Benefits of Bilingualism - Griffith University

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Benefits of bilingualism - Griffith University

Home > Humanities and Languages > School of Languages and Linguistics > Research > Bilingualism > Benefits of bilingualism

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Despite the few misconceptions about bilingualism, there exists a wealth of research on the benefits of bilingualism, not just for
children, but for their families and their community.

For children, having the opportunity to speak more than one language fluently is associated with:
better concentration, analytical skills and multi-tasking
increased sense of self-worth and identity
valuing their cultural heritage and minority language, as well as developing a greater appreciation of other cultures
better career opportunities later in life
the ability to live abroad and learn other languages more easily later in life
communicate and connect with extended family members (such as grandparents)
access to art, music, film, literatures in both languages
opportunity to become 'full' members of their respective communities
and many, many more!

For families, developing the home language in children improves:

communication between family members (such as grandparents)
maintenance of heritage culture and language
sense of identity and belonging

For the wider community and society, developing high levels of proficiency in minority languages ensures:
that children can eventually fulfil the linguistic and cultural needs of a globalised economy
improved education outcomes
a pool of interculturally competent citizens


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