P4 U2 - Spelling & Dictation

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Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Primary School

Term 1- Unit 2: Bill’s New Frock

Spelling and Dictation

Name: __________________________________ ( )

Primary 4: _______________________________

Date : ____________________________

1. The police were baffled by the crime.

2. To my astonishment, my new swimming coach was my cousin.

3. As the teacher continued berating me, my face turned as red as beetroot.

4. He was staring in dismay at the abused cat.

5. The boy knocked into the old man and sent him sprawling on the floor.

6. She grasped the man’s wrist to stop him from running.

7. His face turned lobster-red when his friends teased him.

8. I scratched my head sheepishly as I could not answer him.

9. He lowered his eyes, visibly embarrassed.

10. Feeling angry, he muttered savagely under his breath.

Date : ____________________

Bill heard the most piercing whistle. He looked around to see where the noise was

coming from, then he realised Mike was whistling at him!

Bill blushed so pink that all his freckles disappeared. He felt so foolish he forgot where

he was supposed to go. He ended up walking right past the gang.

Brenda / Stephanie 2/1/2008

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