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Muslims Zone 07/08

Slide 34, 35 Aorta (elastic artery)
Internal elastic membrane (IEM) not clearly seen tunica intima and tunica media
difficult to distinguish
Tunica media mainly elastic fibers
Tunica adventitia thin
Slide 36 Artery (muscular artery)
IEM clearly seen
Tunica media mainly smooth muscle fibers
Tunica adventitia thick
Slide 37 Vein
No IEM, no EEM (external elastic membrane)
Tunica intima and tunica media thin
Tunica adventitia thick
Slide __ - Purkinje fibers
Pale staining contain glycogen
Myofibrils in the periphery
Located in subendocardial layers
Slide __ - Tendon
Slide 58 Elastic cartilage
Elastic fibers
Lacuna with chondrocytes
Slide 9 Hyaline Cartilage
Collagen fibers
Lacuna with chondrocytes
Slide 16 Compact bone
Haversian system a central canal with concentric lamellae
Lacunae in between lamellae
Canaliculi radiate form lamellae

Hadith Rasulullah s.a.w. : Kasih sayang, belas kasihan, dan simpati sesama orangorang yang beriman ibarat satu tubuh

Muslims Zone 07/08

Integumentary System
Thick skin
Thick epidermis 5 layers (BAS GLUCO)
Sweat glands
No hair follicle, no sebaceous gland
More adipose tissue in hypodermis
Thin skin
Thin epidermis 3 layers (BAS CO)
Sweat glands, hair follicle, sebaceous glands in dermis
Sweat glands, hair follicle in hypodermis
Less adipose tissue in hypodermis
Muscle Tissues
Slide 38, 39 Cardiac muscle
Single, centrally located nucleus
Striated muscle fibers
Intercalated discs
Branching fibers
Slide 12 skeletal muscle
Multiple peripherally located nuclei
Long striated non-branching muscle fibers
No intercalated disc
A band and I band clearly visible
Slide 66 Smooth muscle
Single, centrally located nucleus
Spindle shaped muscle cells
Non striated muscle cells
No intercalated disc
Nervous System
Slide 28 Spinal Cord
Central canal
Inner grey matter cell body
Outer white matter myelinated fibers
Slide 26 medulla oblongata
Cell bodies large rounded nuclei
Neuroglia small nuclei

Hadith Rasulullah s.a.w. : Kasih sayang, belas kasihan, dan simpati sesama orangorang yang beriman ibarat satu tubuh

Muslims Zone 07/08

Slide 24 choroid plexus
Blood capillaries
Ependyma simple cuboidal epithelium (formed by CT from pia mater)


Anterior horns
Posterior horns
Grey matter is bulk (enlargement)
Long slender
Enlarge (L1-S3)
Very large

Lateral horns

Slide 20,21,22,23 Cerebral cortex / postcentral gyrus

Pyramidal cells
3 meningeal layers dura, arachnoid, pia mater
6 cortical layers :
o Molecular
o External granular
o Pyramidal
o Internal granular
o Internal pyramidal
o Multiform cell layer
Slide 25 - cerebellum
3 cortical layers :
1) molecular layer stellate cells, basket cells
2) purkinje layer purkinje fibers
3) granular layer granule cells and Golgi type II cells
Slide 27 Pons
Myelinated nerve fibers
Transverse fibers
Pontine nuclei
Pia mater
Arachnoid mater
Endocrine System
Slide 75 adrenal glands
Cortes GFR
Medulla central vein
Slide 94 Hypophysis
Pars distalis chromophobes, chromophils
Pars intermedia colloidal follicle
Pars nervosa pituicytes, Herring bodies
Slide 95 Thyroid glands

Hadith Rasulullah s.a.w. : Kasih sayang, belas kasihan, dan simpati sesama orangorang yang beriman ibarat satu tubuh

Muslims Zone 07/08

Capsule and septae

Thyroid follicle with colloid in lumen
Thyroid follicular epithelium simple cuboidal epithelium
Parafollicular cells

