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Topic: Investigate, Invent, And Innovate

Grades: 3 and 4

Description of Unit:
This unit will focus on the individual expectations found in the Grade 3 and 4
curriculums. In this combined Grade 3 and 4 Ontario and Canada thematic unit
students will be able to identify landforms, physical features and relationships
between communities and provinces. Throughout this unit students in both grades
will be able to further develop their investigative, researching and presentation skills.
This unit will also link to skills in the language, science and art subject areas.
Students will engage in various learning activities that will incorporate, mapping,
relationships/exchanges between communities and provinces, landforms and physical
features. Students will be able to further develop and strengthen independent and
co-operative learning skills. The culminating task will bring together all previously
learned knowledge and skills.
Overall Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this unit students will:
Compare and contrast urban and rural communities in Ontario
Be able to locate, label and describe landforms and natural resources in
Investigate the exchange of goods and resources among the provinces and
Identify Canadian products and the natural resources from which they derived
Explore and discover the steps required to create, produce and promote a
Canadian made product to sell to other communities, provinces and territories
Prior Knowledge:
Grade 3:
Some similarities and differences in the ways in which 2 or more communities
in different parts of the world meet their needs and have adapted to their
How to communicate information using media works, oral presentations and
written descriptions
Everyday items and products
Grade 4:
Distinguishing the difference between rural and urban communities
Canadian provinces, territories and their capitals on a map of Canada
How to communicate information using media works, oral presentations and
written descriptions
Relationships between communities and their natural environment
Culminating Task
This unit will culminate in a 30-minute group commercial presentation that will
encompass all aspects of learning. Attention to multiple intelligences will ensure that
students strengths are recognized and that there are multi-faceted growth
opportunities. Grade 3 students will design a product that is manufactured in Ontario
while Grade 4 students will design a product that is manufactured in Canada.
Students must design a product uses natural resources from Canada. Students will be
required to produce a draft and final report that follows a model of inquiry. Students
will also be creating a 2-D or 3-D sample of their product as well as a commercial to
try to sell their product to perspective buyers.
Overall Expectations:

Grade 3
Overall Expectations from the Social Studies Curriculum
B1. Demonstrate and understanding of some key aspects of
the interrelationship between the natural environment, land
use, employment opportunities and the development of
municipal regions in Ontario
B2. Use the social studies inquiry process to investigate some
of the environmental effects of different types of land use
and/or resource use in two or more Ontario municipal regions

Grade 4
Overall Expectations from the Soc
B1. Asses some key ways in wh
development and the natural e
other in two or more political a
B2. Use the social studies inqu
some issues and challenges as
human needs/wants

Specific Expectations
Social Studies:
B1.1 Describe some major connections between features of
the natural environment of a region and the type of land use
and/or the type of community that is established in that region
B2.1 Formulate questions to guide investigations into some of
the short-and/or long-term effects on the environment of
different types of land and/or resource use in two or more
municipal regions of Ontario
B2.4 Interpret and analyse information and data relevant to
their investigations, using a variety of tools
B2.6 Communicate the results of their inquires, using
appropriate vocabulary and formats
B3.1 Demonstrate an understanding that Ontario is divided
into different municipals or regional entities and that local
governments within these entities provide specific services
and regulate development according to local needs
B3.3 Identify the major landform regions in Ontario
B3.5 Describe major types of land use and how they address
human wants and needs
B3.6 Compare some aspects of land use in two or more

Specific Expecta
Social Studies
B1.1 Analyse some of the general way
environment of regions in Canada has
development of industry
B2.2 Gather and organize information
sources to investigate issues and chal
balancing human needs/wants and ac
environmental stewardship in one or m
and/or physical regions of Canada
B2.3 Analyse and construct print and/
thematic maps, as part of their invest
human needs/wants and activities wit
stewardship in Canada
B2.4 Interpret and analyse informatio
their investigations, using a variety of
B3.1 Identify various physical regions
their location and some of the major w
distinct from and similar to each othe
B3.2 Identify some of the main human
industrial development and recreation
physical regions of Canada
B3.3 Describe the four main economic
some industries that are commonly as
B.3.4 Identify various types of politica
describe some of the basic similarities
B3.5 Identify Canadas provinces and
capital cities and describe them with r
and some of the peoples who live in t

Cross Curricular:
Grade 3
Science: Understanding Structures and Mechanisms
2.2 investigate, through experimentation, how various
materials can be used to add strength to structures
2.4 use technological problem-solving skills, and knowledge
acquired from previous investigations, to design and build a
strong and stable structure that serves a purpose
Oral Communication:

Grade 4
Science: Understanding Structures and
2.1 follow established safety procedure

Oral Communication:
2.3 communicate in a clear, coherent m
ideas, opinions and information in a re

