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Justifying Physical Education Based on Neuroscience Evidence KRIS BERG Recent discoveries strengthen the connection between physical activity and cognitive function. 16 eects of exerce on human function ae complex and diverse, and [ "Rumerous oon and tes appa fo espn to exec stimulus Ep emioiogicl data eval that regular exere reduces the nce of the Teading cases of mortality sich as eae dseae, type 2 ete, eva typeof cancer and abesy (Bae, Johnson, & Moth, 2097; Kelley, Kelley, Franklin, 2006) 1s theretore not surprising tat eearch Indias tha execs so ‘profoundly benefits ran function (Cotman Se Engeser-Cesy, 2002; Kelley et aL, doo; Neeper, Gomez, & Cotman, 1996; Pues, 2006; Russo-Neastadt, Bea, tang, Cotman, 200), Stasis indicate that execse promotes bain geowth, Inclucing the predation o new neurons nd inressedintesynaptc connections {Cotman & Engeser-Cesar; Neeper eta). Knowledge ofthe eet of excrete on bai function highly pertinent to physical educators and execs potessionals. Ts latonmation has become par of the knowledge ise of thelr profession and shold be ineluded inthe profesional tain a teacher candidates ad exer ‘eience major. Eduction ofthe American public, chang tho whi make stad esos egg curiculum and budge allocation, fala necessary. The purpose ‘of thisartce sto review the base sient digs an to suggest how this nor ‘mation might be used o defend the ole of psa education in choos Being Physically Active in an Information Society Amescan Society pays ip evieto the concept thatthe human organism operates an integrated whole, but redtions inthe tie allocates for paca edition schools imply continuation ofthe traditional Western schism of ind ad body I realty, Wrsteners often relegate tlngs physical toa lamer status than ‘things mena, and he notion that human activites may be categories 3 phys ‘al or mental clay conveys duustcor separatist view:The act that mandatory ‘physical edcation lascs have Boe eliminated in many school dtl across he haton (Landers & Kretchmar, 2008; Lowry, Wechsler, Kab, & Collins, 2007) sg fests ack of understanding among school administrators and the American publ Sr the connection between the physi ahd the mental. The pial education resin needs to strengthen efforts to educate the public othe unig vale ft physical act an pista cation nthe physical and mental goth and evelopment of chien and adolescents. esearch supporting the wlio pial activity for mprove ealth in chide and adolescents abouts erg & Say 1984; Mokena ta. 196, Sls MK. ‘tle, 198, Stone, Mekenze Welk, Booth, 19%; US. Deparment of Health and Human Srsices{USDHHE, 2000 Furtermoe, physical eeation beled to Be aneective means ofincreasing physic ats among youths entes or Disease Control and Frventon {CDC}, 2001 Kahn ea, 202) For these ators, numerous otesonal organizations and agencies, cing the Aedan Heat Associaton 202), “American College of Sports Medicine (1988), Ameria “Acide of Petre 2. CD (1997), and USDEES ‘Gon haveendoredguaity cai physical edestion forall Students Such support woulaot ext without tere being | omidetabe weight of evkence, Physica education can bean etectve means of improving ttads about physic artiety and of providing te daring the shoo! day 10 ep {Yous ta meet recommend excise guidelines further education o the Ameren public esd sarin the bene physi aety and physical ed Te Sees logical for physial nears and other exercise profesional st to become familar with the important research findings about the ets of xeric on the rat fd cognitive function, Tis nlormation may give pros sionals better understandings the mechanisms by which fexerie might enhance fatring and emotional tte. BY Deingheternkrmedproessonalsmay ene grater nfs {ence on studens parents, an these who make eurcutum Sd budgetary dctsion that affect school programs (e ‘rip schoo ost members ‘Curent knowledge about haw exercise ates brat fune ton suggss tha physical edation shoul bean important prt of the curacuim nal shoo. Hoseever, this starkly es, which typlaly mach male fr physica education, {han forother subjects, as fitwee of