self-fulfillment, to become all that
one is capable of becoming.

4. Esteem: Desires for status, superiority, self-respect, and prestige are examples
of esteem needs. These needs relate to the individual’s feelings of usefulness
and accomplishment.

3. Belongingness: Belongingness motives are reflected in a desire for love,

friendship, affiliation, and group acceptance.

2. Safety: Feeling physical safety and security, stability, familiar surroundings, and
so forth are manifestations of safety needs. They are aroused after physiological
motives are minimally satisfied, and before other motives.
1. Physiological: Food, water, sleep, and to a limited extent, sex, are physiological
motives. Unless they are minimally satisfied, other motives are not activated.

(iii) Consumer Involvement:

A reflection of strong motivation in the form of high perceived personal relevance

of a product / service;

• Low to High
• Activated via needs, values & self-concept
• Marketing Stimuli
• Situation
• Intensity

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