2.3 communicate orally in clear, coherent manner, presenting

ideas, opinions and information in a logical sequence
2.4 choose a variety of appropriate words and phrasesto
communicate their meaning accurately and engage the
interest of their audience
2.7 use a variety of appropriate visual aids to support or
enhance oral presentations
1.1 Identify the topic, purpose, audience and form for writing
1.2 Generate ideas about a potential topic, using a variety of
strategies and resources
2.3 use words and phrases that will help convey their meaning
as specifically as possible
2.8 produce revised, draft pieces of writing to meet identified
criteria based on the expectations related to content,
organization, style and use of conventions
Media Literacy:
1.1 identify the purpose and intended audience of some media
1.4 describe how different audiences might respond to specific
media texts
2.2 identify the conventions and techniques used in some
familiar media forms and explain how they help convey
3.2 identify an appropriate form to suit the specific purpose
and audience for a media text they plan to create

2.4 use appropriate words and phrases

their vocabulary, including inclusive an
terms and appropriate elements of sty
meaning accurately and engage the in
2.7 use a variety of appropriate visual
enhance oral presentations
1.1 Identify the topic, purpose, and aud
writing forms
1.2 Generate ideas about a potential to
strategies and resources
2.8 produce revised, draft pieces of wr
criteria based on the expectations rela
organization, style and use of conventi
3.8 produce pieces of published work t
criteria based on the expectations rela
organization, style, use of conventions
Media Literacy:
1.1 identify the purpose and audience
1.2use overt and implied messages to
construct meaning in media texts
1.4 explain why different audiences mi
to specific media texts
2.2 identify the conventions and techn
familiar media forms and explain how
3.2 identify an appropriate form to suit
and audience for a media text they pla

Lesson 1- From Coast to Coast

In small group discussions students will review ideas about Ontario 9 (Grade
3) and Canada (Grade 4) through a graffiti/four corners activity. Students will be
encouraged to use pictures/maps, important information and any other ideas learnt
thus far. Students will then share their graffiti with the class. The teacher will then a
show a product to the class. Students will discuss in large groups interesting ideas,
quality and where they think it was manufactured. In a large group we will brainstorm
other possible manufactured goods from regions in Canada. Answers will be recorded
on chart paper and displayed for future reference. After this task, students will be
introduced to topic, culminating task and rubric. Letters will also go out to parents
regarding the unit and expectations.

Learning Goals:
Grade 3:
I can identify major landform regions in Ontario.
I can describe types of land use and how they meet human needs
Grade 4:
I can identify physical regions of Canada
I can identify difference between provinces and territories
I can identify Canadian provinces, territories and capitals
Curriculum Expectations:
Grade 3:
Social Studies:
B3.3 identify and describe the main types of employment that are available in two or
more municipal regions in Ontario
B3.5 Describe major types of land use and how they address human wants and needs
Grade 4:
B3.2 identify some of the main human activities, including industrial development
and recreational activities in various physical regions of Canada
B.3.4 identify various types of political regions in Canada and describe some of the
basic similarities and differences
B3.5 identify Canadas provinces and territories and their capital cities and describe
them with reference to their location and some of the peoples who live in them
Anecdotal Records
Lesson Plan 2- Landforms of Region
The students will discover the landforms and physical regions of Ontario (grade 3)
and Canada (gr. 4) The grade 3 students will explore the differences between rural
and urban communities. The grade 4 students will colour and label the major
landforms regions of Canada on a map including resources found in each region.
Learning Goals:
Grade 3:
I understand the differences between urban and rural communities
I can identify different regions in Ontario and its major landforms
I can describe similarities of land use in two regions in Ontario
Grade 4:
I can identify physical regions in Canada and their major landforms
I can identify on map major landform regions and resources found in Canada
Grade 3:
Social Studies:
B3.1 Demonstrate an understanding that Ontario is divided into different municipals
or regional entities and that local governments within these entities provide specific
services and regulate development according to local needs
B3.3 identify the major landform regions in Ontario
B3.6 Compare some aspects of land use in two or more municipalities
Grade 4:

