Labor Law Notes

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CLASS #1 1/21/15

Research in union organizing and worker representation- currently on prison recidivismgetting prisoners back to work
What is Labor relations?
o Employment Relations and Industrial Relations study pertaining to all things
related to work. (but really about individual relationship of worker to
Human Resources ie. Labor as an input- to extract from labor to make
things more efficient- some fairness, but is not primarily about fairness.
Policies unilaterally decided by management
Labor relations- what we study, on the relationship between unionized
employees and their employer. Focuses on equity and voice for
employees. Not unilateral but negotiated by union and employers
Labor Market Policy- legislation that is used to make sure the market is
actually working- created by the government to ensure minimum
Why study labor relations?
o Structures all of life- how people survive, go to college etc.
o Leaving it to corporations or businesses doesnt really work, legislation isnt
being passed- the idea of this class is worker autonomy via unions getting these
o 1) Individual- improve your knowledge of labor and employment laws to protect
o 2) Firm- understand mechanisms through which employers interact with
unionized employees
o 3) Societal- participate actively in discussions about the role of unions at work
and in society
How to succeed in this course?
o Do readings before class
o Do class

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