Slide 96 Parathyroid glands

Capsule and septae
Abundant adipocytes
Abundant chief cells and oxyphils cells
Slide 76 Pineal gland
Brain sand
Lymphoid System
Slide 40 Lymph nodes
Capsule and trabeculae
Subcapsular sinus
Primary and secondary lymphoid nodules in cortex
Medullary cords in medulla
Slide 42 Thymus
Hassalls corpuscles in medulla
Capsule and trabeculae
Incomplete lobulation
Each lobule has cortex and medulla
Slide 41 Spleen
Capsule and trabeculae
Red pulp billroth (splenic) cords
White pulp Malphigian (splenic) corpuscles with central arteriole
Slide 97 Palatine tonsil
Tonsillar crypts
Partially capsulated
Primary and secondary lymphoig nodules
Incomplete capsule
Respiratory System
Slide 57 Vocal cord
Vocal cord- vestibular fold, ventricle, vocal fold
Vocal fold SSNK
Vestibular fold PSCC+G

Hadith Rasulullah s.a.w. : Kasih sayang, belas kasihan, dan simpati sesama orangorang yang beriman ibarat satu tubuh

Muslims Zone 07/08

Slide 58 Epiglottis
Anterior surface and half of posterior surface is SSNK
The other half of posterior surface is PSCC+G
Lamina propria glands
Elastic cartilage
Slide 5 Trachea
C-shaped cartilage
Trachealis smooth muscle posteriorly
Slide __ - Lung
Alveolar sacs and ducts
Alveoli simple squamous epithelium
Intrapulmonary arteries and veins
Visceral pleura
Urinary System
Slide 74 kidney
Cortex Renal corpuscles simple squamous epithelium
Medullarry rays
Convoluted tubules
Medulla Pyramid
Renal column
Slide 78 Ureter
Stellate shape lumen
3 muscularis layer LCL
Transitional epithelium
Slide 77- Urinary bladder
Transitional epithelium
Lamina propria thrown into mucosal folds
3 layers of detrusor muscles LCL
Slide 79 Prostatic urethra
Transitional epithelium
Lamina propria with loose CT
Irregular lumen
Slide 78 Transitional epithelium
Thick luminal membrane
Dome shaped luminal cells
Cuboidal basal cells
Some cells are binuclear

Hadith Rasulullah s.a.w. : Kasih sayang, belas kasihan, dan simpati sesama orangorang yang beriman ibarat satu tubuh

Muslims Zone 07/08

Digestive System
S 53 Filiform Papillae
S 54 Fungiform Papillae
S 55 Circumvallate papillae
Conical shape
Mushroom shape
Dome shape
SS partially keratinized
No taste bud
Taste bud in apical surface
Taste bud on lateral surface
Intrinsic muscles of tongue (skeletal muscle) longitudinal, transverse, vertical
*SSNK stratified squamous non-keratinized
Salivary Glands
S 99 - Parotid
Compound tubuloacinar gland
Capsule and septa
Serous acini

S98 - Submandibular
Compound tubuloacinar gland
Capsule and septa
Serous acini > mucous acini
Mucous acini capped with
serous demilune
Less adipocyte

S 100 - Sublingual
Compound tubuloacinar gland
Capsule and septa
Mucous acini > serous acini
Mucous acini capped with
serous demilune
No adipocyte


S 60 upper esophagus
SSNK epithelium

Muscularis externa

Esophageal glands
2 layers SM CL*
Of skeletal muscles
* CL inner circular, outer longitudinal

S 59 lower esophagus
SSNK epithelium
Prominent muscularis mucosae
Esophageal glands
2 layers SM CL
Of smooth muscles

Slide 61 - Esophageal-stomach Junction

SSNK Simple columnar (SC) epithelium
No rugae rugae
Smooth muscles 2 layers 3 layers
Gastric pits and gastric glands in stomach part

S 62 Stomach : fundus
Prominent rugae
SC epithelium
Short gastric pits

S 63 Stomach : pyloric region

Prominent rugae
SC epithelium
Deep gastric pits

Hadith Rasulullah s.a.w. : Kasih sayang, belas kasihan, dan simpati sesama orangorang yang beriman ibarat satu tubuh

Muslims Zone 07/08

Long fundic glands

Short pyloric glands

Slide 64 - Pyloric-duodenal Junction

Rugae villi
Pyloric glands crypts of Lieberkuhn (intestinal glands)
Brunners gland (duodenal glands) in duodenal part
No goblet cells goblet cells
Smooth muscles 3 layers 2 layers
Small intestine

SC + G*
Intestinal villi
Crypts of Lieberkuhn
Brunners gland

SC + G
Intestinal villi
Crypts of Lieberkuhn

SC + G
Intestinal villi
Crypts of Lieberkuhn
Peyers patches (from
lamina propria ofmucosa)