B2.3 analyse and construct print and/or digital maps, including thematic maps, as
part of their investigations into balancing human needs/wants and activities with
environmental stewardship in Canada
B3.1 identify various physical regions in Canada and describe their location and some
of the major ways in which they are distinct from and similar to each other
Anecdotal Records
Lesson 3-Natural Resources and Human Needs
In this activity, students will work in small groups to identify natural resources
from Ontario (grade 3) and Canada (grade 4). Students will identify and investigate
the importance of the resources in the context of human survival. Students will
identify whether products manufactured in Canada are categorized for the needs or
wants for human. The lesson will begin with a whole group discussion; identifying
basic needs and wants for humans in general, emphasize will placed on the concepts
of wants and needs.
Learning Goal:
Grade 3 & 4
I can identify natural resources produced in Ontario and Canada
I can connect natural resources with human wants and needs
Grade 3:
B3.5 describe major types of land use and how they address human needs and wants
Grade 4:
B1.1 analyse some of the general ways in which the natural environment of regions
in Canada has affected the development of industry
B2.2 gather and organize information and data from various sources to investigate
issues and challenges associated with balancing human needs/wants and activities
with environmental stewardship in one or more of the political and/or physical regions
of Canada
Exit Card
What was the most important thing you learned today?
Lesson 4- Goods & Services
The students will demonstrate an understanding of the exchanges/trades that
occur between the regions of Ontario (grade 3) and Canada (grade 4). The grade 3
students will list and describe ways in which their families use the natural resources
and different products used. Grade 3 students will also look at different products
made and used in Ontario in different regions. The grade 4 students will investigate
the natural resources used to create Canadian products and the provinces from which
they came from.
Learning Goals:
Grade 3:
I can make connections between the natural environments and types of
community in Ontario


I can make connections between resources and products made in Ontario

I can identify products made in different regions of Ontario
I understand that the natural environment affects the development of
industries in Canada
I can identify industrial development in Canada

Grade 3:
B1.1 describe some major connections between features of the natural environment
of a region and the type of land use and/or the type of community that is established
in that region
B3.6 compare some aspects of land use in two or more municipalities
Grade 4:
B1.1 analyse some of the general ways in which the natural environment of regions
in Canada has affected the development of industry
B3.2 identify some of the main human activities, including industrial development
and recreational activities, in various physical regions of Canada
Exit Card
List one Canadian made product and the resource it is produced from
Which province can this resource be found in?
Lesson 5- Inquiring Minds
The students will select an Ontario (grade 3) or Canadian manufactured
product. Through investigation and discussion the students will research a Canadian
made product. Students will be given an opportunity to research and pick a product.
Students will describe the product (where its from, how its made, what its made of
etc) Students will then create a pamphlet, brochure or poster for the product. They
will be making decisions about how best to market their product. A whole group
discussion will address issues about marketing, what would be appropriate, what
would make someone want to buy a product.
Learning Goals:
Grade 3:
I can use visual tools to sell a product
I can gather information relevant to my topic
Grade 4:
I understand the use of visual tools to sell a product
I can identify different economic sections
Grade 3:
B2.1 formulate questions to guide investigations into some of the short-and/or longterm effects on the environment of different types of land and/or resource use in two
or more municipal regions of Ontario
B2.4 interpret and analyse information and data relevant to their investigations,
using a variety of tools
Grade 4:
B2.4 interpret and analyse information and data related to their investigations, using
a variety of tools
B3.3 describe the four main economic sectors and identify some industries that are
commonly associated with each sector

Checklist for brochure/poster
Culminating Task: Investigate, Invent, Innovate
In a design team students will prepare a presentation of a product that will
be advertised to a public audience (classmates) through the use of a commercial. In a
design team of four, students will work together to develop and produce a Canadian
made product. Suggestions may include; toys, minerals or duels, wood items or food
items (grocery products). The design team will be responsible for researching,
designing, creating and presenting a 2 or 3-D model of their product. Groups will also
be responsible for producing a written report that follows a specific model of inquiry.
The report will include; roles taken by members, product name and purpose, material
required and reasons why we should buy this product. A draft and final copy of the
report should be handed in. The presentation will be approximately 10-15 minutes
long. The public audience will consist of all students not presenting at the time, who
will act as perspective buyers. The audience will complete a peer evaluation form
after each presentation.
Learning Goals
Grade 3 & 4:
I used a variety of tools to investigate the development of my product
I can communicate what I have found in my research
I can organize my information in a clear way
I can work cooperatively in a team
Grade 3:
B1.1 describe some major connections between features of the natural environment
of a region and the type of land use and/or the type of community that is established
in that region
B2.4 interpret and analyse information and data relevant to their investigations,
using a variety of tools
B2.6 communicate the results of their inquires, using appropriate vocabulary and
Grade 4:
B1.1 analyse some of the general ways in which the natural environment of regions
in Canada has affected the development of industry
B2.4 interpret and analyse information and data related to their investigations using
a variety of tools
B.3.3 describe the four main economic sectors and identify some industries that are
commonly associated with each sector
Success Criteria:
By the end of this unit we will:
Work cooperatively to invent a product
Use an inquiry model to display information about our product
Proof- read and peer edit to make a final draft
Be creative
Use correct spelling, punctuation and grammar
Demonstrate our understanding of manufacturing a product
Peer evaluation (checklist), Self-evaluation (reflection), Teacher evaluation (rubric)

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