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The Asian Pacific American Historical Society (APAHS)s mission is to document,

preserve, and educate the public about, Asian Pacific American History and Heritage in
the South. The APAHS hold several programs throughout the year, including: the
annual May Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Symposium the National Archives
at Atlanta, monthly recordings of Asian Pacific American at StoryCorps Atlanta, and the
APAs in the South Oral History Project. APAHS also partners with local libraries and
federal agencies to highlight the history and contributions of Asian Pacific Americans in
the South.

- Support APAHS mission to increase documentation, preservation, and education about Asian Pacific Americans in the South
- APAHS E-Newsletter - Early Invitations to APAHS Programs & Preferred Seating
- Invitation to APAHS Partner Events - Opportunities to Support APA History & Education
- Free participation in APAHS Book Club

(Jan Dec. calendar year)

Individual ($25)
Family ($40)
Student ($10,up to college age 22) Educators/Librarians ($10)
Patron ($100)
Community Organization/Small Business ($200)
APA Historian ($250) fund APAs in the South History Project
APA Champion ($500) fund APAHS Community Education Programs
Corporate ($1,000)
Additional Donation to APAHS____________________________________________
In-kind donations are also greatly appreciated!
Memberships/Donations are not Tax Deductible - No Refunds

Total Amount Enclosed:_______________

Make check payable to: Asian Pacific American Historical Society
Mail to: Raksha, Inc., P.O. Box 12337, Atlanta, Georgia 30355
Contact: or 404-494-0362
Name (First Name, Last Name):_______________________________________________________________________
Ethnic Heritage(s): _______________________________________ Language(s): ____________________________
Family Member Names (and ages): ___________________________________________________________________
Home Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________
City ___________________________________ County_____________ State ______________ Zip Code ___________
Email address:___________________________________________ Phone:_______________________________
Organization/Business/Title: ________________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________
City ___________________________________ County_____________ State ______________ Zip Code ___________
Email address:___________________________________________ Phone:_______________________________
Check if you would like to volunteer with the APA Historical Society and list your areas of interest:

Signature: ________________________________________________________________Date: ___________________

APAHS BOARD USE: Payment Method: o Cash o Checkcheck # __________ Date:__________ Initials:______ (0115)

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