Guidance For Judges (MATE)

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The English Speaking Union Romania

National Public Speaking Competition in English

Guidance for judges

General judgment issues
This competition is not a debate
Look for the participants ability to be spontaneous and his/her ability to speak in
Pay attention to rhetorical skills rather than level of English
Use of Notes
Penalize the speaker if he/she relies too much on notes, that does not mean speakers
are not allowed to use them
Penalize speeches that feel too closely memorized
Speaker Scale
Excellent 90-100 marks
Flawlessly delivered speech
The speaker should be uniquely confident and stylistic.
Very Good 80-90 marks
Speech delivered to a very high standard with well-structured arguments
The speaker should display confidence and style.
Good 70-80 marks
Speech delivered to a high standard with arguments supported by good evidence
and/or analysis.
Average 60-70 marks
Reasonable performance, but had a minor fault in one of the categories of the
marking scheme.
Below Average 50-60 marks
Minor faults in multiple categories of the marking scheme or a significant fault in one
of the categories of the marking scheme.
The speaker scale is designed to assist adjudicators when assessing a speakers overall
performance. Adjudicators should consider the speaker scale in conjunction with the
marking scheme.
Marking scheme
Expression and Delivery 35 marks
Ability to sustain audience interest
Use of appropriate volume and tone
of voice, pitch and pause
Appropriate eye contact and gestures

Reasoning and Evidence 35 marks

A clearly, carefully structured speech
Good understanding of the subject
Carefully selected facts and

Confident attitude
Effective use of language and
rhetorical devices
Ability to communicate emotions and
Natural style

Listening and Response 15 marks

Organisation and Prioritisation 15 marks

Good structure, clearly outlined speech
Holds the audiences attention

Confidence in dealing with

Relevant and concise answers

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