Rep. John Fleming's Letter To GOP Colleagues

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JOHN C, FLEMING, M.D. swasnnarow oper remccsmantsittttonmanenm Congress of the United States one ennai nao House af Representatiqers Washington, DC 20515-1804 rissa ee (Current Signers: Babin; Benishek; Blackburn; Bridenstine; Brooks; Culberson; DeSantis; Fleming; Franks; Grothman; Hartler Huelskamp; LaMalfa; Love; Mulvaney; Ribble; Rogers (AL); Rouzer; Schweiker, Wilson (SC) Dear Colleague, Americans continue to be dissatisfied with Obamacare. A November 2014 Gallup Poll revealed that 56% of Americans disapprove of the President's signature health care law, with only 37% approving of the health care overhaul. In total agreement with the majority of Americans, the House of Representatives passed numerous Obamacare repeal bills over the last four years, only to have them stagnate in a Democrat-controlled Senate. The 114% Congress will provide another opportunity for us to fulfill our promise to our constituents using a new approach to Obamacare repeal: Budget Reconciliation Budget reconciliation directives or instructions are often included in the annual budget resolution, tasking committees to craft and report out reconciliation legislation, and changing current law to comply with Congress's policy and spending priorities. The Congressional Research Service (CRS) describes the purpose of reconciliation as enhancing “Congress’s ability to bring existing spending, revenue, and debt- limit laws into compliance with current fiscal priorities established in the annual budget resolution.” Repealing Obamacare is a priority for our constituents and should remain front and center in the 114" Congress. While it's not possible to repeal Obamacare in its entirety using budget reconciliation, a simple majority in both Chambers can put a repeal bill on the President's desk to undo much, if not most of Obamacare. In 2012 Congressman Paul Ryan estimated that about 85% of Obamacare could be repealed by reconciliation. Then-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell echoed Congressman Ryan's sentiments declaring that the Obamacare tax could be overturned by just 51 votes in the Senate. Please join me in sending a letter to Speaker Boehner requesting that the budget reconciliation process be used to repeal as much of Obamacare as possible. The deadline for signing the letter is January 28, 2015. Please contact Katie Doherty (katie.doherty@mail, on my staff with any ‘questions or to sign the letter. Sincerely, b ‘Budget Reconciliation Process: Timing of Committee Responses to Reconciliation Directives, October 24, 2013, R41151,

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