esereestona wae than core subjects. The percentage of Schools that require physical education clases detates progressively tome mentary schoo! through high choo! (CDC, 2001). ‘A Biological Basis for Exercise Effects fon the Brain Resercets in euroxence us noninvasive tectnigus, sich as magnetic esonanceimaging (MRI) abd postive emision tomography (PE, toexamineanatomicl nd physlogel changes the bran produced exces Yeats ao, mets to examine changes in aia structure and function were uit led. New techniques, however have “opened the ‘door to inings that indict thatthe ra scondtioned a0 result of regular exercise Sis using animals inde that even several days of running increases production of 2 protein inthe neve cel or neuron calle baindenved ‘neurotrophic actor BON; Cetman & ngesser Ces, 2002 [Necperet al, 1996) This pon enhances the growth id repair of synapses and neurons hich in tn, appear 1 improve cognitive function (Coxman & Engeser Ces, [Newper et al). Exercise ao enhances the vl of Key nerve transmits that improve mood energy fev and mot Won tMccmen, Watton, Haste, Roland, fe Paci, 2106), Sever of these tartmters ate also believed 10 combat depression Russo Newsadt ea. 2000, “ial studs iniate that ares ofthe Ban inwalved ‘fearing such the hippocampus, experience changes such a Incest BDNF, production of new eurons, and “nresed number and quality of intersynaptic connections between newton ara esl of exercise (Cotman & Enger. ear, 2002; Widenfatk, Olen, & Thoren, 1999). These iteration nthe trai shove how exert might improve Cognitive tation, A soe et increase BDNF in te synapses of resin ‘the bran occurs weithin several daysof beginning exercise tegimen Thishas ben demonstrated inthe hippcampus of fas wie thee das of dally running onan exercise whee {Gomer Pnila, Ying, Opazo, Koy & Ealgerton, 2001) Exe: ‘ne animals that have demonstrated iereated BDNF earn 2 mare tsk more quickly than animals living i a tndard ‘age (tama, Mish, a Suguyam, 2008) A hoemone ‘alld nslintke growth factor G1, which s secreted from skeletal muscle during exer, pases int the brain where ats ava growth enhancer Aaescn, Alanna, fe Greenough, 1996 ikews, the development of new cap ls angen occas be pcan at ‘wrk in concert with BONFto rept ere cll improve tie umber of connections with other ewe els, and enance the growth of new neurons and capil to nour ne ‘eas 15 not surpsig that these alterations occur Inthe Sensory and motor cortex regions Because of ther extensive dcsvation daring phssiealactty However, tisnoteorthy thatthe same changes occur inthe hippocampus, excl region ofthe brain intimately invoivedin memory and lean Ing (Corman & Engeser Ces, 202), Tn humans, hace eks of epeitive Anger¢movement tetning appears to enlage the primary cortex (Kan! etal 1998), and ve days of pan practice was found to nerease the hand area of the atvatd motor cones Tasca Leone fa, 1995) Anima stadis indicated hat acuviues that tnvotved climbing and balance rested in greater prouc- tion of BDNF than running Anderson cal 1996; Swain et a, 2008) These dings gest that more complex moloe elites than runing might be especialy advantageous or byain development andcogntve function. Whilestutieson humans ae necdod totes thishypothess Rate 2K) ested that sports and games tha require ih coordination Sil at wellascogtive acon to gd state during ly ‘may becspecily valuable fortran development Ratey pro- posed that the wie warty of motor patterns and continua {Seta ajuniments needed st mest poets ad games may stiate more eons ofthe bai than aerobic acts that re matory es complcated and ess vane The conclusion ofa review paper the exercise era tue ndieatd that bouts of physi activity ati a way similar to prychostimulant drs by citing attention (omporowst, 2003) The elect appears to facia lear {gb sing the encigy level andimproving the ality 0 focus ona haeing task. Te eects of neurtransaiters may explain ip part why acute execs has been sown tor improve cognitive Function sn adults Besnater, Cal Substantial enence segs that xe helps to mainan Cognit lnctom meer aa lanleaw, & Arcelin, 2002; Tomporowski) and children {Caterina & Polak, 1999; MeNaughton & Gabbard, 1993), nich suggests that xercsng bebe studying may enfance earning Areal ofthese collective physilogealelfects ff exeree om the bal, appeas Hat adeitonal studies Ste needed on humans to deterne possible benefits 083 broad ange of cognitive tutions, However, the evidence Cognitive Effects of Exercise enable to document atom ana physolopcaalter tons im the bran nf animale asa consequence nf excrese punks basis to bene thatthe same ght ecu In humans, Although further reach # needed Yo support this contention, theres aeady considerable esidence tat txerse improves or Bel to maintain cogetve function In alder eras, who have Ben he target of mach of the fevarch This i te particu 4 tes of enhancing “executive conto wht eltestomemey, planning con sidering aternativesardmakingecsions These ancions ‘eterna with age, but verse as crrted a aly Sng protective function acne states Cokombe fe Kramer Dux), fox example, seniors ages A 78 years old who participated ima waking group showed improved cogn the funeton in measutes sich executive control hile { eomparsonqioup that ws retin exer alle 0 Show improvernents (kramer ct a, 1989). Evidence also suggests that repulse exercise may have protective effects ‘onthe bran, at demonstated by a reduced nckence of Aimer disease riedndet al, 200; Lari, Vere Lindsay MacPherson, Rockwood, 201) Ti beef elecs are sce in olde persons one might suspect an even greater effect in ebdren because of thelr {ipl ovetll physi gmt, States in children sate that increased physical activity improves academic prtor mance (Dwyer, Coonan, Leth, Het, 8 Haghust, 1983 ‘Shephard, 1097}. The etect of phys uation programs tn acaemic peformance has at been a5 widely sted, but some work has suggested that academic performance Improves when mee time spent in physical education tnd fs time inthe casroom Calis & McKenzie, 199 Shephaad. vv of helteratureby Shephatemphasied {hes longitudinal ste condcted in Canada, Fane, a Aastala The longtinal design an large simple sein thee stds strengthen thelr potential application. The results are meaning for soo administrators Because they suggest tht time allosted to. phyieal education, nile edcng clasioom ine for oer subjects, doesnot recess seduce academic performance recent ele of the iterate publish nthe ura of Phys Eacation, Recreation Dame (Sith & Lounsbery, 200% points ou the Gicutes associated with assening the efecto physical ‘uation om academic achicwement because ofthe variety in designs ued in ferent studs, Study designs vary i teems of curiculum, mesure of academic achievement teacher quali, previous leaning, being experimental of fhonexpeimenta and oon. Nonetheless, sconce ‘hat dally quality physical eduction appearsto increase the fat ofleaming ans positively ated to academic achieve tent, and that allocating Hine to physical education does fot detract from academic achieverent. The studies aso Inlested tha allocating ls time for physical education snd move ie for ore subjects during the stool day does not guarantee improved academic performance Behavioral and Emotional Effects of Exercise The Dra anatomical and physoloieal elects of exercise Sages that exercise maybe wef a5 4 means of Heating oncitions such a attention defcthyperctvty dre Clepression fatigue and sts. These condins seem com fom i uae Ie adi school-age cites ad Timi the gual of edvation and hfe i general. Fr example, fatigues reported i ant 20 percent ofthe adult pop: tion inthe Unie tates Pues, 2006) ers a umber of epldemiotogiat studies, physical activity as bee found to provides tong and consistent provement fatigue Furthermore, Jone zesponsezlationship exist, sch that vere of higher testy orlnger duration proves nore xeriealto poste influence depression in cist and healthy populations (Cotman & Eger Cesar, 202) In tone stad when ext wascombin with antepresant DNF was increased afer on trys and the symptoms sntidepressants alone often take weeks to beconve effective ‘ussr Neustadt al, 200), Consequently, exert appear. to reduce the time ness fr antlepresants fo improve the clinical symptoms dpresior Stdden