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Pop-up Migration Museum

Inspired by the diverse cultural populations that make up Scotland today as well as in
response to Scotlands colonial history; artists Rachel Thibbotumunuwe and Tawona
Sithole have created an artistic interrogation of colonial and post-colonial migration to
Rachel Thibbotumunuwe creates artworks and projects that are part of her enquiry into icons of
ethnicity and cultural identity, both historic and contemporary. She is fascinated by the history and
consequences of photography; it's birth at the dawn of industry and subsequent rise of it's
abundance in mass culture. As well as working with photography, Rachel also makes short films,
installations, audioworks and books. Rachel graduated from Glasgow School of Art's department of
Fine Art Photography in 1998 and has exhibited in Scotland, Norway, Japan and Germany.
Tawona Sithole is a poet/playwright/musician whose work is an extension of his lifestyle,
pasichigare, timeless moral values maintained through spoken word of storytelling and poetry;
mbira music; idioms and proverbs; in seeking a humble approach to life. Interested in self expression
as a way of sharing culture, and increasing awareness, he is inspired to collaborate with others to
celebrate the spirit of creativity. Tawona is interested in the natural, something that is common not
only between humans, but with our oldest ancestor, the earth.
Rhea Lewis is an Arts Producer who works with local and international artists to create ambitious,
socially engaged multi-disciplinary projects and productions in unpredictable places. Her interest in
exploring the similarities and differences between post-colonial cultures stems from her diverse
cultural heritage. She graduated with a MA in Spanish and Theatre Studies from the University of
Glasgow. Rhea has worked with Africa in Motion Film Festival, Afrovibes UK Festival, A Moments
Peace, Stillmotion, The Arches, Barrowland Ballet, The Scottish Refugee Council, Ankur Productions
and this is her second project with Untitled Projects.
Thank you to Glasgow Museums', especially Chris Jamieson, Pat Allen, Rachel Erickson, John
MacInness, Laurence Simmen and all staff at the Glasgow Museum Resource Centre -without their
time and expertise this project would not have been possible.
Thank you to Jack Wrigley and Robbie Thomson. Thanks to Kwabena Arthur for providing the
soundscape to the installation. Thank you to Tarneem Al Mousawi and Simon Bishopp. Thanks to
Innes Kelly at Eastern Digital, Alex Hetherington and Andy Kennedy. Thank you to Tommy Ga-Ken
Wan. Thank you to Stewart Laing, Louise Irwin and Nick Miller at Untitled Projects. Thanks to Kim,
Joe, Rachel and all at The Glad Caf. Thank you to Maryhill Integration Network and Govan and
Craigton Integration Network for their engagement with this project.
Visit the website for more information and documentation:

2014 | Lambda Fujiflex Print | 28.5 inches x 18.5 inches | Frame, guitar stand
The swift (Apus apus) occurs on all continents and breeds throughout Europe as far north as Lapland and the Arctic
Circle, reaching east across Asia to China. Swifts are migratory throughout their range. They arrive in Scotland in
the last week of April or early May, and stay only long enough to breed. In a single year the common swift can
cover at least 200,000 km.

The Black Cuckoo (Eudynamis orientalis)

2014 | Lambda Fujiflex Print | 28.5 inches x 18.5 inches | Frame, guitar stand
The Asian koel (Eudynamys scolopaceus) is a member of the cuckoo order of birds. It is found throughout India, Sri
Lanka and Burma, except on the Himalayas above the tropical zone. Eastward the range of the Asian koel extends
to China. The Asian koel is a brood parasite that lays its eggs in the nests of crows and other hosts, who raise its
young. The bird is a widely used symbol in Indian poetry and in Sri Lanka is said to herald the start of New Year

Model Boat from Ceylon

2014 | Lambda Fujiflex Print | 28.5 inches x 18.5 inches | Frame, guitar stand

The Swift and the Birds of Paradise

2014 | Postcard

The Black Cuckoo (Eudynamis orientalis)

2014 | Postcard

Peoples of the World in Pictures
20 century book published in the interbellum period featuring photographs of people across the world. Published
in London c.1921-36
21 century book exploring mass media representations of Pacific cultures from America in the 1950s.
Published in Germany 2000
From the artists own collection


Feel free to flick through, and when you find a page title that interests, please feel write something in response on
that page.
Foreign Object
From a collection of mid 20


century mass-produced objects from Japan, Germany and Bulgaria for Western

From the artists own collection

A Guide to the Traveler

Simon Bishopp and Tawona Sithole | Scotland | 2014 | 7.28m

The Glad Caf, Glasgow

26th Oct, 6-8pm

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