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Media Studies

Jared Bowley

Focus Group/Target audience

As part of our video presentation we are not only making a
5-minute film but we have to decide what age range we
want our film to be aimed at. We want our film to be
watch for teenagers of the age of 15 and above. We
have chosen this rating because throughout the film
there will be much violence and action but there wont
be enough to make it gruesome. Due to our Action
thriller genre we hope just to keep the film based on
robbery so that it makes it simple to follow and viewers wont get
confused half way through the film. People we hope this film might
appeal to is older male teenagers because most teenagers enjoy
action thriller movies because there intriguing and throughout the
film they just want to know what happens next. An action film for
example John Wick which is an action thriller film has a rating of
7.3 out of 10. Looking further into this 60% of those people who
gave it a high rating were all boys of the age rang of 15-20. This
information shows that people that we hope to watch are film will
come see it because they enjoy new action thriller films such as
John Wick. Some action films dont have a lot of violence and
killings throughout the film which means that they are able to put
the ratings down to a 12+ but what makes out video different is the
fact we do have more violence and killings not only at the start of
the film but throughout it as well which means we are able to put it
at a 15+. Therefore to make it a 18+ we would have to put a lot
more gruesome clips and there would have to be more explosions
and more people; maybe innocent people dying in the film.

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