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Nicholas Martella

Observing Changes in a Chemical Reaction
We did a lab where we put water, CopperIIChloride, and aluminum foil in a test tube.
Our hypothesis was that if a solution makes contact with aluminum foil, there will be a
chemical reaction. Once we put in the CopperIIChloride the immediately sunk down to
the bottom of the test tube and the water started to change colors from clear to a light
blue color. Then we wrapped the aluminum foil around our pencil and dropped it into the
test tube with the CopperIICloride. We immediately started to noticed that there was
some sort of reaction.
When we dropped the the aluminum foil in we started to see bubbles, so it was
fizzing. So we know that our hypothesis is correct. We recorded the change in
temperature too. Our initial temperature was 21 degrees, after 5 minutes we had 23
degrees, Then our final temperature was about 26 degrees. In our analysis questions,
one of them was were any new substances formed? Yes, the next day we came into
school there was a black, orange solid substance that was in the water and the
aluminum foil was no longer there. So, our hypothesis was correct since a new
substance was formed in the test tube.

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