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Malraj B. Kiriella 84 Econ. (Hons. M.A. (Econ.) LLB FCMI (UK) FIM (SL) MCIM Chartered Marketer Attorney-at-Law Reaping the Benefits of Peace: Selling Destination Sri Lanka Srilanka has undergonea its people peace through From the 1982 peak of tour- long period of uncertainty. tourism. ism arrivals of 407,230, ar- renee Thethree decade long war rivals have fluctuated be- brought negative conse- Planned tourism com- _ tween 182,000 and 566,000 inthe Paertourismehas ‘quences to many sec- menced with the establish- to date. When comparing sxpettencea “ecorainiea sof the economy with ment of the Ceylon Tourist performance with other faroath 4 becomei@nee urism as one such key Board in 1966 and there competing Asian destina- the world’s fastest grow- or. Tourism stands to was a steady upward trend tions, namely Cambodia, ing econamic. sectors rongly benefit with the of tourist arrivals up to India, Indonesia, Malay- Tourism has become one ‘of the war. Although 1982. The fluctuations in sia, Maldives, Singapore, Gk the faajoriasctore itn tourist was affected arrivals between the period Thailand and Vietnam ternational trade and rep- 2 result of terrorist ac- 1983 (the year when com- for the benchmark years resents one of the main vties that plagued the munal riots took place in 1966 and 1982 and from income sources for many ountry, negative pub- “Black July") to 2008 were 2006 to 2008, we see how developing countries. This icity and adverse travel duetotheunstablesecurity Sri Lanka has lagged growth has been amidst snings from many for situation which prevailed — behind. increasing diversification ign countries kept away during this period. and competition among ny tourists. The big- destinations. The global peace dividend for spread of tourism in in- juism isthe opening ot - Key Tourism Indicators dustrialized and develop- e Northern end Eastern» 438,475 tourists ing states has produced evinces wich were + Sixth largest foreign exchange earner economic and employ- roe for tet fous 95 average duration of say ment benefis in many rism hot spots. Wit 7 rolated sectors and the . snd per tourist USS 76.7 ce retuming to the * A¥. Dally spend per tourist USS Industry has shown some untyy and a revival of | * US$319.5 million in earnings: resilience to bounce back economy, Sri Lanka + 81,857 directly employed and 72,599 from naturel or man-made cud once again earn its _indireet employed crises. The United Nations fe place on the world World Tourism Organiza- Source: SLTDA Statistics urism map and bring Se tion (UNWTO) predicts THE CHARTERED MARKETER Tourist Arrivals to Sri Lanka and other competitive Asian Destinations, ‘Main Source of information which influenced the visit 1966 & 1982: 2006-2008 [country [1965 | 1982 zo0e [2007] 2008] ["° Icambosia | 24,761 wa | 1,591,350 | 1.872.587 | 2,001,424] | sooo India| 469,603 | 1.288.162 | 4.447.167 | 5,001,508 | 5,256,966] | ooo Indonesia | 7,477 | 592,046 | 4,870,571 | 5,506,759 | 6.234,497|| coo Malaysia | 45.914 | 1,128,319 |17,546,863 |20,972.822 |22,052,488) | «> Maldives | wa} 74411 | 6org2a| 675.889) 683,012|| = Singapore | 128,670 | 2,956,680 | 9,751,141 |10,284,545 |10,115.638]| ° Sri tanka | 23,606 | 407,230 | 559.603 | 498,008 | 438,475; Taitand | 286,117 | 2.218.429 |13,921,202 |14,464,228 |14.536,302| Vietwam | 24361 Nis | 3,580,496 | 4,171,564 | 4253,741 = os vote cen ie rg wom Tl gg Hig Silstatong ‘Source: Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) that by 2020 international Triple "S” (sun, sea, sand) Departing Foreign Tour- by purpose visit reveals arrivals will surpass 1.8 product and whose travel- ists 2008/08) shows the that noarly 81% of foreign billion people with an an- _lers visit on a seasonal pat- changing patterne of tour. Visitors came on holiday ual growth rate 4.1% tern. In the meantime the ist profiles. It roveals that while 13% came for busi- aR ‘market share from Asian the Island stil receives ness purposes. Prefer- RR eMAMRE —cighbours hos increased more male tourists (60%) ences of the holiday vis from 33.2% to 39.5% over although this share has de- tors reveal that a majority Tourist date comparisons the same period showing creased between 1882 and Visit for Sun and Beach between the