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Trenia Pardue

Honors ELA
23 January 2015

Zoot Suit Essay

There is always a conscience in the back of everyones mind that influences the different
actions they take in different situations. That conscience can be a representation of societys
expectations of you or the total opposite. In the play, Zoot Suit, the internal conflict between
Henry and Pachuco represents the societal expectations of Chicanos.
Henry has a constant battle between himself and Pachuco. In Zoot Suit, Henry and
Pachuco are talking about the appeal and Henry is still searching for hope in winning when he
says, Theres still a chance Ill get out (77). Pachuco goes on to inform Henry that he has a fat
chance against winning the appeal. Henry is fighting against Pachuco and is trying to override
him. Pachuco always brings Henry back to reality when he says, Que traes, Hank? Havent you
learned yet?...Not to expect justice when it isnt there. No court in the lands going to set you
free (77). Pachuco is the side of Henry that gives him the urge to make poor decisions when he
says, Lets go into town and get the guys (56). Pachuco tends to be brought out whenever
Henry is angry or irritated. Henry tries to keep him hidden inside, but Pachuco keeps coming out.
The societal expectations of Chicanos are seen throughout the play Zoot Suit. Society
expects a lot of negative actions and words to come from Chicanos when Pachuco says, Thats
exactly what the play needs right now. Two more Mexicans killing each other.Thats exactly
what they paid to see. Think about it (46). Pachuco is referring to the audience that the play is

being performed in front of. The audience is a representation of society and the expectations of
Chicanos were expected to be gangsters as the newsboy says, READ ALL ABOUT
THE MEXICAN BABY GANGSTERS (38). Chicanos are seen as inferior people next to the
white man. Chicanos are expected to be criminals, thieves, and murderers. They are also
expected to always break the law and be in jail cells. Society sees Chicanos as animals and
should not treat them as if they were human beings.
The internal conflict between Henry and Pachuco represents the societal expectations of
Chicanos. Pachuco is a symbol for society. He is always fighting against Henry whenever Henry
tries to go against societys expectations. Henry and Pachuco are arguing back and forth when
Henry says, Yeah. I think I got a chance.
Pachuco: Just because that white broad says so?
Henry: Nel, ese, just because Hank Reyna says so.
Pachuco: The classic social victim, eh? (57)
The Chicanos are trying to fight back against the stereotypes that society holds them to,
but society is always pushing back on them, as Pachuco is pushing back on Henry. Henry is a
representation of the Chicanos and Pachuco is a representation of society in the internal conflict
that occurs. Pachuco gets in Henrys head and reminds him of the expectations society has for
him and tries to pull him in while Henry himself is trying to break away from those stereotypes
and expectations.
In conclusion, Henrys internal conflict with Pachuco represents the societal expectations
of Chicanos. The relationship that Henry and Pachuco have shows the real-life relationship
between the white man and Chicanos in general.

Works Cited
Valdez, Luis. Zoot Suit. Zoot Suit and Other Plays. Arte Publico Press. Houston. 1992.

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