termination of depression that tpl ocut (dent, son & Tho Physical Activity and the Feeling of Reward ‘an, 1900), hector bas ewaretheory amber, 2006) holds that he evolution of interconnected braln structures calle the "mucus accumibenestrism-cortexcruty” hanced the bly of aman to wrk industrious for eng periods while meeting the basic news of sural to obtain food, wate and sheter Most of thesymptomsof depression sed for diggs aessciatd with the miles accumbens (American PyacharcAsotton, 20, Tht structure and Itsncursl ict releatereurctemials bie provice 4 sense of reward, plese and achievers from having ‘he World Heath Organization estimates that 28 percent ‘ofall mestncarewsits actos the lobe ae for mental illness Sd thatthe incidence apy eng Park, Gladstone Chee, 2001. In compatzon wih ealier generations ‘modem ie has become hgh sodstary Forex, the (Old Order Anish who have mained 3 simpler style Including hours of physical labor each day, expend pron mately stimes the energy of moe tice workers(baset, aner 100,000 generations hua being hunt gees: {and S00 generations as agricultural, only 10 generations fthumans have existed since the bepnningo the nds age. He contended thatthe aman rain, becasetevoled wer many more years while hurars were igh physically sete, adapted ina manner that remot physic acy. Frain that regulate physical actvty and emotions. This result of doing meaning work. Lambert sugges thatthe rele accumbens, leatedbetween the sels or mote aetivty and emotional sate. Other esearch a supets the important role ofthe miles acumbens on mena aay be particu val fr brawn open state (Greenfield, 1991, Mingote, Weber Ihiwae, Come, The etot bed remand theory ariitsnewolgil under ‘lnnings have inteestingimplicasonsfor terol physical ‘tucation in tay’ salty. Dally physical csuaton may tea means of improving the emotional ste of stents poten party the generally pastiveetects cen in stules {romining the intuence of physical actsty and physical 1983 Shephad, 1997) Physical education can ptentally ‘nance physical ski, which may cacourage more ph piyscal shls and desing the postive feelings ataned ‘through physical eto may improve the emetlona tate ‘An Anthropological View The eortbasa reward theory (amber, 2006) largely tuscan thelinkberwcen physical acy andthe evan of the human brain A sina explanation was provided By satheres who hadta move those who dt ot or ould not move wer undoubtedly ess ly to svive We hunt rian gathering or peolonged perks, the an, maces, hear, and other supporting physiological stems were continously stimulated, Sensory input fom they. cas ‘regions ofthe tain fr colton, interpretation, an deck. Sion making. Thus, the hunter ight stop to examine the track or dropping of game, alter the couse of ave ard contin the viglaice to spot game. The unter sede feseveranc orl determination tocontinue for lng eto, which requited serotonin, dopamine, and ntepinephrine The “atheree” may have been sinay stim while scaching for wid rts, us, al hes. The ban activa: tion while pursing thse tks would be continual and txtensive from anerologiasardpoint. tot surpriing, {hen that uch activities mete Hy to Be pest actors the brain development of humans. The neuzotransmiters Sndhormones tit enbance mental and physi entay and ‘eral cognitive oncion were actWated a hums moved For nourscah day The bain would thus averecived ily "Hilton in oder o optimize the capac to adapt and Survive, Consequently, mich of human brain development tay ave oscuted in response to moveaent, and humans fexay kyl possess he sam eapacty Fay 2008, A.Call to Action The evidence sipporting physical education aa has part Of K-12 education i inceasngy Bae on neuroscience Furthermore, the esearch fds across numerous Stu ier are consistent in demonstrating tat exer oclaes learning Landers f Aveat, 2007 Sey & Eine 200, “Thetme eens pe oe physlealuators to broadcast tis “nome to the eran publ, ther profesional. and school administrators feet cas, AAHPERD has one nadia jb in collaboatiog with groups such a the ‘American Medics Asotin, American Heat Avoca, and the American College of pots Medicine. These