benchmark immunity to the country’s 2008. By age group, the (68 %), and 30% for Cultur years of 1982, 1999 and situation and the India has majority of tourists belongs al Events and 23% to see recent years from 2004 to continued to bethe number to the age group of 30-39 Historie Sites. The survey 2008showsveryimportant one Generating market to years (28.7%), followed by also reveals that the main results. From 1982 0 2008 Sri Lanka since 2005 over- 40-49 years (27.4%) which sources of information the market share of tour. taking previous top rankers means that over the period which influenced the tour- ist arrivals from the West- of UK and Germany (Soe it has shifted more to mid- ists to visit Sri Lanka were fem Europe (UK, Germany, table below). Notably, now —dle-aged travollors from on recommendations of France, Benolux, Scan. there are emerging new younger travellers. The pe- friends or relations (41%) dinavia and italy being markets from Eastern Eu- riod of stay of tourists has and the Internet (24 %. major generators) do- rope, Middle East, South reduced slightly from 10 Although the traditional creased from 57.0% to East Asia (especially Sin- nights in 1982 to 9.5 nights mode of making travel a- 38.1%. Adverse travel__gapore, Thailand and Ma- in 2008 due to the influx of rangements through tour warnings issued by these laysia) and China as well. short stay Asians. operator or travel agent countries contributed (60%) still plays a key role, to the decline in arti As per the survey findings a considerable number of als from these traditional SLTDA statistics and find- a large majority of tourists People use the Internet markets which mainly ings from a recent visi- (61%) were on their first (13%) for their bookings consume the island's the tor survey (Survey on visit to Sri Lanka. Analysis (see chart above), Percentage Distribution of Tourist Arrivals by ‘Market Region 1982 & 1999: 2004-2008 ‘Tourist Arrivals - Top Ten Markets 1999: 2004-2008 ‘Source: Survey on Departing Foreign Tourists, SLIDA 2008/00 ‘Souree: Survey on Departing Foreign Tourists, SLTDA-200808, THE CHARTERED MARKETER The most visited destina- tion within Sri Lanka was Colombo City (65%).Other places in order of popu: larity were Kandy (61%), SouthWest Coast Beach- es (48%), Pinnawela El- ephant Orphanage (37%), Sigiriya (37%), Dambulla (32%) and the Hill Coun- try (30%). Sight-seeing and excursions were the most popular activities engaged by 58% of the respondents. Sea-bathing (63%), Sun-bathing (52%) and shopping (52%) were other popular tourist ac: tivities. Tourists that the most outstanding tourist attraction country was the friendly and hospitable of the people. Further the tropical nature of the country had an influence for tourists to make their trip to Sri Lanka. (Source: [EUR Survey on Departing For- eign Tourists 2008/09, SLTDA). ree eos coy Formal tourism encounters with rr Pesta) and Passikudah forecasting —_ like no other” by and then ‘on the high global demand began highlighting “Be- forthis product. In the yond Beaches - Nature, recent past, many Asian Culture and Adventure” destinations have come to with a view to expanding the fore responding to the its product mix beyond the rapid changes in travel de- traditional Triple S product. mand both at the high and Quite recently it introduced mid-end based on an of- “Sri Lanka, small miracle’ fering of a wide range of to project the idea of the products. Today, the Triple compact place that packs 'S is augmented focusing, more wonders than any particularly at the higher country tenfold its. size. end, on niche lifestyle fea- In short all these brand tures such as mind-body- messages tried to convey wellness/spas, experiential the island concept and its nature, uniqueness of varied attrac- culture and people and tions in a compact location stated exclusive shopping experi-_ which are reachable ences which have added to. a short duration of time. of the create @ lifestyle element The chart below explains natura on how Sri Lanka tours Product range has expand- As we strive to remain as ed beyond beaches to vari- one of tho most attractive ous other products. ithin travel destinations in the world, we need to make the transition from the nega- tive image that built up over the last 30 years