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Simple Machine

finishes this
to the main

Simple Machine
Steakhouse we
that everyone
BEFORE moving on
dish, sides dishes,

I understand that

Welcome! Thank you for choosing to
eat at Simple Machine Steakhouse! We
are excited to have you today as weve
never seen such an excited and
intelligent 3rd grade class dine and learn
with us!
This months special cuisine has a
forceful kick to it with tastes of simple
Here at Simple Machine Steakhouse, we
like to maintain a quiet but fun
atmosphere where everyone can enjoy
their meals!
If you have any questions, please raise
your hand and your favorite waitress,
Miss Scholberg, will come over to assist
you in your learning experience.
We hope you enjoy your main course,
choice of three sides, and any desserts
of your choosing!

I need to complete my order form and

turn it in to the waitress, Miss
Scholberg, first.
I need to complete the main dish and
three side dishes in any order before I
go to the desserts.
This is an environment for dining and
learning. I can talk occasionally and
quietly to my neighbors.
The steakhouse is only offering this
menu for a limited time so I should
finish my entire meal before it is over!
I can use the restroom one time and
get a drink of water one time during
each of my dining experiences at the
Simple Machine Steakhouse.
This is a fun, interesting way to learn
and I should enjoy it to the best of my
Signed: ___________________________

Main Dish

Guests Name: ______________________


By: Natalie Scholberg

Everyone must complete the main

dish activity! The main dish and
side dishes can be completed in
any order.

Create your own 4-Quadrants

booklet about simple machines!
Your 4-Quarant booklet will have a
page for each vocabulary word we
learn during the simple machine
On each page you will have a new
vocabulary word. The simple
machine vocabulary words will be
in your simple machine binder.
Each page will include:
The vocabulary word from the
simple machine unit. The
vocabulary word will be neatly
A drawing of that vocabulary
A neatly written definition of the
vocabulary word.
A personal link or examples
connected to or related to the
vocabulary word.

Side Dishes

Materials and an example can

be found in the back of the
classroom in the basket labeled
Main Dish.
Once you are done, share with a
dining companion (classmate) of Choose THREE
of the
your choice and turn it into the
following side dishes to go with your
Finished Work bin in the front of
delicious main dish. These may be
the room.
completed in any order.
Dining companion who read my Once you are done with each of the three
work (signed):
side dishes, share with a dining companion
(classmate) of your choice!
Your Yummy Options:
Option 1 Machine Scavenger Hunt:
There are many machines around the
classroom that help us do work.
1. Locate as many machines you can
find around the classroom.
2. Classify each machine as either a
simple or compound machine on the
Machine Scavenger Hunt paper.
By: Natalie Scholberg


Once you have your list of machines,

poster board ad on the back table
choose one compound machine from
with your name on it.
your list and write where you found it.
4. Write the name of two or more
Side Dishes continued
simple machines that make it work
and explain its use.
Companions Signature: _______________
5. Once you have completed the
Machine Scavenger Hunt, draw a
Option 3 Open-Mic Night
Venn-diagram on the back to show
Read the book, The Fort on Fourth
how simple machines and
Street: A Story about the Six Simple
Machines by Lois Spangler.
Side Dishes continued
Write a song or rap about how the
machines helped the characters in
compound machines have
the book build a fort. Make sure that
similarities and differences.
the song or rap is at least 14 lines
6. Share your Machine Scavenger Huntlong.
and Venn-Diagram to one of your
Practice your song in front of a
dining companions and turn it in to dining companion.
the Finished Work bin in the front of Your song or rap can either be
the classroom.
performed live in front of the class
after the steakhouse closes or you
Companions Signature: _______________ can record it using a classroom flip
Option 2 Come Get Your
Turn in the words to your song or
Newspaper!: You are the newest
rap into the Finished Work bin in the
journalist for The Washington Posts
front of the classroom.
KidsPost section! Your first assignment is
to write an article about the best and
Companions Signature: _______________
most important simple machine to use.
1. Write a newspaper article aboutOption
the 4 Broadway Bound
simple machine that you think is
Watch the video Brain Pop Jr. Movie
Simple Machines through my
2. Be sure to include why you think it isPortaportal account on one of the
the best simple machine and includeclassroom computers.
real-life examples of your simple
Discuss with a partner or group of
machine. Your article should be at three what you learned from the
least three paragraphs.
3. Once you have written your article,
Write a short skit that helps teach
use poster board to create an ad forour class about what simple
your simple machine to convince machines are and how machines
people to buy your simple machine!affect work in everyday life! This skit
Get creative! You can find the
will be performed live in front of the
materials in the Artist Bin at the
Side Dishes continued
center table in the back of the room.
4. Share the newspaper article and the
class after the steakhouse
ad you made with a dining
companion of your choice and turn it 4. Each person needs to say at least 5
in to the Finished Work bin in the
lines- be creative in how to teach
front of the classroom. Place your
the class more about simples
By: Natalie Scholberg

machines and how they help

humans to do work!
Option 6- The Comic in You: You are a
5. Turn in a final copy of your script
cartoon artist and your next project is to
into the Finished Work bin in thedesign a comic strip about simple machines
front of the classroom.
for kids to read.
Design and create a comic strip
Companions Signature: ______________ about simple machines and explain
within your comic strip why and how
(If youre in a group of three, Second
simple machines make work easier
Companions Signature: _____________) and more efficient.
Use construction paper for your
Option 5 Quiz Master: You are a
comic strip and be sure to at least
teacher for a day! Make a simple
have 10 boxes, color, and word
machine quiz to give to your
bubbles for the readers to understand
what is going on. You can find the
Create a quiz that you would give materials in the Artist Bin at the
to your classmates about simple
center table in the back of the room.
Once you are finished with your
Look back through your simple
comic strip, write a summary of the
machine binder to get ideas for
overall message that your comic
your questions.
The quiz must be neat and include
4. Share your comic strip and summary
at least 15 questions. The
with a dining companion of your
questions can be
choice and then turn it in to the
multiple choice, fill-in the blank,
Finished Work bin in the front of the
answer, etc. It is up to you!
4. When creating your quiz think Companions Signature:_________________
about these questions: Did you
give any trick questions? Is there
extra credit? Are there any
questions that are too easy/hard?
5. Write up a key for your quiz.
6. For each question that you created,
explain in a few sentences why you
These may be
Side Dishes continued
ONLY after
the main
dish and side
dishes are
that question on a separate piece of
7. Share your quiz with a dining
Your Yummy Options:
companion and make them take your
quiz and see how well they do! But
Choose another SIDE DISH to
do not worry, their score will not
count toward their grade .
8. Turn in your quiz and explanations
Simple Machines vs. Compound
into the Finished Work bin in the front
Machines Flapbook: Review the
of the classroom.
differences and similarities of
simple machines and compound
Companions Signature:________________
By: Natalie Scholberg

Simple Machines picture file folders:

Pick a simple machine picture file
folder and solve the puzzle.

I completed and signed the appetizer.

Main Dish:
I will complete the main dish.

Reflection: Write a journal entry of

the main dish and side dish you
Side Dishes:
I will complete THREE of the following:
Machine Scavenger Hunt
Work on your simple machine study
Come Get Your Newspaper!
Open-Mic Night
Broadway Bound
Finish any work that needs to be
Quiz Master
The Comic in You
Read a new book from our class
Waitress Initials: _______________
library for fun!

My Order Form
Name: __________________________

By: Natalie Scholberg

Date Menu is Completed: __________

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