groups All have the common gol of roving the eal stamusoF ‘Americans, but ody we also need ogarer the Support of professional educational organkatlons that ila sot minister and school hosel members, who ciety Inflsence cucu a state aleverent anes an recht (2008 sugested that schoo i _ninistatorsand school board memes plac keser value on Dsicaledvation cause content is ot assessed in any Sate’ achievement teste, Because school administers are Under more scrutiny in recent yos to provide quantitative fevidence, more time ae dln ate allocated to subjects that are seed on sate chievment tests, The recent NO {Child Left Bein leisltion has even further encourage fan incressed emphasis on achievement tests In te Pas ttuch ofthe rationale for deeming the ole of physica fccation inthe overall curled mas boned om the Bt ‘nessa health benefits soins! with exercise. However, though eth and fnew ae ceicaly portant, they ae rot directly ase state estan Hence are nostro Spported inthe curcum,Educting schoo adiistator, fd schoo! boards on the cine esdence regarding the ‘fects of exer onthe bain and leaning ina be more likely to prompt tha support. Thsne of reasoningsiagests that state achievement test tome pon should inlade ‘content from phyiateducation Thiseontent would sutely include health aa nes beets, bu ao the neuroog cal effects an impact of physi actly on Fearing and ‘motional heh Temay have bec t00 teas to think thatthe health land ness evidence would be enough to defend the pysteal education cursculm, and now fewer and fewer ‘eho provide diy quay physical eduction Landers & ‘etchant, 2008; Lowry ea, 2001) inspite of the stom ‘evidence about helt, rationale Rated mote extensive Sate may be more likely o clic he atetion ata support of school administers The importance of developing tong acacy messages nas asa emphasized by Smith and Lesnbery (200, ho Sngoed tht school administrators demand dat-bse ev “ence, ney presented reeareh based evince on academic performance that can be wed to defend physical eduction nd physical atviy, Whe the eedence that physical ed ‘ition entances academic pertormance fs most postive in tertile, adtonal research i certain needed. Futare research by physical educators should consider using tate ‘vam cores a a outcome measure, because these data are ft priciest to cool admlastatrs Tn conclusion, reseich from the nesrockenees appears to oer atonal eedence that strengthens the case for aly physical education K-12 education nthe authors ‘opinion, this evidences eatvely unkown by stool a ‘minstators and the gene public and therefore need toebettr pice Perhaps the erat psa education being plement” o other academe” aca could be 2 thing ofthe past. With fective and widespre put of {videcesate formation, we might be te hrstold ‘fnew ea of physi ation, one which wt steeated [sa ial athe than amino component in eduction, References Aanerean Ade fais, 200 Pye ead ay severe Calle Spt Mes (188, Psa fesineven Avra eat oat. (202) ANA cei tere aro savin Payette Maison. (200) Dayrosic on rsa) anal ett des Wagon, OC Abo Aden Aka Gren (1996) Meters am ‘Changes in ape eran a heat cert cen Newby ego Memory 66,2329 rot D, Sidr Pf Humtogtn (004 Pye ayn ol dr An conmunty ese cone m pot be thea K, Sad 5. (1983), Deveopent ofan lent Scoa ona he tne prin rage cnn pot 8, ohn, & ntl, 8 (207) Phys cy et and esate | Caan, Mtn 202) es of te roca haces on age peormanc Spots Medne Catcno, MPa, € (1999) Het of wo typeof ativan He Pfomance cond, hr naouth ae tert ne ‘Concent, Poet Mi ih 9, 25-208, Cente lor Det Cont! sn Pee. (197) Gide or ‘cnt comennypyams epee yal ‘ay amar young prope Matty a My Mey pa, mma re 9, 2000) Mat od ety ety Rp centers fr Ot Contt and own. (2008), testing Physcal cty, Aegon on corm of he a oe tr communy evenness ond Maly Wet feo 5.14 oleonbe 5, & Kame A (203). Fs ees ofthe cognve Turton ake aA tani yaa 5 eta, &tngever Co € (2002 bebe enhances andere han hawt fe ad pot ne Rvs 30,7579 Daye Foi, eh Batt 8 Bagh (983) An Investigation fees dy ysl onthe eto Fer 2.308312 {2001 atts wth teers ae rece aces rise compet ely cared gaupmemts Pee comes Pra, Do. 5,¥ 