*simple columnar epithelium with goblet cells

** emphasize this characteristic feature first! Other features of SI (muscularis externa 2
layers SM CL; serosa) no need to emphasize
Slide 68 - Vermiform Appendix
Lymphatic nodules in submucosa
SC + G
No villus
Crypts of Lieberkuhn
(muscularis externa 2 layers SM CL; serosa)

Slide 69 - Large Intestine (Colon)

Taeniae coli
SC + G
No villus
Crypts of Lieberkuhn
(muscularis externa 2 layers SM C, L Taeniae coli; serosa)

Slide 70 Pancreas
Capsule and septa
Endocrine pancreas islets of Langerhans
Exocrine pancreas compound tubuloacinar serous glan
Duct system intercalated (short) intralobular interlobular main pancreatic duct
Slide 71 Liver
Central vein in the center of lobule
Portal triad (portal vein, hepatic artery, bile ducts) in the lobule periphery
Incomplete capsule and septa
Plates of hepatic cells + hepatic sinusoids radiate from central veins toward periphery

Hadith Rasulullah s.a.w. : Kasih sayang, belas kasihan, dan simpati sesama orangorang yang beriman ibarat satu tubuh

Muslims Zone 07/08

Slide 72 Gall bladder
3 layers of gall bladder wall mucosa, muscularis externa, adventitia/serosa, (submucosa
Temporary mucosal fold
SC epithelium with striated border

Reproductive System
Slide 88 testis
Seminiferous tubules with stratified spermatogenic cells
Sertoli cells
Interstitial Leydig cells
Tunica albuginea
Slide 89 epididymis
Spermatozoa in lumen
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium (stereociliated)
Efferent ductules with irregular lumen
Slide 90 vas (ductus) deferens
Deep longitudinal mucosal fold
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium (stereociliated)
3 muscularis layers LCL
Slide 91 seminal vesicle
Irregular primary and secondary mucosal fold
Glandular epithelium pseudostratified columnar epithelium
2 muscularis layers CL
Slide 92 prostate gland
Capsule and septae
Glandular epithelium pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Fibromuscular stroma
Ejaculatory duct, prostatic sinus and utricle tubuloacinar gland
Where the sperm traveled :
Seminiferous tubules
Straight tubules
Rete testis
Efferent tubules

Hadith Rasulullah s.a.w. : Kasih sayang, belas kasihan, dan simpati sesama orangorang yang beriman ibarat satu tubuh

Muslims Zone 07/08

Epididymis (head of epididymis, ductus epididymis)

Vas deferens
Ejaculatory ducts

Slide 80 - Ovary
Tunica albuginea
Surface epithelium simple cuboidal epithelium
Cortex developing follicles
Medulla blood vessels, dense irregular CT
Slide 81 - Uterine tube
Branching longitudinal mucosal fold
Simple columnar epithelium (ciliated)
2 muscularis layers CL
S 83-Proliferative phase
Simple columnar epithelium
Endometrium functionalis and basalis
Uterine gland in lamina propria
Very thick endometrium

S 84-Menstrual phase
No simple columnar epithelium
Endometrium basalis only
Less uterine gland in lamina propria

Slide 85 - Cervix
Endocervix mucosal fold of endometrium
Cervix-vaginal junction simple columnar epitheliumSSNK
Mucus secreting columnar epithelium
Cervical gland in lamina propria
Unarranged smooth muscle layer
Slide 82 - Vagina
Mucosa, lamina propria, muscularis externa, adventitia
No gland
2 muscularis layer CL
Slide 86 - Placenta
Maternal part decidua basalis

Hadith Rasulullah s.a.w. : Kasih sayang, belas kasihan, dan simpati sesama orangorang yang beriman ibarat satu tubuh

Muslims Zone 07/08

Fetal part anchoring and floating villi


Mammary Gland
S 48 Active
Secretory cells low cuboidal
Less interlobular adipocyte
Less intralobular loose CT
More alveoli, less duct system

S 47 Inactive
Secretory cells tall cuboidal
More interlobular adipocyte
More intralobular loose CT
More duct system, less alveoli

Hadith Rasulullah s.a.w. : Kasih sayang, belas kasihan, dan simpati sesama orang- 10
orang yang beriman ibarat satu tubuh

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