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Light up the night with torches of lead rain

water the plants with flowing red life

hide from the lights, in darkness hope for life
until eternity comes

Hear the angel choirs sing:

“Halleluja to our King!
Holy, holy, holy is the Lamb
the Lion of Judah who was slain for the World.”

Run into the darkness, hopefully no-one sees

denied from life, your choices are simple:
Die as an outcast, or find life here in this World
you only need conform

Hear the angel choirs sing:

“Halleluja to our King!
Holy, holy holy is the Lord of hosts
the King of kings who comes to judge the World.”

Tithe or be damned, believe Jesus was just a man

“Who died and made you God?” -they say
who gave them authority to claim
sin should be condoned?

Hear the angel choirs sing:

“Glory to God! Glory to the King!
See every knee bow and every tongue confess
“Jesus Christ is Lord of all”
to the glory of the Father.

Flee from the emergent church

see the devil there worshiped
see rituals sanctified by men
to the glory of no god.

Feel the fire burn away

all who conformed, all who stayed
hear the eternal agony screams
of those who denied the King of kings

and still the angel choirs sing:

“Glory to our Holy King!
Let all who Him oppose and resist
burn in His righteous judgement still”

Harden not your heart

time is soon to end
submit to God through Jesus Christ
soon Live forever or soon be damned
Eternally the angels sing
“Glory to Jesus Christ our King!
His righteous judgement shall come down
on all who twist His words around

and may all Living see and tremble

at the sight of His enemies
burning outside the Holy City
where none who denied Him shall go in...”

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