Location Recce Sheet

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Location Recce Sheet

Name: Mentmore Crescent

Date of visit: December 10th 2014
This was the setting where the
characters meet for the first
time. This setting also shows the
car driving past.

In this area we intend to film our car driving past specific areas of the road and
parking up, we then intend to film the dealing and the customer conversing
before the car drives off.
Lighting Level:
The lighting level in this location will be natural; this is because it is an outdoor
area. When we filmed in this location no added light was needed as the lighting
level was adequate. During the filming of our film in this setting the weather
conditions were good, this makes the lighting good for us in this case, we choose
to film on a day where it was sunny and not dim or raining, we thought that this
would be the best lighting for our filming.
Noise level:
The noise level at this location couldve been bad depending on the time of day, if
when we filmed was around 3:30-4:00pm during the week we couldve had
problems with background sound however we chose a sensible time during the
day in which no background noise was any firm of problem. However one problem
that we faced during the filming was small background noises, things like
unwanted car engines therefore we re-filmed and got the best possible shots that
we could for this scene.
Overall suitability:
This setting we thought was suitable for our film, we thought this because it is
away from most things and looks like an area where dealings would take place.
This area also offered us a place where the car was able to park up and for the
characters to converse. We also chose this location because we thought that this
location would be quiet enough for us to re-film if we needed to.
Potential Hazards:
When filming here we had to take into consideration the dangers that may have

been caused here, for example this is a residential area therefore we had to take
into consideration that cars will be coming up and down the road, however the
road wasnt too busy but as a precautionary method we made sure that we didnt
spend to much time on the roads. Another potential hazard that we couldve
faced during the filming of our film in this scene would be the camera getting hit
by the car, we prevented any accidents like this happening by making sure that
we spend little time on the road and that we was very careful where we placed
the cameras.

Location Recce Sheet

Name: Queensbury Boiler House
Date of visit: December 10th 2014
This is the location where the
character is being trapped/held

Lighting Level:
The lighting level in this location was low key however this was what we wanted
as it helped create the atmosphere of a dark, gloomy room, which can be
typically seen in hostage situations. We used some extra background lighting to
make it look like the attention was focused on the character that is being held
Noise level:
The noise level in this location wasnt any problem, apart from in some cases
the background sound of the boilers working would end up being a problem,
however we could not do much about this noise apart from wait until it finished
and then re film again but this wasnt a problem at all.
Overall suitability:
Overall we thought that this location was suitable as we through that this
location would be seen in a typical thriller film, we go rid of as much lighting as
we could to add a dark gloomy effect to it, this also helped to portray that there
was no escape and no way out for the victim. Also because its secluded place it
helps the audience understands that there is no way out for the character.
Potential Hazards:
When filming in this location we had to take into consideration of the potential
hazards, for example a thing that we had to think about while filming was the
boilers exploding , this was very unlikely however we did have to think about
this potential hazard occurring, other than that there was no other dangers that
couldve prevented us from filming.
In this scene you will be able to see one of our characters being tied to a chair
against his will, he is also unconscious. Also in this scene we are able to see a
strange man walking towards the hostage with a crowbar.

Location Recce Sheet

Name: Furness Ave, Dunstable, England, United Kingdom
Date of visit: December 10th 2014

This is the location where
the character walks out of
his house and down the
road into the alley.

In this scene you are able to see the character walking out of his house, down
the street and into the alley. The scenes will be cut into separate sections and
other scenes will be used here.
Lighting Level:
The lighting level in this location was perfect, the natural lighting was just what
we needed, it wasnt too dark yet it wasnt too bright it was just what we
needed for this scene. No additional lighting was required as we felt that the
lighting was perfect. During the planning of our film we had to make sure that
the weather conditions were suitable for the genre, we didnt want it to be too
bright yet we also didnt want it to be too dim.
Noise level:
The noise level at this location couldve been bad depending on the time of
day, if when we filmed was around 3:30-4:00pm during the week we couldve
had problems with background sound however we chose a sensible time during
the day in which no background noise was any firm of problem. However one
problem that we faced during the filming was small background noises, things
like unwanted car engines therefore we re-filmed and got the best possible
shots that we could for this scene. Most cars that was in this location wasnt in
use therefore there would be hardly any background sound.
Overall suitability:
Overall we thought that this location was suitable for our film as it was a
suitable setting for the specific genre of film, we needed natural lighting for this
location to make it seem more realistic for our film. This area also offered us a
place where the car was able to park up and for the characters to converse. We
also chose this location because we thought that this location would be quiet
enough for us to re-film if we needed to
Potential Hazards:
When filming here we had to take into consideration the dangers that may
have been caused here, for example this is a residential area therefore we had

to take into consideration that cars will be coming up and down the road,
however the road wasnt too busy but as a precautionary method we made
sure that we didnt spend to much time on the roads.

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