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Problem: Sales order 40993688301 was shipped from LKY on 6/22, but status was never

updated in DAX, thereby consuming no inventory.

Request: Update a claim so it consumes inventory

Steps to resolve:
1. Check for failed message in AIF.
Process Sales Order


Use the attached query to find all messageIDs associated with the
particular sales order.

There are two pieces of the query that need to be adjusted for each scenario.

b. Cross reference these message IDs (bearing in mind that there could be
several) with failed messages in AIF Gateway by using the query below
select * from AIFGATEWAYQUEUE (nolock)

2. Fix the message

a. Once you have identified the error in the gateway, attempt to remedy. In this
case, the error we received in the gateway involved improper nodes of the
XML. The particular error we received was There is no salesLine record
corresponding to the salesParmLineRecord on item ENV. After speaking with a
Dev, we were instructed to remove that portion of the XML which was causing
a mismatch.
b. Go to Basic>Periodic>Gateway Queue and, using the MessageID, save the
original XML.
c. Edit the XML and SAVE.
3. Import into DAX and reprocess the message
a. Go to Basic>Periodic>Gateway Queue and, using the MessageID, import the
new XML.
b. Run the below query to update the message and reprocess into the gateway
begin tran
update AIFGATEWAYQUEUE with (rowlock)
set STATUS = '1'
where MESSAGEID = '8DD5407E-A3A9-4D1C-88D4-5682446DB511'
rollback tran
--commit tran

4. Remove the output order, and pick the item.

a. Click the line in the sales order, go to inventory>output orders to remove the
output order.
b. Pick the item

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