today When looking at the past and begin to deliver the ‘from when we were known brand promise by improv- {as Ceylon period to the ing product quality to meet present-day, different ta- with world-class stand: lines have been used to ards. Simultaneously, it is which brand the destination In required to correctly iden: commenced during the early days we were the tify market segments and mid-sixties focused on the beach-based tourism with Tiple S's with authorities developing integrated tourism resorts in Bentota “Pearlofthe Indian Ocean” build a correct mix and then “Isle of Paradi and “Isle of Serendipity’ In 2002 the Sri Lanka Tour- sound strategy to tap this ism re-branded as “A land potential between mass and al- ternative tourism with a Development of required tourism infrastructure fa- cilities such as accommo- dation, restaurants, air, sea & ground transport, tourist information serv- ices, recreation facilities and skilled manpower etc. together with building the country’s general infra: structure and that of the Northern Province, and addressing power supply, health and environmental and detrimental harass: ments issues and exploita tion of tourists are impor- tant. These key concerns require urgent attention, if the country is to enjoy the full benefits of the peace dividend for tourism in the future. The opening up of the North and the East of the country, @ hitherto undis- covered part of the island which is teeming with un- touched beaches, idyllic villages and cultural treas- ures galore would be a {great attraction for travel- lers. The entire infrastruc ture requires rebuilding in these areas in addition to product development initiatives focusing on giving tourists a has slefree experience in the country. Product Mix Sun, Sea & Sand culture Nature Adventure | Spiritual Wollness | Other Niches South Coast Heritage Wildlife Sof Religious tourism | ayurveda | MICE Hara Combined vith new Meditation niche segments | Cultural Festivals | Eco Tourism Yooa Spa Sports tourism East Coast Modern VFR Health Shopping facilities | Weddings & Honeymoon NICE - Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, Exhibitions: \V- Visiting Friends & Relations ‘THE CHARTERED. MARKETER The situation which pre- vailed in the country hindered the growth of many potential products. ‘Therefore identifying of more sites and developing lesser known. attractions and identifying previ- ously unsought. products are important. Unsought products such as, rail tour- ism - experiencing com- fortable scenic rail rides, marine tourism - watch- ‘ng whales and dolphins ‘© exploring underwater wonderlands, sports tour- sm - extending from popular cricket and golf to local sports like ‘elle’ and ‘THE CHARTERED MARKETER volleyball, gastronomic tourism - making popular authentic Sri Lankan dish- es and beverages palatable to tourists, agri-tourism focusing beyond colonial crops to local ‘chena’ and paddy cultivation visits, community-based tour ism to experience the way of life in rural villages, mining tourism - visiting gem and mineral mines and film tourism - devel- oping the country as an internationally renowned movie location, are a just a few of the many possibilities that could be focused on. Today, many new global trends and. alliances for sustainable tourism, geo- tourism, responsible tour- ism and tourism through peace - have emerged marking a shift in the de- mand equation. Empower: ing local communities to take advantage of such op- portunities to benefit from tourism and enshrine the principles of sustainable tourism development will make tourism more mean ingful Finally, as we grapple with the challenges of tourism development, we should not lose focus of the pre- condition of peace in fos tering the growth of the travel and tourism indus: try, with the maintenance of law and order, the provi- sion of support infrastruc: ture and sound economic management principles to facilitate the growth of the tourism industry. We stand to make the country's mark fon the peace movement and build mutual under- standing through tourism and realize the potential that every traveller could be an “Ambassador for Peace”. oer) ae co Cee re ea Pre Ras Peon urism in both publi Preis Pe eee

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