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FROM 1066-1180

Where is it?
It is in the centre of Guildford which
is 30 miles away from London,
Englands capital city.

It had an inner and outer bailey.
It was built shortly after 1066 by William the conqueror or
one of his barons.
The castle was originally a motte and bailey castle,
which is a castle with a big mound of earth at one end,
where a tower stands and a walled area at the bottom
which has houses in for accomidating people.

In the late 11 century or the early 12 century a
bargate stone wall was built around the top of
the motte making it a thing known as a stone
Around the 1130 a bargate (which is a type of
stone) keep (which is the big tower on the hill)
was added instead of a wooden one. Its
interior dimensions were 47 feet by 45.5 feet.
The walls were about 10 feet at the bottom
and taper towards the top. This building would
have been used as an apartment for the king.

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