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Announcement for Graduate Funding Opportunity

1. KAIST 2015 Graduate Admission Special Preview Program

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) announces the graduate
admission special preview program for University staff members to undertake Masters or
Doctorate degree at KAIST in 2015.
Name of the Funder: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Target Group: Masters or Doctorate degree candidates
Priority Areas:
Natural Sciences
Mathematical Sciences
Graduate School of Nanoscience & Technology

Life Science & Bioengineering

Biological Sciences
Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering
Biomedical Science and Engineering Interdisciplinary Program

Mechanical Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Future Vehicle
Computer Science
Civil and Environment Engineering
Environment and Energy Technology Program
Bio and Brain Engineering
Industrial Design
Industrial & System Engineering
Chemical and Bio molecular Engineering
Materials Science & Engineering
Nuclear and Quantum Engineering
Nuclear and Quantum Engineering (KINS-KAIST)
The Cho Chun Shik Graduate School for Green Transportation
Knowledge Service Engineering
Graduate School of EEWS

Liberal Arts & Convergence Science

Graduate School of Culture Technology
Business and Technology
Global IT Technology Program (GITTP)
Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy

Finance MBA

Deadline for Submission: 23rd February 2015

More information is available in Directorate of Research.

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