1997 pclae nas FCF2 smith inte pocampal 78,18, ons ri, Ying, 2 Op, Py Re Egon VR {G00 Oral tin by nc BONE and NT a ‘pul co nd set mule, anon oura ot Reuco ‘een (1991), Language, od ei: Te ontogeny and Pvlageryt ern oganind quently Bara Xa Ramey, Troon, 8, Heth Hon, & Pave G02 The acta of ent areas nea setviy Anytemtc reve Anseajouralet Panne dy, Kar Mea st? Ada, Tae Rng Le ety Rete, akin (2005) Aeotic evee a ulin at naomce conto aural pray xan, TMi M, Siam, A 20D), Eonar a [aking NMOA ecptr epson 1 bunt. Necro, (199) again Fens and nce an ate Lanes. et (2007) Pyaalactty a mt thn 6. Tenebany HC and 5), Hatt syPogy (Gp #69401) oot, Wy. Landers chat 580) oc nl raw. ‘Phyl Kaan hectic 76 1 56 Laut, ©. reas Lng, MacPro Rochon {GD0). Pry acvy and ik ol rth patent a de Ie nly pein tes Newry, 38498504 oy Wee at, lias} 2001) Ace en fcpatnin gy tcaton among gh stele, Saute ath 7114 152 Mexaagton 0. 8 Cobar, C1993, Phys eeon andthe mete mest proach ade en Poet eerie, Nado PR, Ste PX, HM Sos ery CL al (199) etl pel esuaton het oe etn vin, Hagan H, Roland Be cet Mt 000. Cnn gue The atonn paths a beyond Sports Mee 35, 881-98 ogee 5, be 5. hiv, K, Cone M8 Samo, (2008). sec nce vcunbor dopamine eens unpre Neeps, 5 Gomez, Cho 8 Cotnan (196) yal ‘int senses mir tain dd etavop fara ree rth ator art tran, Ban Reso, 726 19:56 Pant G, Caso 6 & Chee 2007 Oeresonin he plrets Trg we roy The Crt, Ann oan Peay, Pecan eon A Ng , Cobe rat,.Cammarta A att, (995) Madan maicespoic eed ‘roo ai rato Nessephytny 74, 1371048, et 200) Pal any a el ot ney a ag ors ec, 36767780, ty 2008) SDK: The rmalatanay nw nc alee nd te ovis Hee M, Weisman H, Onset, Cou Bue, Inte tes ri a one 4) 849 938 Isso A, fet, Hung. & Canin C2000) Pst pci brane nurse or ane the at Sis Moke 6 (198). eso phsealacoy tenentons Selgan, (1990 ted agumim New Yo: Pse Books Shp (197) Carer yal act and ade por See 8 ne | 200), Te roonenp wee yc acy Sth ourey (2009) meting phys eavaton- The duals would be able to repeat enone Janet thou pas, wath comments suchas, “Yuta great teacher, and ‘re anow you're wing tod whatever aes to mae all “lentssccesstu They might aso ay something to the itec of Ao he extra tite arpa you puto your “sss really pays off Fac cil lays sero ave 30 ‘much fan in your pysical education cas Sina ane Shou ty toavondany negative inoencessutounding he. She should alto nteract wth ell sical educators who Inchade stinentcth gneantasabtesin the programs fom segula tan aking Wocolagues 52 ret 2 oget fn ideas forthe lasso, ce what oer re dng and ‘etolize concerns and pose ober that could ase Janet shoul aba go ety to the stent’ spect ea to teaches to lear what they have fund works o oes thot wok with the stents. Special educators ean provide “etal, pertinent infomation tecase they work wit the “Stent on» dil as typlealy know them well inaly Janets physical inte could oat he fac. To eraute that she maintains a suongly peeved ‘eitetfcacy ane should etal, ease and ates frees posible This could be achieved through using ee: tive time management strate, planing ahead, seeking free ea, and wing esurces va the Intec, bos, and Inservice taining fet shoud an eat aelsbalanced et: {verse egal, and make Hine to do tings she enjoys. Bascal the teacher fe wel maaan, ths wil oy ‘ver into the cas Summ: Why does Serena Willams win 10 many’ tens tourna sens? She clear has the tale but she aso hasa level of felfcanfidence tht cannot be matched By her pers. She Belov in evel an haces te pong to sued. Ts ides of sefcndence leading to soces is abo trae for physical educators lke janet. Pryce educators who truly Detewe they can nce eit with eb in thet ‘general physical ication prams wil nd a way to be $uccessfi, Unfortnately de © 2 ack of coursework and limited experiences, masy phy educators do not have tonfidence in ther aby #0 do 30. Thi arte has Sg fested an application of Banda’ soda cognitive theory {OG teschers who are faced th cading students ith ‘sable In particular the Hoa sources o information — tenctve mastery experiences vhanous experiences, tall Socal persuasion, ana psilogal sates—

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